


2013-09-13 19:32:03 | 難波紘二先生


<But Japanese officials in recent weeks also faced scrutiny about the ongoing leaks of toxic water into the ocean at the coastal Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant, where three reactors melted down in March 2011. Engineers have so far failed to contain the problem, prompting the government last week to pledge $500 million for new work at the facility, including a subterranean “ice wall” that, if effective, will cut off the flow of groundwater around key buildings.
Hours before the IOC vote, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, speaking in Buenos Aires, said the situation at the Fukushima plant is “under control” and “will never do any damage to Tokyo,” 150 miles away. Officials claim that contamination is limited to an area of several hundred yards around the plant, but they face public skepticism both in Japan and beyond, having repeatedly downplayed concerns only to admit to them later.

“Tokyo 2020 will offer guaranteed delivery,” Abe said.

Tokyo’s selection sets it up for years of construction ― and spending. Japan will build or refurbish more than two dozen venues, costing upward of $5 billion. More than a quarter of that will be spent on a new Olympic stadium, an 80,000-seat venue that looks like an aerodynamic bicycle helmet.



<It was supposed to be replaced in 2005, but because of delays the project will not be completed until 2016, when the 30-year life of the sarcophagus ends. The new protective building is being built next to the current crumbling shelter and when completed will be slid into place using rails. The structure will be 344 feet high, spanning 843 feet and will cover Reactor 4. 0 .>


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