

Google people

2021-07-14 04:21:20 | ðŸ‡«ðŸ‡·æ€æƒ³
今 画期的なアむデアを思い぀いた

Franz Kafka

Thomas Mann

Jean-Paul Sartre

Marcel Proust

Ernest Hemingway

James Joyce

Edgar Allan Poe

Stefan Zweig

Leo Tolstoy

Jorge Luis Borges

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Bertolt Brecht

Milan Kundera

Max Brod

Gabriel García Márquez

Samuel Beckett

Hermann Hesse

William Shakespeare

Anton Chekhov

Vladimir Nabokov

Hermann Kafka

Dora Diamant

Michel Foucault

2021-03-31 08:17:54 | ðŸ‡«ðŸ‡·æ€æƒ³
たえがき‥     小泉矩之

Ⅰ 安党科孊セクシュアリティ
 1 疫病䞋のフヌコヌ――死に照らされた深い革呜     小泉矩之
 2 配慮ず䞍安を遠ざけるもの――『安党・領土・人口』におけるセキュリティに぀いお     西迫倧祐
 3 フヌコヌの「考叀孊」ず科孊史蚘述――「断絶説」をめぐっお     隠岐さや銙
 4 蚀説、科孊、むデオロギヌ――「セクシュアリテの考叀孊」から「セクシュアリテの系譜孊」ぞ     坂本尚志

Ⅱ 啓蒙批刀䞻䜓
 1 フヌコヌず啓蒙――自己ぞのオデュッセむアの途䞊で     䜐藀淳二
 2 フヌコヌずカントの人間孊――「私たちの知の根拠ぞず向かわせる秘密の道」をめぐっお     田䞭祐理子
 3 死者の疎倖論      束本最䞀郎
 4 䞻䜓ずは䜕か     藀田公二郎

Ⅲ 蚀語文孊芞術
 1 フヌコヌ「文孊論」の射皋――䞀九䞃〇幎のサドフロヌベヌル講挔をめぐっお     森本淳生
 2 フヌコヌはいかにしおレヌモン・ルヌセルを読んだか      柎田秀暹
 3 「文孊」の倱効を語るフヌコヌを巡っお――統治性の倉遷から芋た文孊の行方     䞊田和圊
 4 フヌコヌず珟代性の矎孊――「そうであるのずは違うように想像するこず」をめぐっお     歊田宙也

Ⅳ 狂気人間粟神分析
 1 「粟神分析の考叀孊」の行方      立朚康介
 2 《Salvate animam meam》――フヌコヌの治癒の哲孊     䞊尟真道
 3 狂気、䞻䜓、真理――フヌコヌずラカンにおけるデカルト的コギトをめぐっお     柵瀬宏平
 4 『狂気の歎史』ず孀島――あるいは、フヌコヌによっお曞かれるはずもない「自閉症の歎史」に぀いお      久保田泰考
 5 二重化するフヌコヌ――䞀九六䞀幎の人間孊批刀ずヘヌゲル、ハむデガヌ、カント     王寺賢倪

⅀ 運動暩力新自由䞻矩
 1 フランスの䞭絶解攟運動ずフヌコヌ――の掻動から     盞柀䌞䟝
 2 生暩力生政治ずは䜕か――レむシズム、自由䞻矩、新自由䞻矩     䜐藀嘉幞
 3 「䞻婊化」するホモ・゚コノミクス――新自由䞻矩的䞻䜓の倉容ず未来     䞭井亜䜐子
 4 暩力の新たな゚コノミヌ――眩しくお芋えない単県で芋る     北垣 培

Ⅵ 真理䜓制統治性資本
 1 真理䜓制抂念からアナヌキヌな暩力分析ぞ――フヌコヌ新自由䞻矩論をめぐる論争を超えお     箱田 培
 2 生暩力ず犏祉囜家――ミシェル・フヌコヌの䞃〇幎代     前川真行
 3 統治性論はなぜ棄おられたのか     廣瀬 箔
 4 人間の矀れ――資本ずいう近代ず反埩する本源的野蛮目     長原 豊

⅊ パレヌシア神倫理
 1 生き様のパレヌシア      千葉雅也
 2 砂の䞊の〈監芖〉ず〈舵取り〉・ノヌト      䞹生谷貎志
 3 パレヌシアず民䞻制      堀尟耕䞀
 4 せめお颚狂であるために――パレヌシア論に぀いお     垃斜 哲
 5 ゜フィストはいかにしおパレヌシアストになったか      垂田良圊

あずがき     立朚康介

柄谷行人 ラカン

2021-03-27 01:54:05 | ðŸ‡«ðŸ‡·æ€æƒ³









 そもそも日本文化の特性をみるずき、西掋や䞭囜ず比べるのではなく、韓囜ず比べるべきだず思いたす。アメリカ人・アメリカ文化の特性に぀い考える堎合でも同じこずがいえたす。ふ぀う人々は、アメリカ合衆囜を、ペヌロッパ、ラテンアメリカ、あるいは東掋ず比范したすが、私の考えでは、カナダず比べるべきなのです。぀たり、アメリカ文化の特性は、同じむギリスの旧属囜であり、同じ移民の囜であるカナダず比べたずきに、初めお芋えおくる。なぜ、カナダではこうなのに、アメリカはこうなのか。しかし、これをいう人はほずんどいたせん。䟋倖は、マむケル・ムヌアの、銃による倧量射殺事件を扱ったドキュメンタリヌ映画Bowling for Columbineです。圌は、カナダにはアメリカよりむしろ銃所持率が高いのに、銃を䜿甚した犯眪が起こっおいないずいうこずに泚目しおいたす。これは暎力事件を通した、文化論であり、たた、粟神分析ですね。私の考えでは、カナダずアメリカの差異は、むギリスずの関係における差異から生じおいたす。






本圓に語る人間のためには、音読み(l'on-yomiは蚓読みle kun-yomi)を泚釈するのに十分です。お互いを結び぀けおいるペンチは、それらが焌きたおのゎヌフルのように新鮮なたた出おくるずころを芋るず、実はそれらが䜜り䞊げおいる人々の幞せなのです。









 このラカンの日本論を読んで、私が思い浮かべたのは本居宣長のこずです。宣長は『源氏物語』に぀いおこういっおいたす。《「物語は、おほかた぀くりこず也ずいぞども、其䞭に、げにさもあるべきこずず思はれお、䜜り事ずはしりながら、あはれず思はれお、心のうごくこず有ず也。  然ればそらごずながら、そらごずにあらずず知べしず也。  物語にいふよしあしきは、儒仏の曞にいふ、善悪是非ずは、同じからざるこずおほき故に、そのおもむきいたくこずなる也》『源氏物語玉の小櫛』。぀たり、物語にいう「よしあしき」は儒仏の曞に蚀う「善悪是非」ずは異なる。物語は䜜り事、そらごずであるが、それによっお衚珟される「もののあはれ」こそが「真実」なのだ、ずいうのです。ここでラカンがいったこずを思い出しお䞋さい。《日本語を話す人にずっおは、嘘を媒介ずしお、ずいうこずは、嘘぀きであるずいうこずなしに、真実を語るずいうこずは日垞茶飯の行いなのです》。









Louis Althusser

2021-03-12 00:21:47 | ðŸ‡«ðŸ‡·æ€æƒ³

Date: Wed, Dec 25, 2013 at 1:58
Subject: 未来は長く続く アルチュセヌル

そこで目に浮かんだのは【䞀九六䞉】幎八月のある日、パリ十六区の狭苊しい郚屋で死んでいるのが芋぀ かった、私たち二人の友ゞャック・マルタンの姿である。遺䜓は䜕日も前からベッドに暪たわったたた、胞には茎の長い真玅の薔薇を䞀茪、そっず乗せおいたの だった。この薔薇は、二十幎来圌ず芪亀のあった私たち二人に宛おた無蚀のメッセヌゞだ。ベロダニス非合法䞋にあったギリシア共産党の指導者の思い出を 䌝える墓の圌方からのメッセヌゞだ。だから私は、赀い瞊長のカヌテンが砎れ、短冊状になった裟の郚分を手にずり、ちぎれないよう気を぀けながら、それを゚ レヌヌの胞たで匕き寄せるず、突き出した右肩から巊の乳房に向けお、短冊が斜めにかかるように加枛した。

これは Google に保存されおいる のキャッシュです。 このペヌゞは 2013幎12月3日 08:48:07 GMT に取埗されたものです。 そのため、このペヌゞの最新版でない堎合がありたす。 詳现
ヒント: このペヌゞで怜玢キヌワヌドをすばやく芋぀けるには、Ctrl+F たたは ⌘-FMacを抌しお怜玢バヌを䜿甚したす。



未来は長く続く アルチュセヌル自䌝
ルむ・アルチュセヌル 宮林寛蚳

銖を絞めたれた女の顔は、 生涯䞀床も拝んだこずがない。

 むろん、ここで詊みる匁明が、実珟しなかった出廷の芏則にも、法廷で䞎えられたであろう匁明の圢匏にも合臎しないものであるこずは私も承知しおいる。し かし、過去においおも、たた未来においおも出廷ず、出廷をめぐる芏則および圢匏が欠萜しおいるこずで、結局は公的か぀自由な刀断にゆだねるべく私が語ろう ずしおいる内容を、かえっおわかりやすく衚珟できるのではないか。ずもあれ私はそうなるこずを願っおいる。心配事を䞀぀鎮めたず思っおも、決たっお別の心 配事が生たれお、それに悩たされ぀づけるのが私の運呜であるらしいからだ。

 些现な点にいたるたで欠けるずころなく、鮮明なたた残った蚘憶、ありずあらゆる詊緎をくぐりぬけ、氞久に私の心に刻たれた蚘憶――倜ず倜のあいだだっ た。いずれの倜かわからないたた、私がそこから抜け出そうずしおいた倜ず、い぀、どのようにしおそうなったかは埐々に説明する぀もりだが、ずにかく私が足 を螏み入れようずしおいたもう䞀぀の倜ずのあいだで、私が身をもっお生きた殺人の堎面は、おおよそ次のようなものだった。
 ふず気が぀くず、ナむトガりンを着た私が、高等垫範内の居宀で、ベッドの傍らに立っおいる。十䞀月の鈍い光が――十六日の日曜、午前九時頃のこずだ―― 巊のほうに、瞊長の窓から差しおいる。久しい以前から窓の䞡偎にかかった、垝政時代を思わせる幎代物の赀いカヌテンは時を経おほ぀れ、陜に焌かれた姿をさ らし、その手前では窓の光がベッドの足もずを照らしおいる。
 ゚レヌヌのすぐ近くに跪き、その䜓にかがみこむようにしお、私ぱレヌヌの銖を揉んでいるずころだ。黙ったたた、襟銖や背䞭や腰のあたりを揉んでやるこ ずは、以前にもたびたびあった。マッサヌゞの手ほどきをしおくれたのは収容所時代の仲間、本職のサッカヌ遞手で、䜕をやらせおも玄人はだしだったちびのク レヌルである。
 しかし今、私が揉んでいるのは喉銖だ。䞡手の芪指を、胞骚の䞊にそっお肉の削げ萜ちたあたりに圓おがい、片方の芪指を右斜めに、もう䞀方の芪指は巊斜め に抌し぀けながら、ゆっくりず、手応えのある䞡耳の䞋あたりにたどり぀く。字を描くように揉んでいるのである。前腕郚に匷い筋肉の疲劎を芚える。そう だった、マッサヌゞをするず私は決たっお前腕郚が痛くなるのだ。
 死人なら䜕床も芋たこずがあるずはいえ、銖を絞められた女の顔は、生涯䞀床も拝んだこずがない。にもかかわらず、これが女の絞殺死䜓だずいうこずはわか るのだ。いったいどうしたこずか。私は跳ね起きお叫ぶ――゚レヌヌを締め殺しおしたった
 やみくもに駆け出した私は匷床のパニック状態のたた党力で疟走する、自分の郚屋を通り抜け、鉄の手すりが぀いた狭い階段を駆け䞋りるず、鉄柵が高くそび える建物正面の庭に回っお走り぀づけ、医務宀の建物に向かう。二階に゚ティ゚ンヌ医垫がいるので、そこに行けば圌に䌚えるこずがわかっおいたからだ。すれ 違う者もいない。日曜日で閑散ずした高等垫範はいただ眠りに閉ざされおいたのである。盞倉わらず叫びながら、私は医垫の郚屋に通じる階段を駆け䞊がる―― 「゚レヌヌを締め殺しおしたった」
 激しくドアをたたくうちに、こちらもナむトガりンを着た医垫が、困惑した様子で応察に出る。゚レヌヌを締め殺しおしたった――私はそうわめきたお、ナむ トガりりンの襟銖を぀かんで医垫を匕き寄せる――倧至急゚レヌヌの具合を芋にきおくれ、さもなければ校舎に火を぀けおやる。゚ティ゚ンヌには私の蚀うこず が信じられない――「そんなはずはないだろう」。
 取るものも取りあえず階段を駆け䞋りお、私たち二人ぱレヌヌの前に立぀。その目は倉わるこずなく䞀点を芋すえ、舌の先端が䞊䞋の歯ず唇のあいだにのぞ いおいる。聎蚺噚を圓おおから゚ティ゚ンヌ――「どうにもならない。手遅れだ」そこで私――「蘇生させるこずはできないのか」――「できない」。
 長い赀のカヌテンが、ほ぀れお、がろがろの状態で窓の䞡偎に䞋がり、そのうちの片方、右のカヌテンはベッドの裟に接しおいる。そこで目に浮かんだのは 【䞀九六䞉】幎八月のある日、パリ十六区の狭苊しい郚屋で死んでいるのが芋぀かった、私たち二人の友ゞャック・マルタンの姿である。遺䜓は䜕日も前から ベッドに暪たわったたた、胞には茎の長い真玅の薔薇を䞀茪、そっず乗せおいたのだった。この薔薇は、二十幎来圌ず芪亀のあった私たち二人に宛おた無蚀の メッセヌゞだ。ベロダニス非合法䞋にあったギリシア共産党の指導者の思い出を䌝える墓の圌方からのメッセヌゞだ。だから私は、赀い瞊長のカヌテンが砎 れ、短冊状になった裟の郚分を手にずり、ちぎれないよう気を぀けながら、それを゚レヌヌの胞たで匕き寄せるず、突き出した右肩から巊の乳房に向けお、短冊 が斜めにかかるように加枛した。
 ゚ティ゚ンヌが戻る。そこから先は前埌の脈絡が぀かない。たしか泚射を打たれたように思うのだが、゚ティ゚ンヌに付き添われお再び曞斎を暪切るずき、私 の目にずたったのは高等垫範の図曞通から借りた本を回収する男の姿だ誰なのかはわからない。゚ティ゚ンヌの口から病院、ずいう蚀葉がもれた。そしお私 は倜の闇に萜ちおいく。それからどれだけの時が経ったのだろう、私が「目を芚たす」ず、そこはサンタンヌ粟神病院だった。


 これはあの悲劇からずいぶん経っおから知ったこずだが、近しい友人のうち二人が同じような反応を瀺した者は、たぶんこの二人以倖にもいただろう、゚ レヌヌが死んだ翌週にサンタンヌで実斜された、前埌䞉床の法医孊的鑑定を認蚌する予審免蚎の決定を適甚せず、私を重眪院に出廷させおほしいず申し出たら しい。残念ながらそれは叶わぬ願いだった。


 殺人者が「狂人」の堎合は、かならずしもそうはいかなくなる。狂人を匷制入院させるずきは、圓然ながら時間的限床の予枬が぀かない。原則ずしお急性の症 状はすべお䞀過性だずいうこずがわかっおいる、あるいはわかっおもおかしくない堎合ですらそうなのだ。しかし医垫が、垞にずは蚀えないたでも倧半の堎合、 そしお盞手が急性の患者だったずしおも、治癒の芋通しを぀けお、おおよその期限を定めるこずすらできないのも厳然たる事実である。それどころか圓初の「蚺 断」は絶えず倉化するのだ。粟神医孊には進行性の蚺断しかないのだからそれも圓然で、芁するに患者が瀺す容態の進行によっおのみ蚺断が確定し、その結果ず しお蚺断は修正されるずいうこずだ。そしお蚺断ずずもに、圓然ながら治療ず、予埌の展望が確定し、修正されおいくのである。
 しかし䞖論にしおみれば、ある皮の新聞雑誌にあおられお、急性ではあっおも䞀過性の病状を瀺す「狂気」ず、こちらは宿呜ずいうべき「粟神病」ずをたった く区別するこずができないため、狂人は最初から粟神病者ず同䞀芖されるし、粟神病者ずいえば䞀生治らない病人を意味するので、匷制入院させお圓然ずみなさ れ、死ぬたで入院し぀づけるこずになる。ドむツの新聞雑誌がいみじくも呜名したように、圌は「レヌベンシュトット生涯死せる者」なのだ。
 匷制入院が続くあいだ、粟神病者は自殺に成功するのでもないかぎり吊応なく生き぀づけるこずになるが、しかしそれは斜蚭の孀独ず沈黙に沈んだ生である。 いわば墓石の䞋に封じ蟌められた圌は、芋舞うこずのない者にずっお、たさに死んだも同然だが、そもそも芋舞いに行くような者がいるだろうか。しかし本圓に 死んだわけではないし、仮に有名人だったずしたら、その死が報じられないかぎり名もなき人の死はものの数に入らない、その人間はゆっくりず生ける屍ず 化す。ずいうよりもむしろ、死者でも生者でもないし、近芪者や、心配しおくれる人以倖に消息を䌝える盞手もいないばかりか心配しおもらうなど、たずあり えないこずだ。ほずんど䞀床も芋舞いを受けない匷制入院患者がどれほど倚いかずいうこずは、サンタンヌでも、ほかの斜蚭でも、私がこの目で確かめたずお りだ、公の堎で倖に向けお発蚀するこずはもずより䞍可胜なので、あえお蚀わせおいただくなら圌は、党䞖界のあらゆる戊争や灜害が残す䞍吉な䞀芧にその名 を぀らねるこずになるのだ。぀たり行方䞍明者の䞀芧である。
 この異垞な状況に぀いお述べたのは、それが自分の䜓隓したこずだし、ある意味では私が今なおこの状況を生きおいるからにほかならない。二幎前に粟神病院 ぞの匷制入院を解かれおからも、私の名を知る䞀般人にずっお、私は䟝然ずしお行方䞍明者のたただ。死者でもなく、生者でもなく、いただ葬られおいないたで も「するこずがない」――これは狂気の䜕たるかを瀺すためにフヌコヌが甚いた、実に的確な衚珟だ――、それが行方䞍明者なのである。

Louis Althusser

2021-03-11 20:12:29 | ðŸ‡«ðŸ‡·æ€æƒ³
Louis Althusser 1963
(March 1965)



I venture to publish together these jottings, which have appeared in various magazines during the last four years. Some of them are now unobtainable; this is my first, purely practical, excuse. If, hesitant and incomplete as they are, they nevertheless make some sense, this should be brought out by grouping them together; this is my second excuse. Ultimately, I must present them for what they are: the documentation of a particular history.

Nearly all these pieces were born of some conjuncture: a comment on a book, an answer to criticisms or objections, an analysis of a theatrical production, etc. They are marked by their date of birth, even in their inconsistencies, which I have decided not to correct. I have struck out a few passages of unduly personal polemic; I have inserted the small number of words, notes or pages that had then to be cut, either to spare the feelings of those with certain prejudices, or to reduce my expositions to a suitable length; I have also corrected a few references.

Each the result of a special occasion, these pieces are none the less products of the same epoch and the same history. In their own way they are witnesses to the unique experience which all the philosophers of my generation who tried to think with Marx had to live: the investigation of Marx’s philosophical thought, indispensable if we were to escape from the theoretical impasse in which history had put us.

History: it had stolen our youth with the Popular Front and the Spanish Civil War, and in the War as such it had imprinted in us the terrible education of deeds. It surprised us just as we entered the world, and turned us students of bourgeois or petty bourgeois origin into men advised of the existence of classes, of their struggles and aims. From the evidence it forced on us we drew the only possible conclusion, and rallied to the political organization of the working class, the Communist Party.

The War was just over. We were brutally cast into the Party’s great political and ideological battles: we had to measure up to our choice and take the consequences.

In our political memory this period remains the time of huge strikes and demonstrations, of the Stockholm Appeal and of the Peace Movement – the time when the great hopes aroused by the Resistance faltered and the long and bitter struggle began in which innumerable human hands would push back the shadow of catastrophe into the Cold War horizon. In our philosophical memory it remains the period of intellectuals in arms, hunting out error from all its hiding-places; of the philosophers we were, without writings of our own, but making politics out of all writing, and slicing up the world with a single blade, arts, literatures, philosophies, sciences with the pitiless demarcation of class – the period summed up in caricature by a single phrase, a banner flapping in the void: ‘bourgeois science, proletarian science’.

To defend Marxism, imperiled as it was by Lysenko’s ‘biology’, from the fury of bourgeois spite, some leaders had relaunched this old ‘Left-wing’ formula, once the slogan of Bogdanov and the Proletkult. Once proclaimed it dominated everything. Under its imperative line, what then counted as philosophy could only choose between commentary and silence, between conviction, whether inspired or forced, and dumb embarrassment. Paradoxically, it was none other than Stalin, whose contagious and implacable system of government and thought had induced this delirium, who reduced the madness to a little more reason. Reading between the lines of the few simple pages in which he reproached the zeal of those who were making strenuous efforts to prove language a superstructure, we could see that there were limits to the use of the class criterion, and that we had been made to treat science, a status claimed by every page of Marx, as merely the first-comer among ideologies. We had to retreat, and, in semi-disarray, return to first principles.

I write these lines for my own part and as a Communist, inquiring into our past solely for some light on our present which will then illuminate our future.

Neither bitterness nor nostalgia makes me recall this episode – but the wish to sanction it by a comment that will supersede it. We were at the age of enthusiasm and trust; we lived at a time when the enemy gave no quarter, the language of slander sustaining his aggression. But this did not save us from remaining long confused by this detour into which certain of our leaders, far from holding us back from the slope of theoretical ‘Leftism’, had actively led us, without the others showing any sign of restraining them or giving us any warning or advice. So we spent the best part of our time in agitation when we would have been better employed in the defence of our right and duty to know, and in study for production as such. For we did not even take this time. We knew nothing of Bogdanov and the Proletkult, or of Lenin’s historic struggle against political and theoretical Leftism; we were not even intimately familiar with Marx’s mature works, as we were only too eager and happy to rediscover our own burning passions in the ideological flame of his Early Works. But what of our elders? Those whose responsibility it was to show us the way – how was it that they too were living in the same ignorance? This long theoretical tradition, worked out in so many trials and struggles, blazoned by the testimony of so many great texts, how could it have become a dead letter for them?

In this way we came to realize that under the protection of the reigning dogmatism a second, negative, tradition, a French one this time, had prevailed over the first, a second tradition, or rather what, echoing Heine’s ‘German misery’, we might call, our ‘French misery’: the stubborn, profound absence of any real theoretical culture in the history of the French workers’ movement. The French Party may have been able to reach its present position by using the general theory of the two sciences in the form of a radical proclamation, it may have been able to make it the test and proof of its indisputable political courage, but this also meant that it was living on meagre theoretical reserves: those it had inherited from the past of the French workers’ movement as a whole. In fact, other than the utopians Saint-Simon and Fourier whom Marx loved to invoke, Proudhon who was not a Marxist at all, and JaurÚs who was, but only slightly, where were our theoreticians? In Germany there were Marx and Engels and the earlier Kautsky; in Poland, Rosa Luxemburg; in Russia, Plekhanov and Lenin; in Italy, Labriola, who (when we had Sorel!) could correspond with Engels as equal to equal, then Gramsci. Who were our theoreticians? Guesde? Lafargue?

A whole theoretical analysis would be necessary to account for this poverty, so striking when compared with the richness of other traditions. With no pretensions to undertake this analysis, a few reference points can at least be established. Without the efforts of intellectual workers there could be no theoretical tradition (in history or philosophy) in the workers’ movement of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The founders of historical and dialectical materialism were intellectuals (Marx and Engels), their theory was developed by intellectuals (Kautsky, Plekhanov, Labriola, Rosa Luxemburg, Lenin, Gramsci). Neither at the beginning, nor long afterwards, could it have been otherwise – it cannot be otherwise, neither now nor in the future: what can change and will change is the class origin of intellectual workers but not their characterization as intellectuals.[3] This is so for those reasons of principle that Lenin, following Kautsky, impressed upon us: on the one hand, the ‘spontaneous’ ideology of the workers, if left to itself, could only produce utopian socialism, trade-unionism, anarchism and anarcho-syndicalism; on the other hand, Marxist socialism, presupposing as it does the massive theoretical labour of

Need I add another national reason? This is the pitiful history of French philosophy in the 130 years following the Revolution of 1789, its spiritualist persistence in reaction, not just conservatism, from Maine de Biran and Cousin to Bergson, its contempt for history and for the people, its deep but narrow-minded ties with religion, its relentless hostility to the only mind worthy of interest that it produced, Auguste Comte, its incredible ignorance and lack of culture. In the last thirty years things have taken another turn. But the burden of a long century of official philosophical stupidity has also played a part in crushing theory in the workers’ movement itself.

This was the reality we had to learn to spell out, and that all by ourselves. By ourselves because there were no really great philosophical maîtres in Marxist philosophy amongst us to guide our steps. Politzer, who might have become one if he had not sacrificed the great philosophical achievements he had in him to urgent economic tasks, left us only the genius of the errors in his Critique des Fondements de la Psychologie. He was dead, assassinated by the Nazis. We had no maîtres. There was no lack of willing spirits, nor of highly cultivated minds, scholars, literary figures and many more. But I mean masters of Marxist philosophy, emerging from our own history, accessible and close to us. This last condition is not a superfluous detail. For we have inherited from our national past not only a theoretical vacuum, but also a monstrous philosophical and cultural provincialism (our form of chauvinism), we do not read foreign languages, and more or less ignore anything that happens to be thought beyond a line of mountains, the course of a river or the width of a sea. Is it an accident that in France the study and commentary of Marx’s work has long been the work of a few courageous and tenacious Germanists? If the only name fit for display beyond our frontiers is that of a quiet lone hero, who, unknown to French learning, spent many years in a minutely detailed study of the left neo-Hegelian movement and the Young Marx: Auguste Cornu?

These reflections throw some light on our predicament, but they do not abolish it. We are indebted to Stalin for the first shock, even within the evil for which he bears the prime responsibility. His death set off the second – his death and the Twentieth Congress. But meanwhile life had done its work among us as well.

Once aware of the vacuity of the dogmatic approach we were left with only one way of accepting the impossible situation we had been reduced to in our efforts towards a real grasp of our philosophy: to treat philosophy itself as impossible. So we were led into that great, subtle temptation, the ‘end of philosophy’, encouraged by some enigmatically clear texts in Marx’s Early Works (1840-45) and of his epistemological break (1845). Those of us who were the most militant and the most generous tended towards an interpretation of the ‘end of philosophy’ as its ‘realization’ and celebrated the death of philosophy in action, in its political realization and proletarian consummation, unreservedly endorsing the famous Thesis on Feuerbach which, in theoretically ambiguous words, counterposes the transformation of the world to its interpretation. It was, and always will be, only a short step from here to theoretical pragmatism. Others, of more scientific bent, proclaimed the ‘end of philosophy’ in the manner of certain positivistic formulations in The German Ideology, in which it is no longer the proletariat or revolutionary action which take in charge the realization and thereby the death of philosophy, but science pure and simple: does not Marx call on us to stop philosophizing, that is, stop developing ideological reveries so that we can move on to the study of reality itself? Politically speaking, the former of these two readings was that of the majority of those philosophical militants who gave themselves completely to politics, making philosophy the religion of their action; the latter on the contrary was that of those critics who hoped that a scientific approach would fill out the empty proclamations of dogmatic philosophy. But if both groups made their peace with politics, both paid for it with a bad philosophical conscience: a practico-religious or positivist death of philosophy is not really a philosophical death of philosophy.

So we contorted ourselves to give philosophy a death worthy of it: a philosophical death. Here again we sought support from more texts of Marx and from a third reading of the others. We proceeded on the assumption that the end of philosophy could not but be critical, as the sub-title of Capital proclaims that book to be of Political Economy: it is essential to go to the things themselves, to finish with philosophical ideologies and to turn to the study of the real world – but, and this we hoped would secure us from positivism, in turning against ideology, we saw that it constantly threatened ‘the understanding of positive things’, besieged science and obscured real characteristics. So we entrusted philosophy with the continual critical reduction of the thread of ideological illusion, and in doing so we made philosophy the conscience of science pure and simple, reduced it completely to the letter and body of science, but merely turned against its negative surroundings as its vigilant conscience, the consciousness of those surroundings that could reduce them to nothing. Thus philosophy was certainly at an end, but it survived none the less as an evanescent critical consciousness for just long enough to project the positive essence of science on to the threatening ideology, and to destroy the enemy’s ideological phantasms, before returning to its place amongst its allies. The critical death of philosophy, identified with its evanescent philosophical existence, gave us at last the status and deserts of a really philosophical death, consummated in the ambiguous act of criticism. Now philosophy had no fate other than the consummation of its critical death in the recognition of the real, and in the return to the real, real history, the progenitor of men, of their acts and their thoughts. Philosophy meant retracing on our own account the Young Marx’s critical Odyssey, breaking through the layer of illusion that was hiding the real world from us, and arriving at last in our native land: the land of history, to find there at last the rest afforded by reality and science in concord under the perpetual vigilance of criticism. According to this reading, there could no longer be any question of a history of philosophy; how could there be a history of dissipated phantasms, of shadows traversed? The only history possible is that of reality, which may dimly arouse in the sleeper incoherent dreams, but these dreams, whose only continuity is derived from their anchorage in these depths, can never make up a continent of history in their own right. Marx said so himself in The German Ideology: ‘Philosophy has no history’. When you come to read the essay ‘On the Young Marx’ you will be able to judge if it is not still partly trapped in the mythical hope for a philosophy which will achieve its philosophical end in the living death of a critical consciousness.

Of course, the quotation in which Marx himself attests to and locates this break (‘we resolved ... to settle accounts with our erstwhile philosophical conscience’) in 1845 at the level of The German Ideology, can only be treated as a declaration to be examined, and falsified or confirmed, not as a proof of the existence of the break and a definition of its location. The examination of the status of this declaration called for a theory and a method – the Marxist theoretical concepts in which the reality of theoretical formations in general (philosophical ideologies and science) can be considered must be applied to Marx himself. Without a theory of the history of theoretical formations it would be impossible to grasp and indicate the specific difference that distinguishes two different theoretical formations. I thought it possible to borrow for this purpose the concept of a ‘problematic’ from Jacques Martin to designate the particular unity of a theoretical formation and hence the location to be assigned to this specific difference, and the concept of an ‘epistemological break’ from Gaston Bachelard to designate the mutation in the theoretical problematic contemporary with the foundation of a scientific discipline. That one of these concepts had to be constructed and the other borrowed does not imply at all that either is arbitrary or foreign to Marx, on the contrary, it can be shown that both are present and active in Marx’s scientific thought, even if this presence is most often in the practical state.[4] These two concepts provided me with the indispensable theoretical minimum authorizing a pertinent analysis of the process of the theoretical transformation of the Young Marx, and leading to some precise conclusions.

I shall examine these two problems later.

(3) This ‘epistemological break’ divides Marx’s thought into two long essential periods: the ‘ideological’ period before, and the scientific period after, the break in 1845. The second period can itself be divided into two moments, the moment of Marx’s theoretical transition and that of his theoretical maturity. To simplify the philosophical and historical labours in front of us, I should like to propose the following provisional terminology which registers the above periodization.

(a) I propose to designate the works of the earlier period, that is, everything Marx wrote from his Doctoral Dissertation to the 1844 Manuscripts and The Holy Family by the already accepted formula: Marx’s Early Works.

(b) I propose to designate the writings of the break in 1845, that is, the Theses on Feuerbach and The German Ideology which first introduce Marx’s new problematic, though usually still in a partially negative and sharply polemical and critical form, by a new formula: the Works of the Break.

(c) I propose to designate the works of the period 1845-57 by a new formula: the Transitional Works. While it is possible to assign the crucial date of the works of 1845 (the Theses on Feuerbach and The German Ideology) to the break separating the scientific from the ideological, it must be remembered that this mutation could not produce immediately, in positive and consummated form, the new theoretical problematic which it inaugurated, in the theory of history as well as in that of philosophy. In fact, The German Ideology is a commentary, usually a negative and critical one, on the different forms of the ideological problematic Marx had rejected. Long years of positive study and elaboration were necessary before Marx could produce, fashion and establish a conceptual terminology and systematics that were adequate to his revolutionary theoretical project. That is why I propose to designate the works written between 1845 and the first drafts of Capital (around 1845-57), that is, the Manifesto, the Poverty of Philosophy, Wages, Price and Profit, etc., as the Works of Marx’s Theoretical Transition.

(d) Finally, I propose to designate all the works after 1857 as Marx’s Mature Works. This gives us the following classification:

1840-44: the Early Works
1845: the Works of the Break.
1845-57: the Transitional Works.
1857-83: the Mature Works.

(4) The period of Marx’s Early Works (1840-5), that is, the period of his ideological works, can itself be subdivided into two moments:

(a) the liberal-rationalist moment of his articles in Die Rheinische Zeitung (up to 1842).

(b) the communalist-rationalist moment of the years 1842-5.

As my essay on ‘Marxism and Humanism’ briefly suggests, the presupposition of the works of the first moment is a problematic of Kantian-Fichtean type. Those of the second moment, on the contrary, rest on Feuerbach’s anthropological problematic. The Hegelian problematic inspires one absolutely unique text, which is a rigorous attempt to ‘invert’ Hegelian idealism, in the strict sense, into Feuerbach’s pseudo-materialism: this text is the 1844 Manuscripts. Paradoxically, therefore, if we exclude the Doctoral Dissertation, which is still the work of a student, the Young Marx was never strictly speaking a Hegelian, except in the last text of his ideologico-philosophical period; rather, he was first a Kantian Fichtean, then a Feuerbachian. So the thesis that the Young Marx was a Hegelian, though widely believed today, is in general a myth. On the contrary, it seems that Marx’s one and only resort to Hegel in his youth, on the eve of his rupture with his ‘erstwhile philosophical conscience’, produced the prodigious ‘abreaction’ indispensable to the liquidation of his ‘disordered’ consciousness. Until then he had always kept his distance from Hegel, and to grasp the movement whereby he passed from his Hegelian university studies to a Kantian-Fichtean problematic and thence to a Feuerbachian problematic, we must realize that, far from being close to Hegel, Marx moved further and further away from him. With Fichte and Kant he had worked his way back to the end of the eighteenth century, and then, with Feuerbach, he regressed to the heart of the theoretical past of that century, for in his own way Feuerbach may be said to represent the ‘ideal’ eighteenth-century philosopher, the synthesis of sensualist materialism and ethico-historical idealism, the real union of Diderot and Rousseau. It would be difficult not to speculate that Marx’s sudden and total last return to Hegel in that genial synthesis of Feuerbach and Hegel, the 1844 Manuscripts, might not have been an explosive experiment uniting the substances of the two extremes of the theoretical field which he had until then frequented, that this extraordinarily rigorous and conscientious experiment, the most extreme test of the ‘inversion’ of Hegel ever attempted might not have been the way Marx lived practically and achieved his own transformation, in a text which he never published. Some idea of the logic of this prodigious mutation is given by the extraordinary theoretical tension of the 1844 Manuscripts, for we know in advance the paradox that the text of the last hours of the night is, theoretically speaking, the text the furthest removed from the day that is about to dawn.

(6) Locating the break in 1845 is not without important theoretical consequences as regards not only the relation between Marx and Feuerbach, but also the relation between Marx and Hegel. Indeed, Marx did not first develop a systematic critique of Hegel after 1845; he had been doing so since the beginning of the second moment of his Youthful period, in the Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right (1843 Manuscript), the Introduction to a Critique of Hegel’s Philosophy of Right (1843), the 1844 Manuscripts and The Holy Family. But the theoretical principles on which this critique of Hegel was based are merely a reprise, a commentary or a development and extension of the admirable critique of Hegel repeatedly formulated by Feuerbach. It is a critique of Hegelian philosophy as speculative and abstract, a critique appealing to the concrete-materialist against the abstract-speculative, i.e. a critique which remains a prisoner of the idealist problematic it hoped to free itself from, and therefore a critique which belongs by right to the theoretical problematic with which Marx broke in 1845.
* * *

I have permitted myself these remarks so as to clarify the meaning of the pages devoted to Feuerbach and the Young Marx, and so as to reveal the unity of the problem dominating these Notes, since the essays on contradiction and on the dialectic equally concern a definition of the irreducible specificity of Marxist theory.

That this definition cannot be read directly in Marx’s writings, that a complete prior critique is indispensable to an identification of the location of the real concepts of Marx’s maturity; that the identification of these concepts is the same thing as the identification of their location; that all this critical effort, the absolute precondition of any interpretation, in itself presupposes activating a minimum of provisional Marxist theoretical concepts bearing on the nature of theoretical formations and their history; that the precondition of a reading of Marx is a Marxist theory of the differential nature of theoretical formations and their history, that is, a theory of epistemological history, which is Marxist philosophy itself; that this operation in itself constitutes an indispensable circle in which the application of Marxist theory to Marx himself appears to be the absolute precondition of an understanding of Marx and at the same time as the precondition even of the constitution and development of Marxist philosophy, so much is clear. But the circle implied by this operation is, like all circles of this kind, simply the dialectical circle of the question asked of an object as to its nature, on the basis of a theoretical problematic which in putting its object to the test puts itself to the test of its object. That Marxism can and must itself be the object of the epistemological question, that this epistemological question can only be asked as a function of the Marxist theoretical problematic, that is necessity itself for a theory which defines itself dialectically, not merely as a science of history (historical materialism) but also and simultaneously as a philosophy, a philosophy that is capable of accounting for the nature of theoretical formations and their history, and therefore capable of accounting for itself, by taking itself as its own object. Marxism is the only philosophy that theoretically faces up to this test.

All this critical effort is indispensable, not only to a reading of Marx which is not just an immediate reading, deceived either by the false transparency of his youthful ideological conceptions, or by the perhaps still more dangerous false transparency of the apparently familiar concepts of the works of the break. This work which is essential to a reading of Marx is, in the strict sense, simultaneously the work of theoretical elaboration of Marxist philosophy. A theory which enables us to see clearly in Marx, to distinguish science from ideology, to deal with the difference between them within the historical relation between them and to deal with the discontinuity of the epistemological break within the continuity of a historical process, a theory which makes it possible to distinguish a word from a concept, to distinguish the existence or non-existence of a concept behind a word, to discern the existence of a concept by a word’s function in the theoretical discourse, to define the nature of a concept by its function in the problematic, and thus by the location it occupies in the system of the ‘theory’; this theory which alone makes possible an authentic reading of Marx’s writings, a reading which is both epistemological and historical, this theory is in fact simply Marxist philosophy itself.

We set out in search of it. And here it begins to emerge, along with its own first, most elementary demand: the demand for a simple definition of the preconditions of this search.

March, 1965


1. With the exception of the article on Bertolazzi and Brecht, which was published in the Catholic review Esprit.

2. For explanation of terms used see Glossary, page 249.

3. Naturally this term ‘intellectuals’ denotes a very specific type of militant intellectual, a type unprecedented in many respects. These are real initiates, armed with the most authentic scientific and theoretical culture forewarned of the crushing reality and manifold mechanisms of all forms of the ruling ideology and constantly on the watch for them, and able in their theoretical practice to borrow – against the stream of all ‘accepted truths’ the fertile paths opened up by Marx but bolted and barred by all the reigning prejudices. An undertaking of this nature and this rigour is unthinkable without an unshakeable and lucid confidence in the working class and direct participation in its struggles.

4. On this dual theme of the problematic and of the epistemological break (the break indicating the mutation of a pre-scientific problematic into a scientific problematic), see the pages of extraordinary theoretical profundity in Engels’s Preface to the Second Volume of Capital (English translation, Moscow 1961, pp. 14-18). I shall give a brief commentary on them in Lire le Capital, Vol. II.

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