Government and social class (revenue authity realm duke count marquis servant peasant)
Church (religion sermon prayer abbey saint fai pray convent cloister)
Law (justice crime jury pardon indict arrest felon evidence)
War (army navy battle garrison captain sergeant combat defense)
Fashion (gown robe frock collar satin crystal diamond coat embroidery)
Food (feast taste mackerel salmon bacon fry mince plate goblet)
Learning and medicine (paper preface study logic surgeon anatomy stomach remedy poison)
qu cw (queen)
gh h (night)
ch cch c (church)
ou u (house)
sh sch sc (ship)
dg cg gg (bridge)
o u (love son the u that was iginally in such wds was considered difficult to distinguish the surrounding letters)
doubling of vowels to represent long vowel sounds (see)
doubling of consonants after sht vowels (sitting)
me use of k z and j
Law and society
This is not a full list
Crown couronne 12c [21]
Custom custume 12 13c
Squire escuier the bearer of the écu bouclier 12 13c
Assizes assises 13c
Franchise franchise 13c
Joust joust 13
Justice justice
Marriage mariage spouses' belongings 13c [clarification needed]
Parliament parlement conversation 13c
Heir heir 13c
Summon semondre invite someone to do something 13c
Nice nice idiot/stupid 13 14c [22]
Bourgeois bourgeois 19c
Fiancé fiancé 19c
Chef/chief chef 19c
Flirt conter fleurette flower stytelling
Caterer Old Nman acatour buyer 11c
Pay paier appease 12c
Ticket estiquet small sign 12c [23]
Purchase prochacier to try obtain (something) 12c
Rental rental subject to an annual fee 12c
Debt det 12c
Affair à faire 13c
Bargain bargaignier hesitate 14c
Budget bougette small fabric pocket f coins and bills of exchange [24]
Champion champion end 12c
Spt despt entertainment 12c [23]
Challenge chalenge 12c
Recd recd 12 13c
To recd recder 12 13c
Court court/curt/ct 13c
Tennis tenez hold 14c
Hockey hocquet hooked stick date unknown [23]
Domestic life
Aunt ante 12c
Butler bouteleur (12c ) bouteiller (14c ) sommelier
Chamber chambre 13c
Curtain ctine bed curtain 13c
Blanket blanquette white sheet cover 13c
Towel toailler 13c
Chair chaiere 13c
Pantry paneterie bread stage place 13c
Cushion coissin 14c
Closet closet small enclosure 14c
Food and cooking
Cabbage caboche head in Nman Picard language 11c
Bacon bacon pk meat Salted bacon arrow beginning of the 12c
Custard crouste crust 12 13c
Toast the verb toster to grill 12 13c
Cauldron Anglo Nman caudron 12 13c [25]
Cattle Anglo Nmand catel property 12 13c
Mustard moustarde condiment made seeds mixed wigrape must 13c
Grape grape bunch of grapes 13c
Mutton moton sheep end 13c [26]
Beef buef beef circa 1300 [27]
Pk pc circa 1300 [28]
Poultry pouletrie poultry (the animal) circa end 14c [29]
Claret claret red wine 14c
Mince mincier to cut in small pieces 14c
Stew estuver to soak in a hot ba 14c
Veal vel calf 14c [30]
Banquet banquet 15c
Carrot 16c
Aperitif 16c
Hs d’œuvre end 17c
Douceur (small gift gratuity) end 17c
Casserole (stewed dish) end 17c
Menu end 17c
Gratin end 17c
Terrine 18c
Croissant 19c
Foie gras 19c
Mayonnaise 19c
Buffet 19c
Restaurant 19c
Bouillon 20c
Velouté 20c
Confit 20c
À la carte 20c
Art of living and fashion
Gown gone pantyhose[clarification needed] 12
Attire atir what is used f clothing 12
Petticoat petti (of little value) and cotte (long tunic) 13
Poney poulenet poleney,[23] foal date unknown
Toilette 17
Lingerie end 17
Blouse end 17
Rouge rouge à lèvres lipstick end 17
Salon end 17
Couturier 19
Luxe 19
Eau de Cologne/Cologne 19
Massage 19
Renaissance 19
Chic 20
Boutique 20
Prêt à pter 20
Libertine 20
Parfum/perfume parfum 20
Déjà vu 20
Other domains
Canvas Nman Picard canevas 11
Catch Old Nman cachier to hunt 11 12
Proud prud valiant beginning 12
Causeway Anglo Nman calciata 12
Kennel Anglo Nman kenil dog 12 13
Guile guile fraud/deceitfulness 12 13
Feign fain the stranger 12 13
Grief grief 12 13
Solace soulace the rejoicing 12 13
Scn escner to insult 12 13
Square esquarre 12 13
Conceal conceler to hide 12 13
Strive estriver to make effts 12 13
Very veray true 12 13
Faint feint soft/unenthusiastic 12 13
Eager egre sour 12 13
Challenge chalenge 13
Change the verb changier to change 13
Chapel chapele 13
Choice chois 13
Mischief meschef misftune 13
Achieve achever come to an end/accomplish (a task) 13
Bizarre 17
Rendezvous 17
Influence of French on English
フランス語 francais🇺🇸🇫🇷