


2024-04-26 13:59:51 | 🇺🇸TV

How to hide titles from viewing history

When you hide titles from your viewing history:

  • They won't appear in Netflix as a TV show or movie you've watched.

  • They won't be used to make recommendations to you, unless you watch them again.

  • They'll be removed from the Continue Watching row.

To hide titles from your viewing history:

  1. From a web browser, go to your Account page.

  2. From the Profile & Parental Controls section, select a profile.

    • For some accounts, select Profiles, then choose a profile. 

  3. Open Viewing activity for that profile.

  4. On the Watching page, click the hide icon next to the episode or title you want to hide. If you hide an episode, you'll see the option to hide the entire series.

    • To hide all of your viewing history, select the Hide all option at the bottom of the page and confirm.

It can take up to 24 hours for a hidden title to be removed from all your devices. Titles can't be hidden if the Viewing activity page is reached from a Netflix Kids profile.

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