

外務省 訳語

2019-12-27 05:22:06 | Member


 2.数字はその用語の出ているページです。なお、( )の数字は、図表・コラムでの使用を示しています。


ABL → Airborne Laser
ABM → Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty
ACD → Asia Cooperation Dialogue
AD → Antidumping
ADB → Asian Development Bank
AE → Associate Expert
AFTA → ASEAN Free Trade Area
APEC → Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
ARF → ASEAN Regional Forum
ASEAN → Association of South-East Asian Nations
ASEAN+3 → ASEAN plus Three
ASEM → Asia-Europe Meeting
AU → African Union

BMD → Ballistic Missile Defense
BWC → Biological Weapons Convention

CARICOM → Caribbean Community
CD → Conference on Disarmament
CE → Council of Europe
CFSP → Common Foreign and Security Policy
CIA → Central Intelligence Agency
CIS → Commonwealth of Independent States
CICP → Centre for International Crime Prevention
CNRT → National Council of Timorese Resistance
COP → Conference of the Parties
CTC → Counter-Terrorism Committee
CTBT → Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty
CWC → Chemical Weapons Convention

DDR → Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration of Ex-Combatants
DDT → DichloroDiphenylTrichloroethane

EC → European Community
ECA → Economic Commission for Africa
ECB → European Central Bank
ECOISD → Environmental Conservation Initiative for Sustainable Development
EEA → European Economic Area
EFTA → European Free Trade Association
EMU → Economic and Monetary Union
EPA → Economic Partnership Agreement
ESCAP → Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific
ESDP → European Security and Defence Policy
EU → European Union
EVSL → Early Voluntary Sectorial Liberalization

FAO → Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations
FARC → Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia(Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia)
FATF → Financial Action Task Force
FBI → Federal Bureau of Investigation
FEALAC → Forum for East Asia-Latin America Cooperation
FRB → Federal Reserve Board
FTA → Free Trade Agreement

GAM → Gerakan Aceh Merdeka(Free Aceh Movement)
GATT → General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
GCA → Global Coalition for Africa
GFATM → Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria
GII → Global Issues Initiative on Population and AIDS
G7 → Group of 7
G8 → Group of 8

HIPCs → Heavily Indebted Poor Countries
HIV/AIDS → Human Immunodeficiency Virus/Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

IAEA → International Atomic Energy Agency
IAI → Initiative for ASEAN Integration
ICAO → International Civil Aviation Organization
ICC → International Criminal Court
ICJ → International Court of Justice
ICOC → International Code of Conduct against Ballistic Missile Proliferation
ICRC → International Committee of the Red Cross
IDA → International Development Association
IDEA → Initiative for Development in East Asia
IDI → Okinawa Infectious Diseases Initiative
IEA → International Energy Agency
IGAD → Inter-Governmental Authority on Development
IGC → Inter-Governmental Conference
IHO → International Hydrographic Organization
ILO → International Labor Organization
IMF → International Monetary Fund
IMO → International Maritime Organization
IMS → International Monitoring System
IODP → Integrated Ocean Drilling Program
ISAF → International Security Assistance Force
ISTC → International Science and Technology Center
IT → Information Technology
ITER → International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor
ITLOS → International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
ITU → International Telecommunication Union
IWC → International Whaling Commission

JBIC → Japan Bank for International Cooperation
JET → Japan Exchange and Teaching Programme
JICA → Japan International Cooperation Agency
JPF → Japan Platform
JPO → Junior Professional Officer

KEDO → Korean Peninsula Energy Program Organization
KR → Khmer Rouge

LAN → Local Area Network
LDC → Least Developed Countries
LTTE → Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

MAD → Mutually Assured Destruction
MD → Missile Defense
MDGs → Millennium Development Goals
MNLF → Moro National Liberation Front
MRA → Mutual Recognition Agreement
MTCR → Missile Technology Control Regime

NAFTA → North American Free Trade Agreement
NATO → North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NEACD → NorthEast Asia Cooperation Dialogue
NEPAD → New Partnership for Africa's Development
NGO → Non-Governmental Organization
NIS → New Independent States
NPT → Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
NRF → NATO Response Force

OAA → Osaka Action Agenda
OAS → Organization of American States
OAU → Organization of African Unity
ODA → Official Development Assistance
OECD → Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development
OIC → Organization of the Islamic Conference
OPCW → Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons
OPEC → Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries
OSCE → Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe

PECC → Pacific Economic Cooperation Council
PIF → Pacific Islands Forum
PKF → Peacekeeping Forces
PKO → Peacekeeping Operations
PLO → Palestine Liberation Organization
PMC → ASEAN Post Ministerial Conference
POPs → Persistent Organic Pollutants

SAARC → South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation
SACO → Special Action Committee on Okinawa
SPDC → State Peace and Development Council
SSC → Security Sub-Committee
START → Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty
S&D → Special and Differential Treatment

TICAD → Tokyo International Conference on African Development
TCOG → Trilateral Coordination and Outsight Group
TMD → Theater Missile Defense
TRIPS → Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights

UNAMA → United Nations Assistance Mission for Afghanistan
UNAMET → United Nations Mission in East Timor
UNAMSIL → United Nations Mission in Sierra Leone
UNCITRAL → United Nations Commission on International Trade Law
UNDCP → United Nations International Drug Control Programme
UNDOF → United Nations Disengagement Observer Force
UNDP → United Nations Development Programme
UNESCO → United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
UNFPA → United Nations Fund for Population Activities
UNHCHR → United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights
UNHCR → United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
UNICEF → United Nations Children's Fund
UNMIK → United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo
UNMISET → United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor
UNMOVIC → United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission
UNSCOM → United Nations Special Commission
UNTAET → United Nations Transitional Administration in East Timor

WFP → World Food Programme
WHO → World Health Organization
WIPO → World Intellectual Property Organization
WSSD → World Summit on Sustainable Development
WTO → World Trade Organization

DSM-IV codes

2019-12-26 03:42:52 | Member
DSM-IV codes are the classification found in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, Text Revision, also known as DSM-IV-TR, a manual published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA) that includes all currently recognized mental health disorders. The DSM-IV codes are thus used by mental health professionals to describe the features of a given mental disorder and indicate how the disorder can be distinguished from other, similar problems.[1]

The coding system utilized by the DSM-IV is designed to correspond with codes from the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification, commonly referred to as the ICD-9-CM. Since early versions of the DSM did not correlate with ICD codes and updates of the publications for the ICD and the DSM are not simultaneous, some distinctions in the coding systems may still be present. For this reason, it is recommended that users of these manuals consult the appropriate reference when accessing diagnostic codes

Note that NOS is an abbreviation for Not Otherwise Specified, indicating a cluster of symptoms that do not clearly fit in any single diagnostic category. NOS is often a provisional diagnosis pending additional information or testing.

For an alphabetical list, see DSM-IV codes (alphabetical).

1 Disorders usually first diagnosed in infancy, childhood, or adolescence
1.1 Mental retardation
1.2 Learning disorders
1.3 Motor skills disorders
1.4 Communication disorders
1.5 Pervasive developmental disorders
1.6 Attention-deficit and disruptive behavior disorders
1.7 Feeding and eating disorders of infancy or early childhood
1.8 Tic disorders
1.9 Elimination disorders
1.10 Other disorders of infancy, childhood, or adolescence
2 Delirium, dementia, and amnestic and other cognitive disorders
2.1 Delirium
2.2 Dementia
2.3 Amnestic disorders
2.4 Other cognitive disorders
3 Mental disorders due to a general medical condition not elsewhere classified
4 Substance-related disorders
4.1 Alcohol-related disorders
4.2 Amphetamine (or amphetamine-like) related disorders
4.3 Caffeine-related disorders
4.4 Cannabis-related disorders
4.5 Cocaine-related disorders
4.6 Hallucinogen-related disorders
4.7 Inhalant-related disorders
4.8 Nicotine-related disorders
4.9 Opioid-related disorders
4.10 Phencyclidine (or phencyclidine-like) related disorders
4.11 Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-related disorders
4.12 Polysubstance-related disorder
4.13 Other (or unknown) substance-related disorder
5 Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
6 Mood disorders
7 Depressive disorders
8 Bipolar disorders
9 Anxiety disorders
10 Somatoform disorders
11 Factitious disorders
12 Dissociative disorders
13 Sexual and gender identity disorders
13.1 Sexual dysfunctions
13.2 Paraphilias
13.3 Gender identity disorders
14 Eating disorders
15 Sleep disorders
15.1 Primary sleep disorders
15.2 Parasomnias
15.3 Other sleep disorders
16 Impulse-Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified
17 Adjustment disorders
18 Personality disorders (Axis II)
19 Additional codes
20 See also
21 External links
22 References
Disorders usually first diagnosed in infancy, childhood, or adolescence[edit]
Mental retardation[edit]
317 Mild mental retardation
318.0 Moderate mental retardation
318.1 Severe mental retardation
318.2 Profound mental retardation
319 Mental retardation; severity unspecified
Learning disorders[edit]
315.00 Reading disorder
315.1 Mathematics disorder
315.2 Disorder of written expression
315.9 Learning disorder NOS
Motor skills disorders[edit]
315.4 Developmental coordination disorder
Communication disorders[edit]
315.31 Expressive language disorder
315.32 Mixed receptive-expressive language disorder
315.39 Phonological disorder
307.0 Stuttering
307.9 Communication disorder NOS
Pervasive developmental disorders[edit]
299.00 Autistic Disorder
299.80 Rett's Disorder
299.10 Childhood Disintegrative Disorder
299.80 Asperger’s Disorder
299.80 Pervasive Developmental Disorder NOS
Attention-deficit and disruptive behavior disorders[edit]
Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
314.01 Combined subtype
314.01 Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive subtype
314.00 Predominantly inattentive subtype
314.9 Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder NOS
Conduct disorder
312.81 Childhood onset
312.82 Adolescent onset
312.89 Unspecified onset
313.81 Oppositional Defiant Disorder
312.9 Disruptive Behavior Disorder NOS
Feeding and eating disorders of infancy or early childhood[edit]
307.52 Pica
307.53 Rumination disorder
307.59 Feeding disorder of infancy or early childhood
Tic disorders[edit]
307.23 Tourette's Disorder
307.22 Chronic motor or vocal tic disorder
307.21 Transient tic disorder
307.20 Tic disorder NOS
Elimination disorders[edit]
307.6 Enuresis (not due to a general medical condition)
307.7 Encopresis, without constipation and overflow incontinence
787.6 Encopresis, with constipation and overflow incontinence
Other disorders of infancy, childhood, or adolescence[edit]
309.21 Separation anxiety disorder
313.23 Selective mutism
313.89 Reactive attachment disorder of infancy or early childhood
307.3 Stereotypic movement disorder
313.9 Disorder of infancy, childhood, or adolescence NOS

Delirium, dementia, and amnestic and other cognitive disorders[edit]
293.0 Delirium due to... [indicate the general medical condition]
780.09 Delirium NOS
Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type, with early onset
294.10 Without behavioral disturbance
294.11 With behavioral disturbance
Dementia of the Alzheimer’s Type, with late onset
294.10 Without behavioral disturbance
294.11 With behavioral disturbance
Vascular dementia
290.40 Uncomplicated
290.41 With delirium
290.42 With delusions
290.43 With depressed mood
Dementia due to HIV disease
294.10 Without behavioral disturbance
294.11 With behavioral disturbance
Dementia due to head trauma
294.10 Without behavioral disturbance
294.11 With behavioral disturbance
Dementia due to Parkinson's disease
294.10 Without behavioral disturbance
294.11 With behavioral disturbance
Dementia due to Huntington's disease
294.10 Without behavioral disturbance
294.11 With behavioral disturbance
Dementia due to Pick’s disease
294.10 Without behavioral disturbance
294.11 With behavioral disturbance
Dementia due to Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease
294.10 Without behavioral disturbance
294.11 With behavioral disturbance
Dementia due to... [indicate other general medical condition]
294.10 Without behavioral disturbance
294.11 With behavioral disturbance
294.8 Dementia NOS
Amnestic disorders[edit]
294.0 Amnestic disorder due to... [indicate the general medical condition]
294.8 Amnestic disorder NOS
Other cognitive disorders[edit]
294.9 Cognitive disorder NOS

Mental disorders due to a general medical condition not elsewhere classified[edit]
293.89 Catatonic disorder due to... [indicate the general medical condition]
310.1 Personality change due to... [indicate the general medical condition]
(Subtypes: Labile, Disinhibited, Aggressive, Apathetic, Paranoid, Other, Combined, Unspecified)
293.9 Mental disorder NOS due to... [indicate the general medical condition]

Substance-related disorders[edit]
Alcohol-related disorders[edit]
305.00 Abuse
303.90 Dependence
291.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
291.89 -Induced mood disorder
291.1 -Induced persisting amnestic disorder
291.2 -Induced persisting dementia
291.5 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
291.3 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
291.89 -Induced sexual dysfunction
291.89 -Induced sleep disorder
303.00 Intoxication
291.0 Intoxication delirium
291.9 -Related disorder NOS
291.81 Withdrawal
291.0 Withdrawal delirium
Amphetamine (or amphetamine-like) related disorders[edit]
Amphetamine (or amphetamine-like)
305.70 Abuse
304.40 Dependence
292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
292.84 -Induced mood disorder
292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
292.89 -Induced sexual dysfunction
292.89 -Induced sleep disorder
292.89 Intoxication
292.81 Intoxication delirium
292.9 -Related disorder NOS
292.0 Withdrawal
Caffeine-related disorders[edit]
292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
292.89 -Induced sleep disorder
305.90 Intoxication
292.9 -Related disorder NOS
Cannabis-related disorders[edit]
305.20 Abuse
304.30 Dependence
292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
292.89 Intoxication
292.81 Intoxication delirium
292.9 -Related disorder NOS
Cocaine-related disorders[edit]
305.60 Abuse
304.20 Dependence
292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
292.84 -Induced mood disorder
292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
292.89 -Induced sexual dysfunction
292.89 -Induced sleep disorder
292.89 Intoxication
292.81 Intoxication delirium
292.9 -Related disorder NOS
292.0 Withdrawal
Hallucinogen-related disorders[edit]
305.30 Abuse
304.50 Dependence
292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
292.84 -Induced mood disorder
292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
292.89 Intoxication
292.81 Intoxication delirium
292.89 -persisting perception disorder
292.9 -Related disorder NOS
Inhalant-related disorders[edit]
305.90 Abuse
304.60 Dependence
292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
292.84 -Induced mood disorder
292.82 -Induced persisting dementia
292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
292.89 Intoxication
292.81 Intoxication delirium
292.9 -Related disorder NOS
Nicotine-related disorders[edit]
305.1 Dependence
292.9 -Related disorder NOS
292.0 Withdrawal
Opioid-related disorders[edit]
305.50 Abuse
304.00 Dependence
292.84 -Induced mood disorder
292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
292.89 -Induced sexual dysfunction
292.89 -Induced sleep disorder
292.89 Intoxication
292.81 Intoxication delirium
292.9 -Related disorder NOS
292.0 Withdrawal
Phencyclidine (or phencyclidine-like) related disorders[edit]
Phencyclidine (or phencyclidine-like)
305.90 Abuse
304.60 Dependence
292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
292.84 -Induced mood disorder
292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
292.89 Intoxication
292.81 Intoxication delirium
292.9 -Related disorder NOS
Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-related disorders[edit]
Sedative, hypnotic, or anxiolytic
305.40 Abuse
304.10 Dependence
292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
292.84 -Induced mood disorder
292.83 -Induced persisting amnestic disorder
292.82 -Induced persisting dementia
292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
292.89 -Induced sexual dysfunction
292.89 -Induced sleep disorder
292.89 Intoxication
292.81 Intoxication delirium
292.9 -Related disorder NOS
292.0 Withdrawal
292.81 Withdrawal delirium
Polysubstance-related disorder[edit]
304.80 Polysubstance dependence
Other (or unknown) substance-related disorder[edit]
Other (or unknown) substance
305.90 Abuse
304.90 Dependence
292.89 -Induced anxiety disorder
292.81 -Induced delirium
292.84 -Induced mood disorder
292.83 -Induced persisting amnestic disorder
292.82 -Induced persisting dementia
292.11 -Induced psychotic disorder, with delusions
292.12 -Induced psychotic disorder, with hallucinations
292.89 -Induced sexual dysfunction
292.89 -Induced sleep disorder
292.89 Intoxication
292.9 -Related disorder NOS
292.0 Withdrawal
293.0 Delirium Due to ... [Indicate the General Medical Condition]

Schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders[edit]
295.20 Catatonic type
295.10 Disorganized type
295.30 Paranoid type
295.60 Residual type
295.90 Undifferentiated type
295.40 Schizophreniform disorder
295.70 Schizoaffective disorder
297.1 Delusional disorder
Erotomanic subtype
Grandiose subtype
Jealous subtype
Persecutory subtype
Somatic subtype
Mixed type
298.8 Brief psychotic disorder
297.3 Shared psychotic disorder
Psychotic disorder due to... [indicate the general medical condition]
293.81 With delusions
293.82 With hallucinations
298.9 Psychotic disorder NOS

Mood disorders[edit]
293.83 Mood Disorder Due to...[Indicate the General Medical Condition]
296.90 Mood Disorder NOS
Depressive disorders[edit]
300.4 Dysthymic disorder
Major depressive disorder
Major depressive disorder, recurrent
296.36 In full remission
296.35 In partial remission
296.31 Mild
296.32 Moderate
296.33 Severe without psychotic features
296.34 Severe with psychotic features
296.30 Unspecified
Major depressive disorder, single episode
296.26 In full remission
296.25 In partial remission
296.21 Mild
296.22 Moderate
296.23 Severe without psychotic features
296.24 Severe with psychotic features
296.20 Unspecified
311 Depressive disorder NOS
Bipolar disorders[edit]
Bipolar disorders
296.80 Bipolar disorder NOS
Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode depressed
296.56 In full remission
296.55 In partial remission
296.51 Mild
296.52 Moderate
296.53 Severe without psychotic features
296.54 Severe with psychotic features
296.50 Unspecified
296.40 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode hypomanic
Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode manic
296.46 In full remission
296.45 In partial remission
296.41 Mild
296.42 Moderate
296.43 Severe without psychotic features
296.44 Severe with psychotic features
296.40 Unspecified
Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode mixed
296.66 In full remission
296.65 In partial remission
296.61 Mild
296.62 Moderate
296.63 Severe without psychotic features
296.64 Severe with psychotic features
296.60 Unspecified
296.7 Bipolar I disorder, most recent episode unspecified
Bipolar I disorder, single manic episode
296.06 In full remission
296.05 In partial remission
296.01 Mild
296.02 Moderate
296.03 Severe without psychotic features
296.04 Severe with psychotic features
296.00 Unspecified
296.89 Bipolar II disorder
301.13 Cyclothymic disorder
293.83 Mood disorder due to... [indicate the general medical condition]
296.90 Mood disorder NOS

Anxiety disorders[edit]
300.02 Generalized anxiety disorder
Panic disorder
300.21 With agoraphobia
300.01 Without agoraphobia
300.22 Agoraphobia without history of panic disorder
300.29 Specific phobia
300.23 Social phobia
300.3 Obsessive-compulsive disorder
309.81 Posttraumatic stress disorder
308.3 Acute stress disorder
293.84 Anxiety disorder due to a general medical condition
293.89 Anxiety disorder due to... [indicate the general medical condition]
300.00 Anxiety disorder NOS

Somatoform disorders[edit]
300.81 Somatization disorder
300.82 Undifferentiated somatoform disorder
300.11 Conversion disorder
Pain disorder
307.89 Associated with both psychological factors and a general medical condition
307.80 Associated with psychological factors
300.7 Hypochondriasis
300.7 Body dysmorphic disorder
300.82 Somatoform disorder NOS

Factitious disorders[edit]
Factitious disorder
300.19 With combined psychological and physical signs and symptoms
300.19 With predominantly physical signs and symptoms
300.16 With predominantly psychological signs and symptoms
300.19 Factitious disorder NOS

Dissociative disorders[edit]
300.6 Depersonalization disorder
300.12 Dissociative amnesia
300.14 Dissociative identity disorder
300.15 Dissociative disorder not otherwise specified
Sexual and gender identity disorders[edit]
Sexual dysfunctions[edit]
625.8 Female hypoactive sexual desire disorder due to... [indicate the general medical condition]
608.89 Male hypoactive sexual desire disorder due to... [indicate the general medical condition]
302.71 Hypoactive sexual desire disorder
302.79 Sexual aversion disorder
302.72 Female sexual arousal disorder
302.72 Male erectile disorder
607.84 Male erectile disorder due to... [indicate the general medical condition]
302.73 Female orgasmic disorder
302.74 Male orgasmic disorder
302.75 Premature ejaculation
302.76 Dyspareunia (not due to a general medical condition)
625.0 Female dyspareunia due to... [indicate the general medical condition]
608.89 Male dyspareunia due to... [indicate the general medical condition]
306.51 Vaginismus (not due to a general medical condition)
625.8 Other female sexual dysfunction due to... [indicate the general medical condition]
608.89 Other male sexual dysfunction due to... [indicate the general medical condition]
302.70 Sexual dysfunction NOS
See also: List of paraphilias
302.4 Exhibitionism
302.81 Fetishism
302.89 Frotteurism
302.2 Pedophilia
302.83 Sexual masochism
302.84 Sexual sadism
302.3 Transvestic fetishism
302.82 Voyeurism
302.9 Paraphilia NOS (not otherwise specified)
Gender identity disorders[edit]
Gender identity disorder
302.85 In adolescents or adults
302.6 In children
302.6 Gender identity disorder NOS
302.9 Sexual disorder NOS
Eating disorders[edit]
307.1 Anorexia nervosa
307.51 Bulimia nervosa
307.50 Eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS)

Sleep disorders[edit]
Primary sleep disorders[edit]
307.44 Primary hypersomnia
307.42 Primary insomnia
347 Narcolepsy
780.59 Breathing-related sleep disorder
307.45 Circadian rhythm sleep disorder
307.47 Dyssomnia NOS
327.03 Insomnia Related to Mood Disorder (ICD 9)
307.47 Nightmare disorder
307.46 Sleep terror disorder
307.46 Sleepwalking disorder
307.47 Parasomnia NOS
Other sleep disorders[edit]
Sleep disorder
Sleep disorder due to... [indicate the general medical condition]
780.54 Hypersomnia type
780.52 Insomnia type
780.59 Mixed type
780.59 Parasomnia type
307.42 Insomnia related to... [indicate the Axis I or Axis II disorder]
307.44 Hypersomnia related to... [indicate the Axis I or Axis II disorder]

Impulse-Control Disorders Not Elsewhere Classified[edit]
312.34 Intermittent Explosive Disorder
312.32 Kleptomania
312.31 Pathological Gambling
312.33 Pyromania
312.39 Trichotillomania
312.30 Impulse-Control Disorder NOS

Adjustment disorders[edit]
Adjustment disorders
309.9 Unspecified
309.24 With anxiety
309.0 With depressed mood
309.3 With disturbance of conduct
309.28 With mixed anxiety and depressed mood
309.4 With mixed disturbance of emotions and conduct

Personality disorders (Axis II)[edit]
Cluster A (odd or eccentric)

301.0 Paranoid personality disorder
301.20 Schizoid personality disorder
301.22 Schizotypal personality disorder
Cluster B (dramatic, emotional, or erratic)

301.7 Antisocial personality disorder
301.83 Borderline personality disorder
301.50 Histrionic personality disorder
301.81 Narcissistic personality disorder
Cluster C (anxious or fearful)

301.82 Avoidant personality disorder
301.6 Dependent personality disorder
301.4 Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

301.9 Personality disorder not otherwise specified

Additional codes[edit]
V62.3 Academic problem
V62.4 Acculturation problem
995.2 Adverse effects of medication NOS
780.9 Age-related cognitive decline
Antisocial behavior
V71.01 Adult antisocial behavior
V71.02 Child or adolescent antisocial behavior
V62.82 Bereavement
V62.89 Borderline intellectual functioning
313.82 Identity problem
Movement disorder
333.90 Movement disorder NOS
333.1 Postural tremor
Neglect of child
V61.21 Neglect of child
995.5 Neglect of child (if focus of attention is on victim)
333.99 Acute akathisia
333.7 Acute dystonia
332.1 Parkinsonism
333.82 Tardive dyskinesia
333.92 Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
V71.09 No diagnosis on Axis II
V71.09 No diagnosis or condition on Axis I
V15.81 Noncompliance with treatment
V62.2 Occupational problem
V61.20 Parent-child relational problem
V61.10 Partner relational problem
V62.89 Phase of life problem
Physical abuse
V61.1 Physical abuse of adult
995.81 Physical abuse of adult (if focus of attention is on victim)
V61.21 Physical abuse of child
995.5 Physical abuse of child (if focus of attention is on victim)
316 Psychological factors affecting medical condition
Relational problem
V62.81 Relational problem NOS
V61.9 Relational problem related to a mental disorder or general medical condition
V62.89 Religious or spiritual problem
V61.1 Sexual abuse of adult
995.83 Sexual abuse of adult (if focus of attention is on victim)
V61.21 Sexual abuse of child
995.53 Sexual abuse of child (if focus of attention is on victim)
V61.8 Sibling relational problem
300.9 Unspecified mental disorder (nonpsychotic)
799.9 Diagnosis deferred on Axis II
799.9 Diagnosis or condition deferred on Axis I
V65.2 Malingering
See also[edit]
Clinical coder
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, 1994 (DSM-IV).
List of ICD-9 codes 290–319: mental disorders
Relational disorder (proposed DSM-V new diagnosis)
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID)

林公一 20年の回顧

2019-12-26 03:18:14 | 🇯🇵日本語
このパターンで 主要な病気を順次アップしていき、最終的には精神科の病気を網羅するというのが開設当時の私の計画だった。
精神科Q&Aを見直してみると、実際の質問メールに答えた(と思われる)【0017】の日付けは 2000.9.5. になっている。サイト開設から3年も過ぎた時期である。
 上記 1 の通り、サイト開設当初は病気の説明を主にするつもりで、その方針にそって「ストレスと心身症」「拒食症」などを次々に追加していた。ところが今はご覧の通りで、精神科Q&Aが圧倒的なメインになっている。
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02. 4月 2017 by Hayashi
カテゴリー: コラム

Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (2011) Movie Script

2019-12-09 22:03:41 | 🇺🇸TV
Wistrom will think he's arriving at Moreau's suite.
But really, he will be walking into our decoy room.
Where I'll double Moreau.
Downstairs Benji will double Wistrom...
- a masks!
- And meet with real Moreau.
And eh, huh, What am I doing?
You? You're the helper.
Help ... okay.
So, to the extent understand what are you talking about here ...
uhm, Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world.
And you want to alter its infrastructure,
with the hopes of convincing two people that
they had a meeting, which actually really never happened ...
ETA on dry cleaning.
I'm on my way out.
Okay, 34 minutes to doorknock.
wow,.. ehm, okay. this, this is a slight wrinkle,.. nothing, nothing to worry about.
We're just gonna have to go into server room, from the outside.
- What?
- Well, the firewalls in this building serve a military grade.
I mean, this would be a synched if I could call Yusuf back at headquarter,
but Yusuf doen't exist anymore, and neither do we.
I could hack it, but it would take too long.
Their hardware in.
And there's four layers of an exchange security because not in server-in.
and there is no way we can get into it from inside.
If we can't get through the server, we don't control the elevators, we don't control security cameras.
This operation is over even before it begins.
I'm telling you we can get to it from outside.
I'm, I'm on the computer.
I'm just a ... the helper.
- What floor is it now?
- 130.
- Vent out?
- pressure's unstiff.
don't have enough time.
- Elevator shaft.
- infrared sensors.
don't have enough time.
How am I suppose to do this?
Oh, that's high.
Okay, now remember, it's a rolling off motion, that disengages the bond.
When the emitter is blue, that's full adhesion.
Easy way to remember. "Blue is glue."
- And when it's red?
- Dead.
ah, here's your cutter, okay?
And your server interface.
Both going back here.
One, two.
Okay Ethan, holds-all service, 11 stories up
and 7 units over.
- Com check?
- Yeah, copy.
So ...
It's 26 minutes to doorknock.
Yeah ...
What the hell is that?
Hell, what the hell is that?
It's a sandstorm.
It's a long way off, Ethan. There's shouldn't be a problem.
Where is Ethan?
You gotta be kidding me.
I'm in the server level.
Your countdown is not helping.
I'm just saying.
- I'm in.
- That's great, Ethan. You're half way home.
Located server.
Please tell me we're online.
All right, we're live.
Okay, now I have control of the elevators.
- And the security cameras.
- Time to evacuate.
Okay. You drive, and look out for Wistrom and Moreau.
Moreau is at the elevator. It has resceduled.
- We can't open this door, can we?
- That door? No.
Ethan you gotta get down here now.
Ethan. Ethan. Is there a problem?
- We're not gonna make it.
- We have to make it.
Where is Ethan?
- Your line is not long enough!
- No, shit!
That was not easy, but I, I did it.
What I missed?
The lense might be a little uncomfortable.
It captures images and transmits them to the printer in the briefcase.
- All right?
- hmm...
I can't see, one eye right of it, fine.
Blinks twice to activate the shutter.
Notice, the numbers are in order.
A perfect copy.
But the numbers are scrambled.
Masks? ah, 60 seconds.
Are you sure that I shouldn't wear a mask?
You know, cause I'm not exactly Omar Sharif.
I'll play a french. This is you tracking device.
- This is what you're tracking.
- paper clip?
No, it's a paper. It's in the briefcase.
It's caught to be isotops, which should give a unique ...
- It just means that you can track documents, even if they switch briefcases.
- Range?
- Not that good, like a half a mile (800 meters).
Safest thing to do not let Wistrom out of your sight.
Is that Wistrom?
Who's out with him?
- I don't know.
- We don't have an uplink, so there's no facial recognition.
Who's out with him?
That's Leonid Lisenker. Polish phone cryptographer.
He redesigned Russia's nuclear security at the Cold War.
He set off to authenticate the launch codes.
- yeah shit, we are blown.
- No, no, no.
Well, we'll would be as soon as he sees the counterfeit launch codes.
- We're not alone.
- He's in the elevator.
Delay it.
Benji, how long would take it reprogram the case?
Ah, a couple seconds. Wow, What for that?
- To make an exact copy of the launch codes.
- What?!
- You can't do that.
- Wistrom's on 22.
- Slow him down.
- I do what I can.
wait, wait, Ethan! Hey! Hang on now, hang on, just a second!
You, you're talking about handing over active nuclear launch code to Wistrom?
- the case, reprogram the case.
- Listen, listen, stop! Listen, listen.
You're saying you're fixating, you're thinking clearly.
Listen, that's not gonna happened!
- I won't allow it.
- 33, and climbing.
Brandt, use your head. The mission is not the code, the mission is Hendricks.
And this little play out, give him back codes neutralize it.
You know that won't do it. Failure to a terrorist...
...just a rehearsal for success.
We lose Hendricks today, he shows up somewhere else tomorrow.
He finds another way. With no IMF to stop him.
Now, it's now or never. Now hand me the case.
Nothing left to chance. You said that !
You're the analyst. Now tell me..
..there's another way for Hendricks to get those codes.
- 50!
You tell me that this is only happened
right here, right now. Today!
You tell me that, I'll walk away.
- We go without!
- Without masks?
- Changes to go.
- Ethan!
- We have no choice.
- Ethan, you will be walking on Moreau unarmed.
- Face first. Literally.
- How do we know they've met?
- How do we know they haven't?
- It doesn't matter!
Damn! We have no choice.
What if they have met?
Come in.
Which of one you is Wistrom?
Which one of you is Wistrom?
I am.
I admire your work.
Where are my codes?
Where are my diamonds?
close by.
- You have my payment?
- When I see the codes.
Not to worry. Come in!
I thought we could have tea.
Madam moiselle.
No diamonds, no codes.
No codes, no diamonds.
- Kill this one!
- We didn't came alone.
That hole I lay out there is killbox.
- You know who we work for.
- We come back for its codes,
or we don't come back.
- How good is your backup ?
- The best.
Kill them the best.
Do you care for some sugar?
Enough. Let's get this done.
You want payment? I want guarantees.
When he's authenticated the codes, I'll make a call and get your diamonds.
That, or ...
We alll go home in buckets.
Nobody leaves this hotel alive.
Get the papers .
- Is there a problem?
- It's locked.
Ah, forgive me.
There must be a key. For momento.
My mistake. It is a combination. Not a key.
You tell me the numbers!
We're good.
Come on, come on, come on, came on, came on.
It was a pleasure doing business with ...
Wistrom has launch codes and he's on the move.
Hey, I did what you asked, I did!
- Now let my family go.
- Release Leonid's family.
- Thank God!
- You can thank me in person.
It was a pleasure doing business with you.
Kill him!
Moreau's on the move!
I've got her.
Jane, she's an asset.
I need her alive.
Ah, Ethan, Wistrom is in the elevator. I can't see Leonid there.
Benji, slow it down. Give me an elevator.
I'll handle it.
Benji, I got a lot call of Wistrom, but I can't tell. Is he still in the elevator?
- Wistrom ... elevator ...
- Benji?
- Ethan, over!
- Benji. Benji, I lost.
Ethan, can you hear me?
Ethan, can you hear me? over!
- Watch her!
- Why, why me?
If I'd do it, I'll kill her.
Hold it, Team Leader.
Do you really think I wouldn't catch up of you?
You and I are not enemies. It was a setup.
We'll find out your lies soon enough. Move it!
I'm sorry about this.
- Benji?
- Cover Benji!
I've got Leonid by the elevator, he's been shot.
Hey, hey, stay with me, stay with me!
"No, no no no no no no no no no...
Jane, don't!
Now what happened with Moreau, Jane?
- She couldn't help us with...
- Yeah, so let's throw her off the building?
- I didn't throw her!
- That's throw her off the building!
She was not the mission, Jane.
The mission was to track the file back to Hendricks.
Whose in the wind ...
Better have good news for me. Is he here?
I got it. Talk to you later. I'll be there.
But no one will be following me. Just make sure no one's following you.
- And how the hell that the Russians find us?

Mission: Impossible

2019-12-09 21:54:52 | 🇺🇸TV
Mission: Impossible III (2006)[edit]
Main article: Mission: Impossible III
In the third film, Hunt is now a semi-retired training officer for IMF and plans a quiet life with his fiancée Julia Meade (Michelle Monaghan), who does not know about the IMF. He is called back into service to rescue a former student called Lindsey Farris (Keri Russell) captured during a mission in Germany, and recovers confidential information via stolen laptop. He is forced to once again go rogue in an attempt to track down the sadistic arms dealer, Owen Davian (Philip Seymour Hoffman) and secure a dangerous mystery item known as the 'Rabbit's Foot'. After an impromptu ceremony, Hunt and Julia are married, only for Owen, who has a double agent working within IMF, to kidnap Julia. With the help of his IMF team: Stickell, Declan Gormley (Jonathan Rhys Meyers), and Zhen Lei (Maggie Q), Hunt finds the Rabbit's foot, saves his wife, and kills Owen Davian in Shanghai.

The later film Mission: Impossible- Fallout confirms that Ethan and Julia were happy for a while, but their marriage was tainted every time they heard about something bad happening in the world due to the possibility that Ethan could have done something to stop it.

Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol (2011)[edit]
Main article: Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol
In the fourth film, Hunt—having just escaped from a deep-cover mission in prison—and his IMF team are blamed for an attack that destroys the Kremlin, resulting in the disavowal of the entire IMF. Despite lacking their usual resources, connections, technology, and backup, their mission is to find and stop Kurt Hendricks (Michael Nyqvist), a former Soviet nuclear strategist who is intent on starting a nuclear war to usher in the next era of human evolution. As they chase Hendricks to Dubai and on to Mumbai, India, they themselves are pursued by a team of Russian agents trying to apprehend them. The team becomes increasingly fractured as individual members fight their own demons while trying to trust the others. Hunt manages to pull the team together, stop a nuclear bomb and clear the IMF of any involvement in the Kremlin attack. It is also revealed that Hunt had Julia's death faked to protect her, something only he and the Secretary of IMF knew about, giving him the pretext to infiltrate the prison his team freed him from in the opening scenes.

Mission: Impossible – Ghost Protocol is a 2011 American action spy film directed by Brad Bird and written by Josh Appelbaum and André Nemec. It is the fourth installment in the Mission: Impossible film series, and also Bird's first live-action film.[5] It stars Tom Cruise, who reprises his role of IMF agent Ethan Hunt, alongside Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg, Paula Patton, Michael Nyqvist, Anil Kapoor and Léa Seydoux. Ghost Protocol was produced by Cruise, J. J. Abrams (the third film's director) and Bryan Burk. It saw the return of editor Paul Hirsch and visual effects supervisor John Knoll from the first film, and is also the first Mission: Impossible film to be partially filmed using IMAX cameras.

Released in the United States by Paramount Pictures on December 16, 2011, the film went on to become the highest-grossing film in the series, with $694 million, until it was surpassed by Mission: Impossible – Fallout.[6] It is the fifth highest-grossing film of 2011 as well as the second highest-grossing film starring Cruise.[7][8][9] It was followed by Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation, which was released in July 2015.

1 Plot
2 Cast
3 Production
3.1 Filming
4 Soundtrack
5 Distribution
5.1 Marketing
5.2 Theatrical release
5.3 Home media
6 Reception
6.1 Critical response
6.2 Box office
6.3 Accolades
7 Sequel
8 References
9 External links
IMF agent Trevor Hanaway is killed in Budapest by assassin Sabine Moreau, who takes his file containing Russian nuclear launch codes so she can give them to a man known only as "Cobalt".

IMF agent Ethan Hunt has purposely become incarcerated in a Moscow prison to acquire Bogdan, a source of information on Cobalt. With help of Jane Carter, Hanaway's handler, and newly promoted field agent Benji Dunn, Hunt and Bogdan make their escape. IMF tasks Hunt to infiltrate the Kremlin to gain more information on Cobalt. During the mission, an unknown entity broadcasts on the IMF frequency ordering the detonation of a bomb, alerting Russian guards. Hunt's team aborts the mission just as a bomb destroys much of the Kremlin. Carter and Dunn escape, but Hunt is captured by SVR agent Anatoly Sidorov and charged with destroying the Kremlin.

Hunt escapes and meets with the IMF Secretary, in Moscow on other business. The Secretary tells Hunt they had to initiate "Ghost Protocol", disavowing IMF, but secretly orders Hunt to continue to pursue Cobalt. Sidorov's forces catch up to Hunt, and the Secretary is killed; Hunt escapes along with the Secretary's aide and intelligence analyst William Brandt. Regrouping with Carter and Dunn, Brandt is able to identify Cobalt as Kurt Hendricks, a Swedish-born Russian nuclear strategist, who seeks to start a nuclear war between the U.S. and Russia. Hendricks used the Kremlin bombing to cover up his theft of a Russian launch-control device, and now is planning a trade with Moreau at the Burj Khalifa in Dubai to gain the required launch codes.

The team travels to Dubai. On the 119th floor of the hotel, they create deceptions using their various gadgetry and disguises to make Moreau believe she is meeting with Hendricks, and vice versa, when in fact they are interacting with the IMF team. Moreau discovers the deception, and in the ensuing chaos, Hendricks manages to escape with the launch codes, losing Hunt's pursuit in the midst of a dust storm. As Moreau tries to escape, she is knocked out of a window by Carter and falls to her death. Brandt accuses Carter of letting her love for Hanaway compromise the mission, but Hunt recognizes that Brandt has also been keeping secrets from them, having shown combat skills atypical of a mere analyst. Hunt leaves to meet with Bogdan to get more information on Hendricks, while Brandt tells the others that he had been assigned to secretly protect Ethan and his wife Julia in Croatia. Julia had been killed by a hit squad and Brandt feels responsible for Ethan's loss, which is why he stopped being a field agent.

Bogdan directs Ethan towards Mumbai, where Hendricks is set to negotiate with Indian telecommunications entrepreneur Brij Nath to gain control of an obsolete Soviet military satellite. The IMF team splits up to stop Hendricks; Carter sexually seduces Nath to get the satellite override code, while Hunt, Brandt and Dunn try to stop Hendricks from using Nath's broadcast station. They are too late as Hendricks has sent the launch codes to a Russian Delta III-class nuclear submarine to fire a single missile at San Francisco and disabled the station's computer systems. Brandt and Dunn race to get the systems back online to send the override code, while Hunt pursues Hendricks, eventually having a brutal brawl with him face to face in an automated car park. Hendricks, with the launch device, jumps to his death moments before the missile is set to land. Hunt then uses one of the cars and takes a dangerous fall to use the device; he barely disables the missile before it strikes. Sidorov, who has followed IMF from Dubai to Mumbai, arrives and realizes that the IMF is innocent of the Kremlin bombing.

The team meets in Seattle after Ethan accepts a new mission from Luther Stickell. Brandt confesses to Ethan about his failure to protect Julia. Ethan, however, reveals that her "death" and the murder of the Serbians were part of a plot to give her a new identity and enable Ethan to infiltrate the prison. A relieved Brandt happily accepts his mission, and becomes an agent once again. Meanwhile, Julia arrives at the harbor. Ethan and Julia gaze at each other from afar before Ethan departs for his next mission.

Tom Cruise as Ethan Hunt
Jeremy Renner as William Brandt
Simon Pegg as Benji Dunn
Paula Patton as Jane Carter
Michael Nyqvist as Kurt Hendricks
Vladimir Mashkov as Anatoly Sidorov
Josh Holloway as Trevor Hanaway
Anil Kapoor as Brij Nath, an Indian media tycoon
Léa Seydoux as Sabine Moreau
Samuli Edelmann as Marius Wistrom
Ivan Shvedoff as Leonid Lisenker, a nuclear code expert forced by Hendricks to authenticate the codes
Pavel Kříž as Marek Stefanski
Miraj Grbić as Bogdan
Ilia Volok as The Fog, an arms dealer and Bogdan's cousin
Andrej Bestcastnyj as Major Egorov
Andreas Wisniewski as The Fog's contact
Tom Wilkinson (uncredited) as IMF Secretary.[10]
Ving Rhames (uncredited cameo) as Luther Stickell[11]
Michelle Monaghan (uncredited cameo) as Julia Meade-Hunt, Ethan's wife[1

Lors d'une mission à Budapest, l'agent Hanaway de l'unité IMF (Impossible Missions Force) est tué par la tueuse à gages Sabine Moreau, qui récupère les codes de lancement d'une ogive nucléaire. L'unité doit donc récupérer l'agent Ethan Hunt, alors en détention dans une prison de Moscou pour une raison inconnue. L'évasion est un succès, malgré la décision de Hunt de faire évader l'un des détenus, Bogdan, qui détient de précieuses informations. À peine libéré, Hunt se voit chargé d'une mission : infiltrer avec les agents Benjamin Dunn et Jane Carter au plus vite les archives du Kremlin pour récupérer le dossier de Cobalt, le terroriste qui a engagé Moreau.

L'infiltration est un succès mais le dossier de Cobalt a disparu. Au même moment, Hunt croise un homme qui sort du bâtiment avec une valise et qui pirate la fréquence radio des agents IMF avant de déclencher une bombe qui détruit la partie nord du Kremlin. Ayant été assommé par l'explosion, Ethan Hunt se réveille dans un hôpital de Moscou, enchaîné à son lit : il s'en sort avec des blessures légères mais il est démasqué et accusé par Sidorov, un agent russe, d'avoir commandité l'attentat. Hunt parvient à s'évader et tente de quitter le pays, mais c'est le ministre Theodore Brassel, alors en visite amicale en Russie, qui le retrouve et qui lui explique la situation : parce que des agents américains sont accusés d'avoir fait exploser le Kremlin, le président des États-Unis a déclenché le « Protocole Fantôme ». Ainsi, toute l'agence IMF est officiellement désavouée et démantelée : Hunt doit arrêter Cobalt comme prévu mais à présent sans plus pouvoir bénéficier du soutien ni des moyens du gouvernement américain. La voiture du ministre est soudainement attaquée par des tireurs embusqués et celui-ci est abattu, la voiture tombant dans le fleuve qu'elle longeait. Hunt parvient malgré tout à survivre à l'accident et à échapper aux policiers avec William Brandt, l'analyste qui a identifié l'homme du Kremlin comme étant Kurt Hendricks, un scientifique suédois qui envisage de déclencher une guerre nucléaire totale. Désormais isolés et recherchés, Hunt, Dunn, Carter et Brandt sont chargés d'arrêter Hendricks, alias Cobalt.

Les quatre agents partent pour le Burj Khalifa de Dubaï, où le marchandage des codes entre Moreau et Wiström (homme de main de Hendricks) doit avoir lieu. Pour préparer leur opération, Dunn organise l'échange des numéros des chambres pendant que Hunt se voit contraint d'escalader les façades extérieures de l'hôtel pour pouvoir pirater les serveurs informatiques de l'hôtel dont la protection est de niveau militaire. Le plan consiste à donner de faux codes à Hendricks mais quand Wiström apparaît avec un cryptologue polonais qui connait les codes de lancement, Hunt choisit de prendre le risque de donner les véritables codes. Les négociations ont lieu dans les deux chambres et tout se passe bien jusqu'à ce que Moreau repère Brandt et tente de le tuer. Pendant ce temps, Wiström, qui a obtenu les codes, abat le cryptologue avant de fuir. Hunt le poursuit, malgré la tempête de sable qui s'est levée et Sidorov à ses trousses. Wiström, en réalité Hendricks masqué, parvient à fuir avec les codes, et Moreau est tuée par Carter autant pour se défendre que pour venger la mort de Hanaway, son amant. L'opération est donc un échec.

La présence de Sidorov fait peser des soupçons sur l'agent Brandt, qui a montré des aptitudes à être agent de terrain, mais celui-ci ne veut pas s'expliquer devant Ethan Hunt, qui part retrouver un marchand d'armes clandestin grâce à Bogdan. Pendant ce temps, Brandt explique à Dunn et Carter comment il est passé d'agent de terrain à analyste : il devait surveiller et protéger un couple en Croatie, mais alors qu'il a choisi de surveiller le mari, la femme a été enlevée et tuée. Le veuf a alors tué six terroristes serbes soupçonnés du meurtre avant d'être arrêté. Cet homme était en fait Ethan Hunt, qui avait épousé Julia. Désavoué, Hunt a fini dans une prison russe après avoir tué les assassins de sa femme.

Ethan Hunt obtient les informations qu'il cherchait : la localisation du satellite qui servira à programmer le lancement d'un missile balistique porteur de l'ogive nucléaire. Il s'agit d'un ancien satellite militaire soviétique, utilisé par une chaîne de télévision indienne, appartenant à Brij Nath, magnat des médias et playboy indien. Les agents de l'IMF partent donc pour Bombay où ils vont tenter de pirater les serveurs informatiques de Nath. Carter est chargé de le séduire puis de lui prendre les codes, pendant que Brandt accède aux serveurs. Mais ils arrivent trop tard : quand ils ont le code, Hendricks pirate le réseau de Nath et déclenche le tir du missile vers San Francisco. Alors que le missile suit sa trajectoire à grande vitesse vers sa cible, Hunt poursuit Hendricks à travers la ville pour annuler l'explosion de l'ogive nucléaire. Les agents parviennent in extremis à annuler l'explosion, et l'ogive neutralisée tombe dans la baie de San Francisco, où elle sera récupérée par Luther Stickell. Sidorov arrive pour capturer Hunt et découvre la vérité (c'était Hunt qui l'avait prévenu de sa présence à Dubai), et accepte d'aider les agents.

À Seattle, les agents reçoivent de Hunt leurs nouvelles missions, mais Brandt refuse, se sentant responsable de la mort de Julia. Hunt lui révèle alors la vérité, que seuls lui et le ministre Brassel connaissaient : Julia n'est pas morte, et cette opération était un coup monté pour assurer la protection de Julia et obtenir des informations sur Cobalt. Brandt, touché de voir la confiance que lui accorde Hunt, accepte la nouvelle mission.