岩佐和裁のブログ、裁縫記:IWASA WASAI's blog, SAIHOUKI


アシンメトリーな着物の特長。Characteristics of asymmetrical kimono.

2024年09月05日 07時29分02秒 | 単衣の着物
アシンメトリーの麻の着物。Asymmetrical linen kimono.

The dimensions of IWASA-WASAI's original asymmetrical kimonos include the width of the hem, the seam of the inner hem, and the shoulder width = back width.
The width of the hem of a typical hitoe kimono is 1cm, but an asymmetrical kimono by Iwasa Washi is 7.6cm. The difference is about 6.6cm, so the length can be achieved with just the hem.
And while the inner hem of a normal kimono is sewn with a pinched stitch, an asymmetrical kimono is made of fabric of different colors, so even though it is a one-piece dress, it has a color coordination like a top and skirt or pants.
If the back width is 29cm and the shoulder width - back width = 4cm, then the back width at the sleeve attachment position is 30cm and the front width is 23cm.
If the shoulder width = back width, then the back width at the sleeve attachment position will be 29cm and the front width will be 21.5cm, so the back width will be 1cm narrower and the front width will be 1.5cm narrower.
This is the width for someone with hips of about 90cm, but I think the chest area will be neater than a normal kimono.
Technically, the narrower the hem width, the more difficult it is to sew, so a 7.6cm hem width is easier to sew than a 1cm hem width.
Also, when the seam around the sleeve attachment is shoulder width - back width = 1.4cm, it will get very tight, so a trowel is used to remove the tightness, but when shoulder width = back width, there is almost no tightness and it is very easy to finish the seam.
The easier the tailoring, the better the finish will be.
For a king-size bolt of fabric, the side seam will be quite thick for someone with hips of about 90cm, but the width of the sleeve seam and side seam for an asymmetrical kimono is optimal.
It may be a patched kimono, but when you include the obi, I think you can enjoy more color changes than with a normal kimono.
It is on sale at IWASA-WASAI for 28,000 yen.

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