

The grand picture, wooden spoons

2008-05-28 17:04:45 | Weblog
I will now show you the grand picture, the environment
in which most of my artistic ? activities are
taking place. Take a look at the following picture.

No doubt, the world smallest workshop! I constructed all of this
myself. About the only thing I did not construct are the
windows. They are double-glazed!

I also did all of electrical wiring inside the walls.
Strictly speaking, this is illegal, but who cares.
Power is supplied externally via two cables.

Those two protrusions on the right hand wall are the
intake points. Cables are disconnected in this photo.
Machines included, altogether I have spent close to

JPY 3 million by now. So, it is not possible to
recover my investment by selling my spoons and

What follows is the ceiling windows I made myself.

They are naturally meant for low carbon activities! Annexed to
the workshop I have a little show-window and my
nearlly zero impedance space for my dusts collector.

Dusts from grinding are deposited inside this
black box via modified vaccum cleaner. The pipe-like
protrusion is the dusts free ( in theory!) air-outlet.

So much for the grand picture. Following 3 images are
my artefatcs that went into the coating stage this morning.

The very last is blurred. They are tea leaves scoopers
and have very deep cavities. Altogether, there are
just about 120 artefatcs now on A coating (penetration).

Tommorrow morning, they will be checked for polyps and
then wet sanded in water, dried, and will go onto A2 stage.

I think this is enough for now. Today, I completed
9 shallow cavity tea scoopers. I will show them tommorrow.
I am right now toying with another idea of mine.

That is the tongs. I have been wanting to fabricate them
for such a long time by now. The stumbling block has always been
the initial state recovery and the mechanism for it.

Typically, they are made of metals and plastics,
because such mechanisms are inherent in the materials
themselves. I want to do it with wood!

I have an idea! I go now!


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