いまどこ ―冒頭表示2
キーボードの2段めと3段目はなぜ互い違いになっていないの - 教えて!goo:
http://www6.atpages.jp/~raycy/Q/ を http://www6.atpages.jp/raycy/blog2btron/door やらの作業経過を取り入れつつ、ふくらませるようなかんじで、、
http://www6.atpages.jp/~raycy/Q/ を http://www6.atpages.jp/raycy/blog2btron/door やらの作業経過を取り入れつつ、ふくらませるようなかんじで、、
Kant's definition of "enlightenment"
In his famous 1784 essay What Is Enlightenment?, Immanuel Kant described it as follows:
Enlightenment is man's release from his self-incurred tutelage. Tutelage is the incapacity to use one's own understanding without the guidance of another. Such tutelage is self-imposed if its cause is not lack of intelligence, but rather a lack of determination and courage to use one's intelligence without being guided by another.
Kant reasoned that although a man must obey in his civil duties, he must make public his use of reason. His motto for enlightenment is Sapere aude! or "Dare to know."
Kant's definition of "enlightenment"
In his famous 1784 essay What Is Enlightenment?, Immanuel Kant described it as follows:
Enlightenment is man's release from his self-incurred tutelage. Tutelage is the incapacity to use one's own understanding without the guidance of another. Such tutelage is self-imposed if its cause is not lack of intelligence, but rather a lack of determination and courage to use one's intelligence without being guided by another.
Kant reasoned that although a man must obey in his civil duties, he must make public his use of reason. His motto for enlightenment is Sapere aude! or "Dare to know."
← スポンサー。名付け親?名前も結構大事かも??学問のスポンサー。
[ sponsor ]の検索結果 国語辞典 英和辞典 和英辞典 - goo 辞書:
[ sponsor ]の検索結果 国語辞典 英和辞典 和英辞典 - goo 辞書:
英和辞典 [ sponsor ]ので始まるの検索結果 ( 4件中 1~4件 )
* spon・sor ━━ n. 名づけ親, 教父[母]; 保証人; 主唱者, 発起人, 後援者; (...[さらに]
* spon・sored ━━ a. (慈善事業の)募金集めの.sponsored walk チャリティー...[さらに]
* spon・so・ri・al ━━ a.⇒sponsor [さらに]
* spon・sor・ship ━━ n. スポンサーの出資金.⇒sponsor [さらに]
国語辞典 [ sponsor ]ので始まるの検索結果 ( 2件中 1~2件 )
* スポンサー 【sponsor】新語辞典 (1)(資金面の)後援者。(2)商業放送の広告主。 [さらに]
* スポンサー 2 0 [sponsor] (1)(資金面の)後援者。(2)ラジオ・テレビで、商業放送の広告主。番組提供者。 [さらに]
検索文字列 : 名付け親 スペースアルク:英辞郎検索結果:
該当件数 : 4
* 名付け親
godmother // sponsor
* 子供の名付け親と実の親との精神的関係
* (人)に男の子の名付け親になってくれるよう頼む
ask someone to be the boy's godfather
* 名付け親を頼まれる
be asked to name // be asked to stand godfather