

12日目: イエスの希望 Day 12: The Hope of Jesus

2024-12-20 10:53:35 | 日記
イザヤ書 9:6-7 NIV [6] 私たちにひとりの子が生まれ、私たちにひとりの息子が与えられた。その肩に主権がある。彼は不思議な助言者、力ある神、永遠の父、平和の君と呼ばれる。[7] 彼の主権と平和の偉大さは終わることがない。彼はダビデの王座に着き、その王国を治め、その時から永遠に正義と正義をもってこれを堅く立て、支える。全能の主の熱意がこれを成し遂げる。
Isaiah 9:6-7 NIV [6] For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. [7] Of the greatness of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David’s throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the Lord Almighty will accomplish this.

12日目: イエスの希望
Day 12: The Hope of Jesus

There’s a scripture in Isaiah 9 that points to the coming Messiah (our Jesus), “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders,”. The idea of the government resting upon His shoulders is one that we can all cling to during this time of unrest and fear across the world.

The time that Jesus was born into wasn’t one of joy and triumph. It was harsh. It was broken. And it looked a lot like the world that we find ourselves immersed in today. From jealous kings to lowly keepers of the sheep - the Lord wove a miracle into the fabric of time through the baby Jesus. He brought hope to a hopeless world. He brought peace to a peaceless world. And He brought joy to a joyless world. Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow,” - what a truth this is! May we trust and believe that the baby Jesus that brought so much hope to a desolate city is the same Jesus who died on the cross to save us from our sins.

クリスマスの物語は 12 月 25 日で終わるわけではありません。むしろ、それは執着すべきライフスタイルです。主がいつか戻ってくることを知りながら、私たちは希望を持ち続けなければなりません。その日まで、私たちは従順であり続け、良い知らせを伝えます。イエス・キリストは完全な人間であり、完全な神として生まれ、私たちの罪のために十字架で亡くなり、3 日後に死を克服し、私たちが聖霊とともに私たちの中に住めるように幕を裂いてくださいました。友よ、希望を持ちましょう。希望を持ちましょう!!
The Christmas story doesn’t end on December 25th. Instead, it’s a lifestyle to cling to. We must continue to wait in hope, knowing that the Lord will one day return. Until then, we continue to be obedient and share the good news: Jesus Christ was born fully human and fully God, died on the cross for our sins, defeated death 3 days later and tore the veil so we may dwell with the Holy Spirit inside of us. Have hope, friend. HAVE HOPE!!



Take a moment to pray for hope to continue to dwell in your heart beyond just the holidays. Merry Christmas.


Essential Worship

