

神との親密さ Intimacy With God

2024-12-21 22:32:10 | 日記
Intimacy With God

Don't miss the blessing of the deeply personal relationship God offers.

ヨハネ 15:12-15 12 「わたしがあなたがたを愛したように、あなたがたも互いに愛し合いなさい。これがわたしのいましめである。 13 「人がその友のために自分の命を捨てること、これよりも大きな愛はない。 14 「わたしがあなたがたに命じることをあなたがたが行うなら、あなたがたはわたしの友である。 15 「わたしはもはやあなたがたを奴隷とは呼ばない。奴隷は主人のしている事を知らないからである。わたしはあなたがたを友と呼んだ。わたしの父から聞いたことをみな、あなたがたに知らせたからである。
John 15:12-15 12 ``This is My commandment, that you love one another, just as I have loved you. 13 ``Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends. 14 ``You are My friends if you do what I command you. 15 ``No longer do I call you slaves, for the slave does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all things that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you.

ヨハネ 7:16 16 そこでイエスは彼らに答えて言われた、「わたしの教えはわたし自身のものではなく、わたしを遣わした方の教えである。
John 7:16 16 So Jesus answered them and said, ``My teaching is not Mine, but His who sent Me.

マルコ 9:2 2 六日後、イエスはペテロ、ヤコブ、ヨハネだけを連れて高い山に登られた。すると、イエスは彼らの目の前で姿を変えられた。
Mark 9:2 2 Six days later, Jesus took with Him Peter and James and John, and brought them up on a high mountain by themselves. And He was transfigured before them;

マタイ 26:36-37 36 それからイエスは彼らと一緒にゲッセマネという所に行き、弟子たちに言われた。「わたしが向こうへ行って祈っている間、ここに座っていなさい。」 37 そしてイエスはペテロとゼベダイの子二人を連れて行き、悲しみ、苦しみ始めた。
Matthew 26:36-37 36 Then Jesus came with them to a place called Gethsemane, and said to His disciples, ``Sit here while I go over there and pray." 37 And He took with Him Peter and the two sons of Zebedee, and began to be grieved and distressed.

マルコ 12:30 30 あなたは心を尽くし、魂を尽くし、思いを尽くし、力を尽くしてあなたの神である主を愛しなさい。

Does God ever seem far away? If so, we might wonder how involved in our life He actually is. At such times, we should rely on the truth of Scripture—and the Gospels are a good place to start.

Jesus’ life testifies to the divine desire for intimacy. He consistently reached out to strangers, inviting them to draw near to Him. He spoke words of encouragement to His followers. At the same time, He taught them the profound truths He’d received from His Father (John 7:16) and held them accountable for their actions. And Jesus invited certain people to accompany Him for deeply personal experiences, such as the transfiguration and His last prayer retreat in the garden of Gethsemane (Mark 9:2; Matthew 26:36-37).

The Savior’s sacrificial choice—to die in our place—made it possible for us to join Him in God’s family. The Holy Spirit, each believer’s indwelling companion and guide, also witnesses to God’s closeness and detailed knowledge of those who are His.

Yes, God has made intimacy with Him possible. But all too often, we hold back. Distracted by earthly concerns, we put limits on His involvement in our life and set family and friends as higher priorities. Let’s commit to placing the Lord first and pursuing Him with our whole heart (Mark 12:30).

信仰は上を向く Faith Looks Up

2024-12-21 22:19:18 | 日記
Faith Looks Up

In *A Christmas Carol*, by Charles Dickens, the central character, Ebenezer Scrooge, was a miserable, mean, miserly old businessman who is shown his past, present and future. He eventually *repents and starts to give generously*. Dickens captures the transformation in his character: ‘He went to church, and walked about the streets… and found that everything could yield him pleasure. He had never dreamed that any walk – that any thing – could give him *so much happiness*.’

‘Repentance’ is a *very positive word* in the Bible. The Greek word ‘metanoia’ means ‘change of mind’. That means, first, *turning away from the bad stuff*. This is the stuff that spoils your life and breaks your relationship with God. Repentance means to be sorry enough to quit. Getting rid of the bad stuff only enhances your life. But, that is only the first part. The change of heart and mind means not only turning *away* from the bad things, but also *turning towards God and good*.

The word ‘repent’ rarely appears on its own in the Bible. *Genuine repentance* is shown by its *fruit.* Remorse is not enough. A change of mind, heart and life is required. It is nearly always, ‘repent *and*…’. Repent *and believe*. Repent *and* *put your faith in Jesus Christ*. It is not just a case of looking back, but also looking up. Faith looks up.

詩篇 147:1-11 NIV [1] 主をほめたたえよ。われらの神をほめたたえるのは、なんとよいことか。主をほめたたえるのは、なんと楽しくてふさわしいことか。[2] 主はエルサレムを建て直し、イスラエルの捕囚民を集められる。[3] 主は心の傷ついた者をいやし、その傷を包んでくださる。[4] 主は星の数を定め、その一つ一つを名で呼ばれる。[5] われらの主は偉大で、力強く、その悟りには限りがない。[6] 主はへりくだった者を支え、悪者を地に投げ捨てられる。[7] 感謝をもって主をほめたたえよ。琴を奏でてわれらの神をほめよ。[8] 主は雲で空を覆い、地に雨を降らせ、山々に草を生やされる。[9] 主は牛や若いカラスが鳴くときに、食物を備えてくださる。[10] 主は馬の力を喜ばず、勇士の脚を喜ばれない。 [11] 主を畏れ、主の変わらぬ愛に希望を置く者を主は喜ばれる。
Psalms 147:1-11 NIV [1] Praise the Lord. How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him! [2] The Lord builds up Jerusalem; he gathers the exiles of Israel. [3] He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. [4] He determines the number of the stars and calls them each by name. [5] Great is our Lord and mighty in power; his understanding has no limit. [6] The Lord sustains the humble but casts the wicked to the ground. [7] Sing to the Lord with grateful praise; make music to our God on the harp. [8] He covers the sky with clouds; he supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills. [9] He provides food for the cattle and for the young ravens when they call. [10] His pleasure is not in the strength of the horse, nor his delight in the legs of the warrior; [11] the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.

Repent and rejoice

The context of this psalm may well be the rebuilding of Jerusalem under Nehemiah: ‘God’s the one who rebuilds Jerusalem, who re-gathers Israel’s scattered exiles’ (v.2, MSG). This started (as we see today in Nehemiah 1–2) with a genuine repentance by Nehemiah on behalf of himself and all the people.

真の悔い改めは「打ち砕かれた心」から始まります(詩篇 147:3)。素晴らしい知らせは、神が打ち砕かれた心を癒し、傷を包んでくださることです(3節。イザヤ書 61:1も参照)。
Genuine repentance starts with being ‘broken-hearted’ (Psalm 147:3). The wonderful news is that God heals the broken-hearted and binds up their wounds (v.3; see also Isaiah 61:1).

「悔い改め」とは、神の前で謙遜になることです。神は「悪者を地に投げ捨て」(詩篇 147:6b)ますが、「主は謙遜な者を支えてくださる」(6a節)のです。しかし、神はあなたをそのまま放っておきません。悔い改めの気持ちで過去を振り返るだけでなく、喜びの気持ちで過去を振り返ることも望んでおられます。
‘Repentance’ involves humbling yourself before God. Whereas he ‘casts the wicked to the ground’ (Psalm 147:6b), ‘the Lord sustains the humble’ (v.6a). But God does not leave you there. He wants you not only to look back with repentance, but also to look up with rejoicing.

God’s ‘delight’ is not in ‘the legs of a man’ (v.10). He is not reliant on (or impressed by) physical strength: ‘He’s not impressed with horsepower; the size of our muscles means little to him’ (v.10, MSG). Instead, ‘the Lord delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love’ (v.11).

This whole psalm is about rejoicing in the Lord. It starts with a call to ‘Praise the Lord’, and a reminder of how ‘good… pleasant and fitting’ (v.1) it is to do so. Worship brings joy and pleasure, and it is an appropriate response to such an amazing God.

Lord, today I want not only to repent, but also to rejoice in you. Thank you that you promise that if I fear you, I need not fear anything else.

黙示録 16:1-21 NIV [1] すると、私は神殿から大きな声が七人の御使いに言うのを聞いた。「行って、神の怒りの七つの鉢を地に注ぎなさい。」 [2] 第一の御使いが出て行って、その鉢を地に注ぐと、獣の刻印を持ち、その像を拝んでいた人々には、醜い化膿したできものができた。 [3] 第二の御使いが鉢を海に注ぐと、海は死人の血のようになり、海の中の生き物はみな死んだ。 [4] 第三の御使いが鉢を川と水の源に注ぐと、それらは血になった。 [5] すると、私は水を管理する御使いがこう言うのを聞いた。「今おられ、昔おられた聖なる方よ。あなたはこれらの裁きにおいて正しい方です。 [6] 彼らはあなたの聖なる民とあなたの預言者の血を流しましたが、あなたは彼らに当然の血を飲ませました。」 [7] そして、祭壇が答えるのを私は聞いた。「はい、万軍の主なる神よ。あなたのさばきは真実で、正しいです。」 [8] 第四の御使が鉢を太陽に注ぐと、太陽は人々を火で焼くままにされた。 [9] 彼らは熱で焼け、これらの災害を支配する神の名を呪ったが、悔い改めて神を讃えることを拒んだ。 [10] 第五の御使が鉢を獣の座に注ぐと、獣の国は暗闇に陥った。人々は苦しみもだえ、 [11] 痛みと腫れ物のせいで天の神を呪ったが、悔い改めようとはしなかった。 [12] 第六の御使が鉢を大川ユーフラテスに注ぐと、川の水は干上がり、東からの王たちのために道が整えられた。 [13] また私は、カエルのような汚れた霊が三ついるのを見た。 彼らは竜の口から、獣の口から、にせ預言者の口から出てきた。[14] 彼らはしるしを行う悪霊であり、全世界の王たちのところに出て行って、全能者の神の大いなる日の戦いのために彼らを集める。[15] 「見よ、わたしは盗人のように来る。目を覚まして着物を着ている人は幸いだ。裸になって恥をさらすことがないように。」[16] それから彼らは王たちを、ヘブル語でハルマゲドンと呼ばれる場所に集めた。[17] 第七の御使がその鉢を空中に傾けると、神殿から玉座から大きな声が聞こえて、「事が成った。」と言った。[18] すると、いなずま、地鳴り、雷鳴、そして激しい地震が起こった。人類が地上に現れて以来、このような地震は起きたことがないほど、その地震はすさまじかった。 [19] 大都は三つに裂け、諸国の町々は崩壊した。神は大バビロンを思い起こし、その激しい怒りのぶどう酒の入った杯を彼女に与えた。[20] 島々はみな逃げ去り、山々は見当たらなかった。[21] 天から、重さ百ポンドほどの巨大な雹が人々の上に降ってきた。人々は、雹の災いがあまりにもひどかったので、神を呪った。
Revelation 16:1-21 NIV [1] Then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels, “Go, pour out the seven bowls of God’s wrath on the earth.” [2] The first angel went and poured out his bowl on the land, and ugly, festering sores broke out on the people who had the mark of the beast and worshiped its image. [3] The second angel poured out his bowl on the sea, and it turned into blood like that of a dead person, and every living thing in the sea died. [4] The third angel poured out his bowl on the rivers and springs of water, and they became blood. [5] Then I heard the angel in charge of the waters say: “You are just in these judgments, O Holy One, you who are and who were; [6] for they have shed the blood of your holy people and your prophets, and you have given them blood to drink as they deserve.” [7] And I heard the altar respond: “Yes, Lord God Almighty, true and just are your judgments.” [8] The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was allowed to scorch people with fire. [9] They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify him. [10] The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and its kingdom was plunged into darkness. People gnawed their tongues in agony [11] and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done. [12] The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East. [13] Then I saw three impure spirits that looked like frogs; they came out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast and out of the mouth of the false prophet. [14] They are demonic spirits that perform signs, and they go out to the kings of the whole world, to gather them for the battle on the great day of God Almighty. [15] “Look, I come like a thief! Blessed is the one who stays awake and remains clothed, so as not to go naked and be shamefully exposed.” [16] Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon. [17] The seventh angel poured out his bowl into the air, and out of the temple came a loud voice from the throne, saying, “It is done!” [18] Then there came flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake. No earthquake like it has ever occurred since mankind has been on earth, so tremendous was the quake. [19] The great city split into three parts, and the cities of the nations collapsed. God remembered Babylon the Great and gave her the cup filled with the wine of the fury of his wrath. [20] Every island fled away and the mountains could not be found. [21] From the sky huge hailstones, each weighing about a hundred pounds, fell on people. And they cursed God on account of the plague of hail, because the plague was so terrible.

Repent and respond

This must be one of the most terrifying chapters in the entire Bible. It describes God’s final judgment. These are the seven last plagues (see Exodus 7–10). It all ends in ‘Armageddon’. In the midst of the awful judgment, there are four things that should bring you comfort:


「目を覚ましていなさい。私は盗人のように予告なしにやって来ます。目を覚まして着替え、私を迎える用意ができていれば、あなたは祝福されます」(黙示録 16:15、MSG)。黙示録の後半で、イエスの再臨があなたと全創造物にもたらすすべての祝福について見ていきます。
Jesus is coming back

‘Keep watch! I come unannounced, like a thief. You’re blessed if, awake and dressed, you’re ready for me’ (Revelation 16:15, MSG). Later on in Revelation, we will see all the blessings that the second coming of Jesus will bring to you and to the whole creation.


Jesus took your judgment

The words, ‘It is done!’ (v.17) tell us that once this final judgment has taken place, ‘It is finished’ – echoing the last words of Jesus on the cross (John 19:30). They remind us of what Jesus achieved on the cross for you. God so loved the world that he sent his one and only Son to die for you so that you might not come under God’s final judgment, but rather receive all the blessings of eternal life (see John 3:16–17).


裁きは「悔い改めて神を讃えることを拒んだ」者たちにのみ下される(黙示録 16:9)。神はファラオのように彼らに悔い改める機会を何度も与えたが、「彼らは自分の行いを悔い改めることを拒んだ」(11節)。神の望みはすべての人が悔い改めることである(ペテロ第二 3:9)。神は多くの機会を与えた。神の裁きを受けるのは、悔い改めることを絶対に拒んだ者たちだけである。
Judgment is delayed

The judgment only falls on those who ‘refused to repent and glorify him’ (Revelation 16:9). God gives them, like Pharaoh, so many opportunities to repent, ‘but they refused to repent of what they had done’ (v.11). God’s desire is that everyone should come to repentance (2 Peter 3:9). He gives many, many opportunities. It is only those who absolutely refuse to repent that come under his judgment.


多くの人が、当然ながら、聖書のこのような一節について心配しています。しかし、神の裁きは絶対に「真実」かつ「公正」なものとなるでしょう (黙示録 16:7)。HTB の元牧師、ジョン・コリンズがいつも言っているように、「その日、私たちは皆、『それは絶対に正しい』と言うでしょう。」
Judgment will be totally just

Many people worry, understandably, about passages like this in the Bible. However, God’s judgments are going to be absolutely ‘true’ and ‘just’ (Revelation 16:7). As the former vicar of HTB, John Collins, always says, ‘We will all say on that day, “That is absolutely right.”’

イエスの再来を待ちながら、上を見上げてください。今、自分の人生を整理してください。自分の心の中に悔い改めを拒む気持ちがないように注意してください。これらの警告に正しく対応し、他のみんなもそうするように助けてください。アーセナル フットボール アカデミーが若い選手たちに勧めているように、正しい場所に、正しい時に、正しいことをしてください。
Look up as you wait for Jesus’ return. Get your life sorted out now. Make sure there is no refusal to repent in your own heart. Respond in the right way to these warnings and help everyone else to do the same. As the Arsenal football academy encourages its young players: be in the right place, at the right time, doing the right thing.

ネヘミヤ 1:1–2:20
Nehemiah 1:1–2:20
ネヘミヤ記 1:1 新共同訳 [1] ハカルヤの子、ネヘミヤの記録。 第二十年のキスレウの月、わたしが首都スサにいたときのことである。

Repent and rebuild

Nehemiah’s situation was not dissimilar to our own. The church in many parts of the world is in great ‘trouble and disgrace’ (1:3). It seems to have been devastated, and is regarded either as irrelevant or as an object of scorn.

紀元前 445 年、ネヘミヤもまた、神の名が尊ばれていないという事実に打ちのめされました。神の民は「ひどい状況にありました。状況はひどいものでした」(3 節、MSG)。「エルサレムの城壁は今も瓦礫のまま、城門は今も燃え殻のままです」(3 節、MSG)。
In 445 BC, Nehemiah was also devastated by the fact that God’s name was not being honoured. God’s people were in ‘bad shape. Conditions [were] appalling’ (v.3, MSG): ‘The wall of Jerusalem is still rubble; the city gates are still cinders’ (v.3, MSG).

Nehemiah was a government worker who had risen to high office in the Persian administration. He was cupbearer to the king (v.11b). This was an important office involving responsibility for tasting the king’s wine and for guarding the royal apartment.

Nehemiah’s response is a great model for us to follow. He was a man of action, but he began by looking up in prayer. His response was to weep, mourn, fast and pray (v.4). His prayer begins with reminding God of his love (v.5). He goes on to repent of his sins and the sins of the people: ‘I confess the sins we Israelites, including myself and my family, have committed against you. We have acted very wickedly towards you’ (v.6b).

彼は、神に成功を授けてくださるよう祈って祈りを終えます (11 節)。よくあることですが、彼の祈りの答えは、彼自身がやろうとしていたことでした。彼は問題に気づき、行動しました。彼は輝かしいキャリアを捨て、危険と闘いと自己犠牲の人生を選びました。そうすることで、彼は自分の祈りの答えとなったのです。
He ends the prayer by asking God to give him success (v.11). As so often happens, the answer to his prayer involved something he himself was going to do. He saw the problem and he acted. He gave up a brilliant career for a life of danger, struggle and self-sacrifice. In doing so, he became the answer to his own prayer.

アルタクセルクセスは彼の「心の悲しみ」に気づきました (2:2)。彼が「あなたは何を求めているのですか」と尋ねたとき (4 節)、再びネヘミヤの「矢」の祈り (「小声で祈る」、4 節、MSG) は従うべき良い例です。自分がどんな状況にあっても、何をすべきか決めるのにほんの一瞬しかないときは、祈りましょう。「そこで私は天の神に祈り、王に答えました」(4-5 節)。彼はすでに真剣に長い祈りをしていました。今、答える前に彼に残されたのは上を見上げる時間だけでした。
Artaxerxes noticed his ‘sadness of heart’ (2:2). When he asked, ‘What is it you want?’ (v.4), again Nehemiah’s ‘arrow’ prayer (‘praying under my breath’, v.4, MSG) is a good example to follow. In any situation you find yourself in, where you only have a split second to decide what to do, pray: ‘Then I prayed to the God of heaven, and I answered the king’ (vv.4–5). He had already done the serious length of prayer. Now he only had time to glance upwards before he had to give an answer.

The moment that he looked up, his request was granted and he was allowed to go to Jerusalem to rebuild (v.8). After inspecting the walls in secret (wisely keeping his plans confidential while he assessed the situation), he gathered the people and announced his plans (vv.11–18). He followed up his prayer with action.

Throughout the whole process, he retained his focus on God and, again and again, acknowledged that it is God who had inspired and enabled him to do this – ‘Because the gracious hand of my God was upon me, the king granted my requests’ (v.8; see also vv.12,18). It can be so easy to pray about something, but then forget to acknowledge God when things start to go well. However, Nehemiah was always conscious of his reliance on God, and quick to attribute his success to God.

Trust in God that he will give you the confidence to continue with his plans, even when you encounter opposition. In good times and hard times, Nehemiah looked up to God: ‘The God of heaven will give us success. We his servants will start rebuilding’ (v.20). Don’t allow opposition to deflect you from your God-given task – trust God and get on with the job. Look up and trust God to give you success.

Lord, your church lies in ruins. The walls are broken down. You call us to rebuild. As we look up to you and start rebuilding, may the God of heaven give us success.

ネヘミヤ記 2:2

Pippa Adds
Nehemiah 2:2
‘So the king asked me, “Why does your face look so sad when you are not ill? This can be nothing but sadness of heart.” I was very much afraid.’

When given the opportunity Nehemiah took it, despite being afraid. Speaking up for what is right requires courage. It wasn’t that Nehemiah felt no fear at that moment; it was that, despite his fear, he spoke up.

イエスは奉仕する Jesus serves

2024-12-21 10:06:27 | 日記
マタイ 20:20-28 NIV [20] すると、ゼベダイの子らの母が息子たちと一緒にイエスのもとに来て、ひざまずいて願い求めた。 [21] イエスは尋ねられた。「何のことを願うのですか。」彼女は言った。「私のこの二人の息子のうち一人を、あなたの御国であなたの右に、もう一人を左に座らせてください。」 [22] イエスは彼らに言われた。「あなたがたは、自分が何を願っているのか、わかっていない。私が飲もうとしている杯を飲むことができるか。」彼らは答えた。「できます。」 [23] イエスは彼らに言われた。「確かにあなたがたは私の杯を飲むことになるが、私の右や左に座ることは、私が許すものではない。これらの場所は、私の父が用意しておいた人たちのものなのだ。」 [24] 十人はこれを聞いて、二人の兄弟に対して憤慨した。 [25] イエスは彼らを呼び集めて言われた。「あなたがたも知っているとおり、異邦人の支配者たちは人々を支配し、高官たちは権力をふるっている。 [26] あなたたちはそうではありません。あなたたちの間で偉くなりたいと思う者は、皆に仕える者になり、[27] 先に立ちたいと思う者は、皆の奴隷になりなさい。[28] 人の子が来たのは、仕えられるためではなく、かえって仕えるためであり、また、多くの人のための身代金として自分の命を与えるためであるのと同じです。」
Matthew 20:20-28 NIV [20] Then the mother of Zebedee’s sons came to Jesus with her sons and, kneeling down, asked a favor of him. [21] “What is it you want?” he asked. She said, “Grant that one of these two sons of mine may sit at your right and the other at your left in your kingdom.” [22] “You don’t know what you are asking,” Jesus said to them. “Can you drink the cup I am going to drink?” “We can,” they answered. [23] Jesus said to them, “You will indeed drink from my cup, but to sit at my right or left is not for me to grant. These places belong to those for whom they have been prepared by my Father.” [24] When the ten heard about this, they were indignant with the two brothers. [25] Jesus called them together and said, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. [26] Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, [27] and whoever wants to be first must be your slave— [28] just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

Jesus serves

by Ruth Callanta, president of the Center for Community Transformation (Philippines)

Christianity is all about service. Modern Christianity, however, tends to highlight the opposite. We see churches that are like personal kingdoms, pastors with bodyguards and helicopters, and missionaries who speak like proud lords.

イエスはこう言いました。「あなたがたも知っているとおり、異邦人の支配者たちは人々を支配し、高官たちは権力をふるいます。しかし、あなたがたはそうではありません。かえって、あなたがたの間で偉くなりたいと思う者は、皆に仕える者になり、あなたがたの先に立ちたいと思う者は、皆の奴隷になりなさい。」(マタイ伝 20:25-27、強調筆者)
Jesus said this, “You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, and whoever wants to be first must be your slave” (Matthew 20:25-27, emphasis added).

“Not so with you.” Christ followers must be different. Our way up is down; the way to honor is humility. That is exactly what Jesus did—He abandoned His glory to serve us unto death. We are all called to the same manner of service.

We can learn from the example of one senior pastor of a former megachurch. “God said to me, ‘Build big people, not a big church,’” he said. Years ago, he looked at his megachurch in Hawaii and realized the expanding ministry was starting to center on him. Knowing of many ministries that failed when the head pastor left or died, he refused to let that happen to their church. So, he stepped down from his office, divided the congregation into different church campuses, trained trusted pastors to lead these churches, and served them tirelessly: helping, teaching, training, mentoring, and encouraging them. Having been so empowered by the leader’s servanthood, the church started to grow exponentially. Now each of over 100 church campuses is known by this single quality: a church eager to love and serve.

This is the power of selfless service. May we all learn to abandon our comforts to serve humbly at the feet of our Master.

Father, our nature wars against service. It is difficult to choose to be the last and the least, but keep us ever mindful of Your example and Your counter-cultural Kingdom. Give us the humility and courage to serve You by serving others.


2024-12-21 09:47:21 | 日記
マタイ1:21 NIV [21] 彼女は男の子を産みます。その子にイエスという名をつけなさい。彼は民を罪から救うからです。」
Matthew 1:21 NIV [21] She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.”





マタイ 1:21 NLT


受胎のときから、イエスの目的は知られていました。民をその罪から救うことです。 なぜなら、神が世界を創造する前から、神は世界を救う計画を立てていたからです。






もしあなたが救いという無償の贈り物を一度も受けたことがないなら、今日があなたの日となり、この瞬間があなたの瞬間となるでしょう。 それを得るためにできることは何もありませんが、ありのままのあなたで神のもとに来ることはできます。

One Great Purpose

While Mary and Joseph were still finalizing their guest list and picking out a wedding cake, she startled him with some unexpected news—she, a virgin, was pregnant.

Assuming she’d been unfaithful, Joseph was poised to cancel the engagement. But while he was still considering his exit strategy, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream—telling him not to be afraid to take Mary as his wife, for the child inside her was from the Holy Spirit.

“And she will have a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭1:21‬ ‭NLT‬‬

This miracle was the fulfillment of hundreds of prophecies—God-inspired predictions about the Messiah, Savior, or “Chosen/Anointed One”—recorded in the Old Testament.

From conception, Jesus’ purpose was made known: to save His people from their sins. Because even before God created the world, His plan was to save it.

Isn’t it interesting that you didn’t choose the time, place, body, or family in which you were born? But God has you here, right now, on purpose.

You’ve been grafted into an ongoing story playing out since the beginning of time. And this timeless offer, to be saved from the shackles of your sin and freed from a debt you could never pay, has been extended to you.

What is sin? Sin is choosing our way instead of God’s. Sin is rebelling against His design and His plan. And we’ve all done it—we’ve all fallen short of God’s righteous standard.

But that’s why He sent Jesus—because He loved us that much.

And then, Jesus gave His life for the sake of the world.

If you’ve never accepted the free gift of salvation, today can be your day, and this moment can be your moment. There’s nothing you can do to earn it, but you can come to Him—just as you are.

A Prayer of gratitude

神様、今日私たちは感謝と畏敬の念でいっぱいの心であなたの前に参ります。私たちはイエスの力強く比類のない名前を思い起こします。私たちを罪から救うために究極の犠牲であるイエスを送ってくださったことに感謝します。イエスの無私の行為が、感謝と目的のある人生を送るよう私たちを鼓舞しますように。 イエスの御名によって祈ります。アーメン。
God, today we come before You with hearts full of gratitude and awe. We reflect on the powerful and matchless name of Jesus. Thank You for sending Jesus, the ultimate sacrifice, to save us from our sins. May His selfless act inspire us to live lives of gratitude and purpose. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.