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“僕らしくなくても僕は僕なんだ 君らしくなくても君は君なんだ” 【ハイロウズのNo.1】


2011-01-31 19:46:45 | via - voyage - 旅
tried scuba-diving, just a instruction dive
i just thought i could see beautiful things but it was so hard.
just the idea of being deep into the sea makes me flightend

drunken on the ship, my ears ached, my head ached

what if oxy-supplying instruments go broken deep under the sea surface

but the scenary was beautiful.


met a japanese girl who is traveling around the world and
she took away several pages of my "Chikyu-no-Arukikata"

kidding, i just gave it

she looks so tough.