"When you are in tough time, look at me in my back, look how i go and fight!"
Sawa Homare, soccer
"You never get a good chance while you are waiting for one to come to you"
Raul Gonzalez Blanco, soccer
"Those who do not fight through now are those who can not fight next time, tomorrow and never ever"
Robert Baggio, soccer
"I am called an 'arrow', but it is my colleague who draw the 'bow' "
Andrii Mykolaiovych Shevchenko
"When i am in the court, i do not think 'i' but 'we' "
Magic Johnson
"A real cooperation of the team comes true when each member does his best on his own for his part"
Matsuo Yuji
"What seems to be useless at first sight is not actually useless but useful, especially when you are young"
Nomo Hideo
"Even when i am in bad condition, I do not want to come back to where i was before.
I just want to go forward"
Matsui Hideki
"We often say 'Time solves the problem', but i do not think so.
I do think that "Time of action to make better does solves the problem' "
Matsuoka Shuzo
"Never think 'I should have ...', or 'I could have ...',
You just try to make it better,
You just try to reach the highest goal you can reach now,
You just try to realize the finest ideal you can realize from now on
You just try to live the best NOW"
Arakawa Shizuka
"Do not mind, I have once failed a PK in World Cup"
"I do not care which country he is from when i choose a member of the team,
Only thing i care is his ability and potential"
Arsene Wenger
"I do not care that i am the first Japanese to win the Best-8 on Chanpions League,
The goal i am heading is far more higher"
Honda Keisuke
”Miss-Judge? I do not care. I am just gonna block any shoot"
Olier Kahn
"Only doping i have ever made is the too much effort i have done"
Diego Armando Maradona
"I am gonna take it"
Endo Yasuhito
”Where in the field can I get a goal most easily?
Wherever in the field can I get a goal!"
Zlatan Evrahimovic
"I really love soccer, from the bottom of my heart, with all my love and all of me"
Matsui Naoki
"I am speaking out for you. Many people in the world are watching this game.
Be a good referee
Hasebe Makoto
"Do not be hesitate to have a dream,
Do not be ashamed of your dream,
You just dream what you want to dream"
Nakazawa Yuji
"If you have a goals in your life, you just speak it out!"
John Lee "Johnny" Bench
"Now i got a Silver Medal, it has been 20 years since i got a Blonze one.
So i am going to run through my life toward a Gold Medal, taking another 20 years!"
Yamamoto Hiroshi
"To give up your dream is to give up your hope,
To give up your hope is to give up your life,
And nothing left"
Eldrik Tiger Woods
"I have won many times and I have lost many time,
but what I am most proud of is that I have fought through with my Dream!"
Ota Akira
"I never dream, I just always aim at my goals"
Matsuzaka Daisuke
"I am existing in this wolrd,
I am living in this world,
It is the biggest chance ever"
Ayrton Senna da Silva
hide, 忌野清志郎、john lennon....
it may be true that someday i will die.
but what is far much more improtant is that
I am alive now!
Everything which happens in my life is Miracle
It is miracle that i feel happy sad, lonely, tough, fun...
It is miracle that i think tenderly of someone, that i love someone
"When you are in tough time, look at me in my back, look how i go and fight!"
Sawa Homare, soccer
"You never get a good chance while you are waiting for one to come to you"
Raul Gonzalez Blanco, soccer
"Those who do not fight through now are those who can not fight next time, tomorrow and never ever"
Robert Baggio, soccer
"I am called an 'arrow', but it is my colleague who draw the 'bow' "
Andrii Mykolaiovych Shevchenko
"When i am in the court, i do not think 'i' but 'we' "
Magic Johnson
"A real cooperation of the team comes true when each member does his best on his own for his part"
Matsuo Yuji
"What seems to be useless at first sight is not actually useless but useful, especially when you are young"
Nomo Hideo
"Even when i am in bad condition, I do not want to come back to where i was before.
I just want to go forward"
Matsui Hideki
"We often say 'Time solves the problem', but i do not think so.
I do think that "Time of action to make better does solves the problem' "
Matsuoka Shuzo
"Never think 'I should have ...', or 'I could have ...',
You just try to make it better,
You just try to reach the highest goal you can reach now,
You just try to realize the finest ideal you can realize from now on
You just try to live the best NOW"
Arakawa Shizuka
"Do not mind, I have once failed a PK in World Cup"
"I do not care which country he is from when i choose a member of the team,
Only thing i care is his ability and potential"
Arsene Wenger
"I do not care that i am the first Japanese to win the Best-8 on Chanpions League,
The goal i am heading is far more higher"
Honda Keisuke
”Miss-Judge? I do not care. I am just gonna block any shoot"
Olier Kahn
"Only doping i have ever made is the too much effort i have done"
Diego Armando Maradona
"I am gonna take it"
Endo Yasuhito
”Where in the field can I get a goal most easily?
Wherever in the field can I get a goal!"
Zlatan Evrahimovic
"I really love soccer, from the bottom of my heart, with all my love and all of me"
Matsui Naoki
"I am speaking out for you. Many people in the world are watching this game.
Be a good referee
Hasebe Makoto
"Do not be hesitate to have a dream,
Do not be ashamed of your dream,
You just dream what you want to dream"
Nakazawa Yuji
"If you have a goals in your life, you just speak it out!"
John Lee "Johnny" Bench
"Now i got a Silver Medal, it has been 20 years since i got a Blonze one.
So i am going to run through my life toward a Gold Medal, taking another 20 years!"
Yamamoto Hiroshi
"To give up your dream is to give up your hope,
To give up your hope is to give up your life,
And nothing left"
Eldrik Tiger Woods
"I have won many times and I have lost many time,
but what I am most proud of is that I have fought through with my Dream!"
Ota Akira
"I never dream, I just always aim at my goals"
Matsuzaka Daisuke
"I am existing in this wolrd,
I am living in this world,
It is the biggest chance ever"
Ayrton Senna da Silva
hide, 忌野清志郎、john lennon....
it may be true that someday i will die.
but what is far much more improtant is that
I am alive now!
Everything which happens in my life is Miracle
It is miracle that i feel happy sad, lonely, tough, fun...
It is miracle that i think tenderly of someone, that i love someone