

"自分の哲学を説明するな。具現化せよ。" - エピクテタス

2021-04-03 11:01:59 | 心理学



"自分の哲学を説明するな。具現化せよ。" - エピクテタス

"Don't explain your philosophy. Embody it." - Epictetus


心理学は,(最も不十分な)物理的・生理的方法にのみ関心がない場合でも,「科学的」であると主張していることは明らかである。私が「科学的」であると主張しているのは、あなたが「科学的方法」と表現していることを私がまさに行っているからです。観察し、分類し、観察されたデータ間の関係や順序を確立し、さらには予測の可能性も示しているのです。                                                       C.G.ユング(1960)

ユングが自らの心理学を科学として分類したのは、何が心理学的な科学を構成するかについて、他の国々で統一された合意がある中でのことではなかったことを覚えておく必要があるでしょう。    それどころか、そのような合意は存在しなかっただけでなく、今日に至るまで存在していないのです。  マーク・セイバン(2014年)


My conceptions are empirical and not at all speculative. If you understand them from a philosophical standpoint you go completely astray  since they are not rational but mere names of groups of irrational phenomena.  C.G. Jung (1956)

It is evident that psychology has the claim of being “scientific” even when it is not concerned only with (most inadequate) physical or physiological methods. I do make the claim of being “scientific” because I do exactly what you describe as the “scientific method.” I observe, I classify, I establish relations and sequences between the observed data,                                                                                     and I even show the possibility of prediction.   C.G. Jung (1960)

We should remember then, that when Jung classifies his own psychology as a science,  it was not in the face of unified agreement elsewhere about what constituted psychological science.   On the contrary, not only did no such agreement exist, but it does not exist to this day.     Mark Saban (2014)

The psychological points of view presented in this book are of wide significance and application, and are therefore better treated in a general connection  than left in the form of a specialized scientific hypothesis. C.G. Jung (1923)1



かくして塩とその溶液とを知る者は、古の賢者らの隠された秘密を知るだろう。故に汝の星辰をただひたすら塩に向けて他を顧るな。唯一その中にのみ(in ipsa sola)古の全ての賢者らの学智と、この上なく高貴にして神秘に充ちた秘密とが隠されてあるからだ。(『哲学者の薔薇園』より引用)


2021-04-03 10:21:43 | 心理学


If you imagine someone who is brave enough to withdraw all his projections, then you get an individual who is conscious of a pretty thick shadow. 
Such a man has saddled himself with new problems and conflicts. He has become a serious problem to himself, as he is now unable to say that they do this or that, or that they are wrong, and they must be fought against...
Such a man knows that whatever is wrong in the world is in himself, and if he only learns to deal with his own shadow he has done something real for the world. 
He has succeeded in shouldering at least an infinitesimal part of the gigantic, unsolved social problems of our day.
~Carl Jung
Image |  Concept Art World