


2021-04-12 23:28:26 | 心理学


Rather than using the word Happiness, choose Well-being…



"幸せな人生であっても、暗闇がないわけではありません。悲しみとのバランスがとれていなければ、幸せという言葉は意味を失ってしまいます。忍耐と冷静さをもって物事を受け止めるほうがはるかによい。" ~カール・ユング






"現実から現実への真摯な呼びかけ、目覚めへの真摯な呼びかけは、私たちの中の非常に深いところから来る呼びかけです。それは、気分を良くしたいというよりも、真実を求めているところから来るものです。もし私たちの方向性が、単にその瞬間瞬間に気分を良くすることであるならば、私たちは自分自身を欺き続けることになります。なぜならば、その瞬間瞬間に気分を良くしようとすることは、まさに自分自身を欺くことだからです。なぜなら、その瞬間に気分を良くしようとすることは、まさに自分自身を欺くことだからです。覚醒するためには、常に気分を良くしようとするパラダイムから脱却しなければなりません。もちろん、気分を良くしたいと思うのは人間の経験の一部です。それは人間の経験の一部であり、誰もが良い気分になりたいと思っています。私たちは、より多くの喜びとより少ない痛みを求めるように組み込まれています。しかし、私たちの中にはさらに深い衝動があり、それを私は「目覚めの衝動」と表現しています。~ アディアシャンティ『あなたの世界の終わり』より



"どんな素材でも、耐えられるストレスには限界があります。水には沸点があり、金属には融点があります。精神の要素も同じように振る舞います。幸福は、それ以上の幸福を感じられないほどの高さに達することがある。痛み、絶望、屈辱、嫌悪、恐怖も同じです。器が一杯になると、世界はそれを加えることができない。" ~ ステファン・ツヴァイク


"One must not seek happiness. The happiness that one seeks is a usurped one. Organic happiness, the bliss that comes from the center of the earth, that alone is fruitful & that simply comes. Sometimes it surges from the deepest suffering.. When one distances oneself too much from suffering one loses depth, & happiness comes from depth."
~C.G. Jung, Remembrances of C.G., Emma Jung & Toni Wolff p. 54 (by Susan Percheron)

"The greatest amount of good, of happiness, is complete nonsense; the really good life is half happiness and half suffering. And therefore God made for man the full life which is always a little regrettable. Then it is all right, then only one feels that one is really alive: the beauty is beautiful and the ugliness is really ugly, and everything is in its place. "
~C.G. Jung, the Zarathustra seminars

"Even a happy life cannot be without a measure of darkness, and the word happy would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. It is far better take things as they come along with patience and equanimity." ~Carl Jung

If a man's life consists half of happiness and half of unhappiness, this is probably the optimum that can be reached, and it remains forever an unresolved question whether suffering is educative or demoralizing. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 248.

The object of life is not happiness, but to serve God or the Grail. All of the Grail quests are to serve God. If one understands this and drops his idiotic notion that the meaning of life is personal happiness, then one will find that elusive quality immediately at hand. ~Robert A. Johnson

Joy can never ever be prepared, but exists of its own accord or exists not at all. All you must do is fulfill your task nothing else. Joy comes from fulfillment, but not from longing. ~Philemon to Carl Jung; The Red Book; Page 341

"We come into this world not to be happy, primarily, but to learn. Life after life we pass through complicated experiences until in the fullness of living we learn to grow happily. Happiness is the by-product of our harmonious adjustment to the universal plan."
~Manly P. Hall, Reincarnation: The Cycle Of Necessity, Pg.114

(Don’t seek happiness)
“When someone seeks," said Siddhartha, "then it easily happens that his eyes see only the thing that he seeks, and he is able to find nothing, to take in nothing because he always thinks only about the thing he is seeking, because he has one goal, because he is obsessed with his goal.
Seeking means: having a goal.
But finding means: being free, being open, having no goal.”
~Hermann Hesse

"The sincere call from reality to reality, the sincere call to awaken, is a call that comes from a very deep place within us. It comes from a place that wants the truth more than it wants to feel good. If our orientation is simply to feel better in each moment, then we’ll continue to delude ourselves, because trying to feel better in the moment is exactly how we delude ourselves. We think our delusions are making us feel better. In order to awaken, we must break out of the paradigm of always seeking to feel better. Of course, we want to feel better; it’s part of the human experience. Everybody wants to feel good. We are hardwired to seek more pleasure and less pain. But there is an even deeper impulse within us, and that is what I describe as the impulse to awaken." ~ Adyashanti, The End of Your World

If you investigate the matter deeply enough and widely enough, you will find that happiness eludes nearly all men despite the fact that they are forever seeking it. The fortunate and successful few are those who have stopped seeking with the ego alone and allow the search to be directed inwardly by the higher self. They alone can find a happiness unblemished by defects or deficiencies, a Supreme Good which is not a further source of pain and sorrow but an endless source of satisfaction and peace. ~Paul Brunton

“To get happiness, forget about it; then with any luck, happiness will come as a by-product in pursuing meaningful activities and relationships.” ~Martin, 2013, ibid:31.

“There's an inherent limit to the stress that any material can bear. Water has its boiling point, metals their melting points. The elements of the spirit behave the same way. Happiness can reach a pitch so great that any further happiness can't be felt. Pain, despair, humiliation, disgust, and fear are no different. Once the vessel is full, the world can't add to it.” ~ Stefan Zweig

“Why should I be unhappy? Every parcel of my being is in full bloom.”





2021-04-12 01:30:28 | 心理学


あなたには、意見を持たないという選択肢が常にある。~マルクス・アウレリウス(Marcus Aurelius)。

1人、「未来に惑わされてはいけない。必要であれば、現在のあなたを武装させたのと同じ理性の武器で、未来に立ち向かうのだ。Marcus Aurelius」というテキストの画像のようです。


あなたが自分の心の中でその傷を受け入れない限り、地球上の誰もあなたを傷つけることはできません。. . 問題は他の人ではなく、あなたの反応なのです」~バーノンハワード





"自分に忠実である "という話は、自分がどの声に忠実であるかをはっきりさせてからでないと意味がありません。


~CGユング、C.W.2、par. 609.
Why do people blindly act on their stupidity and impulses so naturally? How come applying wisdom, however lacking is comparatively so awkward feeling?

You always have the option of having no opinion. ~Marcus Aurelius.

1人、、「Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present. Marcus Aurelius」というテキストの画像のようです

 We never get upset over what happens. Never. We get upset because of preconceived ideas as to what we think should happen, what we want to happen. When our preference clashes with the reality, we get hurt. Rid yourself of all preconceived ideas as to what should happen. You are then at peace whatever happens.
~Vernon Howard

No one on earth can hurt you, unless you accept the hurt in your own mind. . . The problem is not other people; it is your reaction.~Vernon Howard

Recently I received a letter from a former patient which describes the necessary transformation in simple but trenchant words. She writes:
”Out of evil, much good has come to me. By keeping quiet, repressing nothing, remaining attentive, and by accepting reality—taking things as they are, and not as I wanted them to be—by doing all this, unusual knowledge has come to me, and unusual powers as well, such as I could never have imagined before. I always thought that when we accepted things they overpowered us in some way or other. This turns out not to be true at all, and it is only by accepting them that one can assume an attitude towards them. So now I intend to play the game of life, being receptive to whatever comes to me, good and bad, sun and shadow forever alternating, and, in this way, also accepting my own nature with its positive and negative sides. Thus everything becomes more alive to me. What a fool I was! How I tried to force everything to go according to the way I thought it ought to!” ~Carl Jung, CW 13: Alchemical Studies, Para 70

“Do you want to know what my secret is?
I don’t mind what happens.”
~Jiddu Krishnamurti

“If someone can prove me wrong and show me my mistake in any thought or action, I shall gladly change. I seek the truth, which never harmed anyone: the harm is to persist in one's own self-deception and ignorance.” ~Marcus Aurelius, Meditations, VI-21.

To realize true acceptance of both yourself, and the world around you, is truly a wondrous and beautiful life changing transformation.
Ones serenity is equally proportionate to ones own expectations.
Shedding those, realizes you true peace.

“There is no sense talking about "being true to yourself" until you are sure what voice you are being true to.
It takes hard work to differentiate the voices of the unconscious.”
~Marion Woodman

Most people confuse "self-knowledge" with knowledge of their conscious ego-personalities. Anyone who has any ego-consciousness at all takes it for granted that he knows himself. People measure their self-knowledge by what the average person in their social environment knows of himself, but not by the real psychic facts which are for the most part hidden from them. In this respect the psyche behaves like the body, of whose physiological and anatomical structure the average person knows very little too. Although he lives in it and with it, most of it is totally unknown to the layman, and special scientific knowledge is needed to acquaint consciousness with what is known of the body, not to speak of all that is not known, which also exists.
What is commonly called "self-knowledge" is therefore a very limited knowledge, most of it dependent on social factors, of what goes on in the human psyche. Hence one is always coming up against the prejudice that such and such a thing does not happen "with us" or "in our family" or among our friends and acquaintances. On the other hand, one meets with equally illusory assumptions about the alleged presence of qualities which merely serve to cover up the true facts of the case.
~CG Jung, CW 10, Paras 491, 492

“All our thinking and acting, the vast bulk of which appears to us to be conscious, actually consist of all those little bits that are finely determined by innumerable impulses completely outside consciousness. To our ego-consciousness the association-process seems to be its own work, subject to its judgment, free will, and concentration; in reality, however, as our experiment beautifully shows, ego-consciousness is merely the marionette that dances on the stage, moved by a concealed mechanism.”
~CG Jung, C.W. 2, par. 609.

反対語の識別なしには意識は存在しない["Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype", CW 9i, par. 178.]。

意識は自ら作り出すものではなく、未知の深みから湧き出てくるものです。子供の頃は徐々に目覚め、生涯を通じて毎朝眠りの底から無意識の状態で目覚める。それは、無意識の原初的な子宮から毎日生まれてくる子供のようなものである。. . それは、無意識の影響を受けるだけでなく、無数の自発的なアイデアや突然の閃きの形で、絶えず無意識から出てくるのである["The Psychology of Eastern Meditation", CW 11, par.]


この一節(MDR, p.326)は、私の意見では、これまでの人生の中で最も意識的な人生である、一生涯の仕事を抽出したものです。この文章を本質的に凝縮すると、次のようになります。人間の人生の目的は、意識の創造である。" ~エドワード・エジンガー著『意識の意味』。57ページ


Why? Because Mass-man is unconscious.
Consciousness. The function or activity which maintains the relation of psychic contents to the ego; distinguished conceptually from the psyche, which encompasses both consciousness and the unconscious. (See also opposites.)
There is no consciousness without discrimination of opposites.["Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype," CW 9i, par. 178.]

There are two distinct ways in which consciousness arises. The one is a moment of high emotional tension, comparable to the scene in Parsifal where the hero, at the very moment of greatest temptation, suddenly realizes the meaning of Amfortas' wound. The other is a state of contemplation, in which ideas pass before the mind like dream-images. Suddenly there is a flash of association between two apparently disconnected and widely separated ideas, and this has the effect of releasing a latent tension. Such a moment often works like a revelation. In every case it seems to be the discharge of energy-tension, whether external or internal, which produces consciousness.["Analytical Psychology and Education," CW 17, par. 207.]
In Jung's view of the psyche, individual consciousness is a superstructure based on, and arising out of, the unconscious.
Consciousness does not create itself-it wells up from unknown depths. In childhood it awakens gradually, and all through life it wakes each morning out of the depths of sleep from an unconscious condition. It is like a child that is born daily out of the primordial womb of the unconscious. . . . It is not only influenced by the unconscious but continually emerges out of it in the form of numberless spontaneous ideas and sudden flashes of thought.["The Psychology of Eastern Meditation," CW 11, par. 935.]
Jung Lexicon

“Man’s task is…to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious. Neither should he persist in his unconsciousness nor remain identical with the unconscious elements of his being, thus evading his destiny, which is to create more and more consciousness. As far as we can discern, the sole purpose of human existence is to kindle a light in the darkness of mere being.” ~CG Jung, MDR, p.326.

^^ “This passage (MDR, p.326) distills the work of a lifetime, a life which in my opinion is the most conscious life ever lived. If we condense this statement to its essence we arrive at this: The purpose of human life is the creation of consciousness.” ~Edward Edinger, The Meaning Of Consciousness. Page 57.

And yet the attainment of consciousness was the most precious fruit of the tree of knowledge, the magical weapon which gave man victory over the earth, and which we hope will give him a still greater victory over himself. ~Carl Jung, CW 14, Para 289



2021-04-12 00:57:35 | 心理学


Knowing that guy really love you is difficult 


My mom said
stick with the guy that loves you, not the guy you love. Beccause the guy that love you will go the end of the Earth for you , but the guy you love will only love you on his terms.
She's always said a woman can grow to love but a man either loves you from the start or doesn't.


~CGユング、心理的関係としての結婚、アニマとアニムス。Para 325.



親密な関係についての真実は、自分自身との関係に勝るものはないということです。私たちが自分自身とどのように関係しているかによって、他者の選択だけでなく、関係の質も決まるのです。実際、すべての親密な関係は、それを始めたときの私たちの姿を暗黙のうちに明らかにする。したがって、すべての関係は私たちの内面の状態を示すものであり、自分の無意識との関係に勝る関係はありえない。~ジェームス・ホリス著「The Middle Passage: for Misery to Meaning in Midlife」。


"愛とは、主に特定の人との関係ではありません。それは態度であり、性格の方向性であり、愛の「対象」ではなく、世界全体との関係性を決定します。もし、ある人が一人の人だけを愛し、他の仲間には無関心であれば、その人の愛は愛ではなく、共生的な愛着、あるいは拡大されたエゴイズムである。しかし、ほとんどの人は、愛は(愛の)能力によってではなく、対象によって構成されると信じている。" ~エリック・フロム『愛することの芸術』P.42。


Whenever we speak of a "psychological relationship" we presuppose one that is conscious, for there is no such thing as a psychological relationship between two people who are in a state of unconsciousness. From the psychological point of view they would be wholly without relationship. From any other point of view, the physiological for example, they could be regarded as related, but one could not call their relationship psychological. It must be admitted that though such total unconsciousness as I have assumed does not occur, there is nevertheless a not inconsiderable degree of partial unconsciousness, and the psychological relationship is limited in the degree to which that unconsciousness exists.
~CG Jung, Marriage as a Psychological Relationship, Anima and Animus. Para 325.

Most connections in the world are not relationships, they are participation mystique [mystical connection].
One is then apparently connected, but of course it is never a real connection, it is never a relationship; but it gives the feeling of being one sheep in a flock at least, which is something.
While if you disqualify yourself as a sheep you are necessarily out of the flock and will suffer from a certain loneliness, despite the fact that you then have a chance to reestablish a relationship, and this time a conscious relationship, which is far more satisfactory.
Participation mystique gives one a peculiar unconsciousness, which is in a way a function of the mother; one is carried in unconsciousness.
Sometimes it is nice and sometimes it is not nice at all, but as a rule people prefer it because the average man gets awfully frightened when he has to do something which he cannot share with his world; he is afraid to be alone, to think something which other people don’t think, or to feel something which other people don’t feel.
One is up against man’s gregarious instinct as soon as one tries to transcend the ordinary consciousness. ~Carl Jung, Visions Seminar, Page 625

"Relationship to the Self is at once relationship to our fellow man, and no one can be related to the latter until he is related to himself. Individuation has two principal aspects: in the first place it is an internal and subjective process of integration, and in the second it is an equally indispensable process of objective relationship. Neither can exist without the other." ~Carl Jung, CW 16, Para 464

The truth about our intimate relationships is that they can never be any better than our relationship with ourselves. How we are related to ourselves determines not only the choice of the Other but the quality of the relationship. In fact, every intimate relationship tacitly reveals who we were when we commenced it. All relationships, therefore, are symptomatic of the state of our inner life, and no relationship can be any better than our relationship to our own unconscious. ~James Hollis, The Middle Passage: for Misery to Meaning in Midlife.

And just as it is impossible to individuate without relatedness, so it is impossible to have real relationships without individuation. ~Esther Harding, C.G. Jung Speaking, Page 31

“Love is not primarily a relationship to a specific person; it is an attitude, an orientation of character which determines the relatedness of a person to the world as a whole, not toward one “object” of love. If a person loves only one other person and is indifferent to the rest of his fellow men, his love is not love, but a symbiotic attachment, or an enlarged egotism. Yet, most people believe that love is constituted by the object, not by the faculty (of love).” ~Erich Fromm, The Art of Loving, Pg. 42.

Seldom, or perhaps never, does a marriage develop into an individual relationship smoothly and without crises; there is no coming to consciousness without pain. ~Carl Jung, Contributions to Analytical Psychology, P. 193

Crucial to (the evolution of relationship) is the realization that the inner partner is not the same as the outer partner, and so long as the inner divinity is projected onto the outer human creature, there can be nothing but illusion, confusion, disappointment and despair, to mention but a few of the heartaches that the flesh is heir to. While our relationships to the inner (bride or bridegroom) will influence our outer relationships, (he or she) is the presence that accompanies us in our inner journey to totality. Our outer partner shares the earthly path. Discriminating between the two can be a humbling and releasing experience. I remember the first time I saw my husband without projection. We had been married 25 years.
~Marion Woodman, The Ravaged Bridegroom.