


2021-04-13 21:26:14 | 心理学


To escape from the world means that one's mind is not concerned with the opinions of the world.



"信じて固執している「真実」は、新しいことを聞くことを不可能にします。" ~ペマ・チョードロン

An opinion is the emission of a concept out of fear that another concept might be the truth, and this indicates ignorance.]
As the basis of his Dialectic, Socrates demanded precision of terminology. In our Revolution of the Dialectic, we demand precision of the Verb as a basis.
The word, a distinguishing feature of humans, is the instrument of individual expression and communication among men. It is the vehicle of exterior language and the discharge (or exteriorization) of the complicated interior language, which can both be utilized by the Being or by the ego.
Plato, in the dialogue “Phaedo”, expressed to one of his disciples a concept which is famous for its profundity and moral delicacy, as a human principle of idiomatic propriety, it says as follows:
“Be it known unto you, my dear Crito, that speaking in an improper manner is not only committing a fault in what is said but also damages the souls.“
If we want to resolve problems, we should abstain from expressing opinions. Every opinion can be debated. We should resolve a problem by meditating on it. It is necessary to resolve it with the mind and the heart. We should learn to think for ourselves. It is absurd to repeat like parrots the opinions of others.
When the ego is annihilated, the optional processes of the mind disappear. An opinion is the emission of a concept out of fear that another concept might be the truth, and this indicates ignorance.
It is urgent to learn to not identify with problems. It is necessary to explore ourselves sincerely and then maintain mental and verbal silence.
~Excerpt from “The Revolution of the Dialectic”

He can, however, be sufficiently informed only when he has in large measure freed himself from the leveling influence of collective opinions and thereby arrived at a clear conception of his own individuality. ~Carl Jung, CW 6, Para 10.

Opinions are the voicing of one’s beliefs.
We’re trained by the social norm to be proud of our beliefs – “choose your beliefs wisely” they say…
But accepting a belief does a funny thing to our mind. When we adopt a belief we tend to take it as a truth, oddly enough, and this means to us that we’ve arrived and that there’s no need to search any further so we end up being blocked to any new information that may come along. This is often called being Blocked by Belief (Inflation). And we can know if we’ve been conditioned that way by paying attention to our emotions when our beliefs are challenged, in what is called Cognitive Dissonance… and by our then resulting behavioral patterns of Fight or Flight. This is called Self Observation – a very valuable tool on our Individuation journey.
Noticing our emotions and reactions and then doing something to change our false beliefs is foundational to doing honest and intelligent shadow work.
In theory, we hold a belief in the possibility of a thing until we find the empirical evidence or facts that prove that thing and which is often backed up by personal experience… and then we drop the belief and accept the truth, the knowing of that thing… or we may find that the evidence disproves that thing and we then stop believing it and drop it. No need to hang onto it any longer.
That’s the way it’s supposed to work.
What has happened is that we’ve become indoctrinated to accept belief as truth. And the issue with this is that we stop looking for the evidence to convert the belief into truth… and it even gets worse, our acceptance of the belief as truth causes us to not be able to see anything that opposes that belief!
That’s where most people are at.
Stuck in belief.
Stuck in collectivism.
(Inflated, in other words)
Not being able to see the truth when it is placed directly in front of us
“The ‘truth’ you believe and cling to makes you unavailable to hear anything new.” ~Pema Chodron


2021-04-13 10:29:16 | 心理学


私は思いやりのある方法で、彼を見てこう言いました。「彼らもあなたとまったく同じことを考えているのよ..... そして、あなたと彼らの間でそれが変わらない限り、何も変わることはないでしょう」と言いました。



Pure Orwellian social engineering. The fabrication of fictitious Divide and Conquer boogeyman gaslighting, 101.

“This problem cannot be solved collectively, because the masses are not changed unless the individual changes. At the same time, even the best-looking solution cannot be forced upon him, since it is a good solution only when it is combined with a natural process of development. It is therefore a hopeless undertaking to stake everything on collective recipes and procedures. The bettering of a general ill begins with the individual, and then only when he makes himself and not others responsible. This is naturally only possible in freedom, but not under a rule of force, whether this be exercised by a self-elected tyrant or by one thrown up by the mob.”
~C.G. Jung, Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious.

my first thought when i read this was" what the hell can I do to end white supremacy? Beyond teaching my 7 year old to see that everyone and everything of this world should be treated with the inherent respect it deserves.
There are some other, smaller ways I think i could help perhaps.
I had a neighbor, during the Floyd protests, who is a cop.
He went on a rant about the people confronting him on the streets, lighting dumpsters on fire, breaking windows. He there was no point in reaching out to these people, that they were animals.
In the most compassionate way I could muster, I looked at him and said, " you know they think the same exact thing of you..... And until that changes for you and them, nothing will ever change".
There appeared to be a lightbulb moment across his face but idk. He moved and we never had opportunity to continue the conversation.
I'm not sure there's more one can do.

“Attempt to influence public opinion by means of newspapers, radio, television, and advertising are based on two factors. On the one hand, they rely on sampling techniques that reveal the trend of "opinion" or "wants"-that is, of collective attitudes. On the other, they express the prejudices, projections, and unconscious complexes (mainly the power complex) of those who manipulate public opinion. But statistics do no justice to the individual. Although the average size of stones in a heap may be five centimeters, one will find very few stones of exactly this size in the heap.”
~C.G. Jung, Man and His Symbols.

“…in so far as society is itself composed of de-individualized human beings, it is completely at the mercy of ruthless individualists. Let it band together into groups and organizations as much as it likes – it is just this banding together and the resultant extinction of the individual personality that makes it succumb so readily to a dictator. A million zeros joined together do not, unfortunately, add up to one.”
~C.G. Jung, Man and His Symbols.

"アメリカのバラ色の感傷は、残虐性の影である。 麻薬、暴力、犯罪、人種差別的な憎しみ......自分の影が目の前にあるのです。私がロサンゼルスにいた頃、友人たちは "5時以降はホテルから出るな "と言っていました。ここスイスのクスナハトでは、夜中の1時や2時まで歩けるんだ。だからこそ、目の前に悪の問題があり、それに対処することを学ばざるを得ないのだ。
--マリー=ルイーズ・フォン・フランツ(1991)『愛の戦争と変容』(Psychological Perspectives: a Quarterly Journal of Jungian Thought.

"The rose-colored sentimentality of America is the shadow of brutality.  Drugs, violence, crime, racist hate -- you have your shadow right at your doorstep. When I was in Los Angeles, my friends told me, “Don’t go out of the hotel after five o’clock.” Here in Kusnacht, Switzerland, I can walk until one or two o’clock in the morning. That’s why you have your problem of evil right at your doorstep - you are forced to learn to deal with it. 
Everywhere there are people looking at the television and nodding yes, showing no independent thinking of their own. People are not educated to become independent. Learning not to believe the media would be the task. School children, for example, may learn to hate Iraqis or Jews because of media influence. We must help our children learn to evaluate, to judge critically, the way in which their feelings are being manipulated by media propaganda."
-- Marie-Louise von Franz (1991), Love War and Transformation, Psychological Perspectives: a Quarterly Journal of Jungian Thought.


2021-04-13 00:25:01 | 心理学


“One of the great dangers of our time is the uprooted population in big towns (cities). They live too near together and become completely collective. The argument that man is raised by the community is false.” 
~Carl Jung, ETH Lecture 10th Nov 1939.
art | Bromi Design

「私たちはずっと前に原始社会から、ヌミノーゼの喪失が何を意味するのかを見ることができました。彼らは彼らの存在理由[存在の理由]、彼らの社会組織の秩序を失い、そして解散して衰退します。私たちは今同じ状態にあります。 。私たちは、正しく理解できなかった何かを失いました。....私たちは、彼らの謎とヌミノーゼのすべてのものを取り除きました。もはや聖なるものはありません。」 〜C。 G.ユング、未発見の自己。 134ページ。

そこには古い真実がある。ホモ・ホミニ・ループス(Homo homini lupus)。


"We could have seen long ago from primitive societies what the loss of numinosity means: they lose their raison d'etre [reason for existence], the order of their social organizations, and then dissolve and decay. We are now in the same condition. We have lost something we have never properly understood.... We have stripped all things of their mystery and numinousity. Nothing is holy any longer." ~C. G. Jung, The undiscovered Self. Pg 134.

[But moral laws are only valid within a compact human group.]
Morality was not brought down on tables of stone from Sinai and imposed on the people, but is a function of the human soul, as old as humanity itself.
Morality is not imposed from outside; we have it in ourselves from the start —not the law, but our moral nature without which the collective life of human society would be impossible.
That is why morality is found at all levels of society.
It is the instinctive regulator of action which also governs the collective life of the herd. But moral laws are only valid within a compact human group.
Beyond that, they cease.
There the old truth runs: Homo homini lupus.

With the growth of civilization we have succeeded in subjecting ever larger human groups to the rule of the same morality, without, however, having yet brought the moral code to prevail beyond the social frontiers, that is, in the free space between mutually independent societies.
There, as of old, reign lawlessness and license and mad immorality—though of course it is only the enemy who dares to say it out loud. ~Carl Jung, CW 7, Para 30.