

"最も恐ろしいことは、自分を完全に受け入れることである" - カール・ユング

2021-04-08 23:54:27 | 心理学

"最も恐ろしいことは、自分を完全に受け入れることである" - カール・ユング

The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely" - Carl Jung



~ カール・ユング、『金花の秘密』の解説。中国の生命の書」(1962年)

The most terrifying thing it to accept oneself completely. ~Needs citation….

“A complex can be really overcome only if it is lived out to the full. In other words, if we are to develop further we have to draw to us and drink down to the very dregs what, because of our complexes, we have held at a distance.” ~Carl Jung, CW 9i, Para 184

“…the greatest and most important problems of life are all in a certain sense insoluble. They must be so because they express the necessary polarity inherent in every self-regulating system. They can never be solved, but only outgrown.”
~ Carl Jung, Commentary on "The Secret of the Golden Flower: A Chinese Book of Life" (1962)


諸富祥彦 /無料オンライン・スペシャル・ミニセミナー 明日4月9日金曜 夜21 時から

2021-04-08 21:18:22 | 心理学
@morotomiyoshi  (明治大学 教授)
年に何回かだけおこなう、無料オンライン・スペシャル・ミニセミナー 明日4月9日金曜 夜21 時から 『心理学を生きるということ』 カウンセラーになる上でとても大切で、しかし忘れがちなことを短くコンパクトにお話しします。明日は、対談形式ではなく、私の一人がたりでおこないます。949 2513 5503がZOOMのID     508353 がパスワード


2021-04-08 20:44:24 | 心理学


God became Man,so that Man may become God  


"自己の経験においては、以前のように「神」と「人」という相反するものが和解するのではなく、むしろ神のイメージそのものの中にある相反するものが和解するのである。それこそが神への奉仕の意味であり、人間が神に提供できる奉仕の意味であり、それによって暗闇から光が現れ、創造主が被造物を意識し、人間が自分自身を意識するようになるのである」。~CGユング、MDR p.338

それは、キリストが神の子であるという事実にすでに表現されている。" ~カール・ユング、CW11、パラ233

"個性化は究極的には宗教的なプロセスであり、それに対応する宗教的な態度を必要とする=自我の意志が神の意志に服従する" ~カール・グスタフ・ユング『書簡集』第2巻、265ページ







“In the experience of the self it is no longer the opposites "God" and "man" that are reconciled, as it was before, but rather the opposites within the God-image itself. That is the meaning of divine service, of the service which man can render to God, that light may emerge from the darkness, that the Creator may become conscious of His creation, and man conscious of himself.” ~CG Jung, MDR p.338

“The goal of psychological, as of biological, development is self-realization, or individuation.
But since man knows himself only as an ego, and the self, as a totality, is indescribable and indistinguishable from a God image, self-realization—to put it in religious or metaphysical terms —amounts to God’s incarnation.
That is already expressed in the fact that Christ is the son of God.” ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 233

"Individuation is ultimately a religious process which requires a corresponding religious attitude = the ego-will submits to God’s will." ~Carl Gustav Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 265.

The individual who is not anchored in God can offer no resistance on his own resources to the physical and moral blandishments of the world. For this he needs the evidence of inner, transcendent experience which alone can protect him from the otherwise inevitable submersion in the mass. ~Carl Jung, CW 10, Page 258.

"As it gradually dawns on people, one by one, that the transformation of God is not just an interesting idea but is a living reality, it may begin to function as a new myth. Whoever recognizes this myth as his own personal reality will put his life in the service of this process. Such an individual offers himself as a vessel for the [continuing] incarnation of deity and thereby promotes the on-going transformation of God by giving Him human manifestation."
~Edward Edinger, The Creation of Consciousness, Page 113.

"The God-image is not a static entity. The archetype of the God-image—what we live by whether we know it or not—is part of a dynamic process. It means that in the course of the evolution of the human species and in the historical-cultural development of the human species, the God-image is a living entity, a living process that moves, that unfolds, that develops and undergoes transformations. That transformation process is also evident if one makes a historical examination of the facts of the collective psyche."
~Edward Edinger, The New God-Image

If the ego does not exist as a separate entity, then the god image does not really exist either. God is a consequence of consciousness, it is born in the human soul parallel to the nativity of Christ. That God requires conscious man in order to come into existence was first stated clearly by Meister Eckhart. He was a depth psychologist manqué.
~Edward Edinger, Commentary to Aion.

"All birth means separation from the All, the confinement within limitation, the separation from God, the pangs of being born ever anew. The return into the All, the dissolution of painful individuation, the reunion with God means the expansion of the soul until it is able once more to embrace the All."
~Hermann Hesse

I cannot prove to you that God exists, but my work has proved empirically that the pattern of God exists in every man and that this pattern in the individual has at its disposal the greatest transforming energies of which life is capable. Find this pattern in your own individual self and life is transformed. ~CG Jung, Letter to Lauerence van Der Post.





これが、内なるキリストの誕生と復活の真実です。より多くの考える人がそれに気づくように、これは世界の精神的な再生です。ロゴスであるキリスト......つまり、心、理解者が暗闇の中に輝いている。キリストは、人間についての新しい真実でした。人間は存在しない。私は存在し、あなたは存在する。しかし、人間は言葉に過ぎない。存在しない人類のことは気にせず、存在するもの-自己-を見ることを避けている あなたは、隣人の塀に身を乗り出して言う人のようなものだ。"ほら、雑草が生えていますよ。そして、あそこには、もう一つの雑草がある。どうして畝をもっと深く耕さないんだ?そして、どうしてつるを縛らないんだ?" そしてその間、彼の後ろにある自分の庭は雑草でいっぱいになっているのです。




Carl Jung: “What is important and meaningful to my life is that I shall live as fully as possible to fulfill the divine will within me.”

Carl Jung, on “The Resurrection of the Christ Within”
What is important and meaningful to my life is that I shall live as fully as possible to fulfill the divine will within me. This task gives me so much to do that I have no time or any other. Let me point out that if we were all to live in that way we would need no armies, no police, no diplomacy, no politics, no banks. We would have a meaningful life and not what we have now—madness. What nature asks of the apple-tree is that it shall bring forth apples, and of the pear-tree that it shall bring forth pears. Nature wants me to be simply man. But a man conscious of what I am, and of what I am doing. God seeks consciousness in man.

This is the truth of the birth and the resurrection of Christ within. As more and more thinking men come to it, this is the spiritual rebirth of the world. Christ, the Logos—that is to say, the mind, the understanding, shining into the darkness. Christ was a new truth about man. Mankind has no existence. I exist, you exist. But mankind is only a word. Be what God means you to be; don’t worry about mankind which doesn’t exist, you are avoiding looking at what does exist—the self You are like a man who leans over his neighbor’s fence and says to him: “Look, there is a weed. And over there is an-I- other one. And why don’t you hoe the rows deeper? And I why don’t you tie up your vines?” And all the while, his own garden, behind him, is full of weeds.

C.G. Jung Speaks
Page 75


2021-04-08 13:21:03 | 心理学


What was Jung’s opinion on Taoism and absolute morality





"すべての相反するものは神のものであり、人間はこの重荷に屈しなければならない。そうすることで、人間は神の対立を満たす器となる。" ~カール・ユング-CW7

"出現したとき、神は私を右と左の両方に向かって呼ぶ声がする。しかし、神は一方も他方も望んでいない。中間の道を望んでいる。しかし、真ん中は長い道のりの始まりである。" ~カール・ユング『Liber Novus』311ページ。




is not the eternal Tao
(道德經 第一章)

What was Jung’s opinion on Taoism and absolute morality

There is little use in teaching wisdom.
At all events wisdom cannot be taught by words.
It is only possible by personal contact and by immediate experience.]
To Chang Chung-yuan
Dear Sir, 26 June 1950
I have read your pamphlet with great interest and I can tell you that I fundamentally agree with your views.
I see Taoism in the same light as you do.
I'm a great admirer of Ch'uang-tze's philosophy.
I was again immersed in the study of his writings when your letter arrived in the midst of it.
You are aware, of course, that Taoism formulates psychological principles which are of a very universal nature.
As a matter of fact, they are so all-embracing that they are, as far as they go, applicable to any part of humanity.
But on the other hand just because Taoist views are so universal, they need a re-translation and specification when it comes to the practical application of their principles.
Of course it is undeniable that general principles are of the highest importance, but it is equally important to know in every detail the way that leads to real understanding.
The danger for the Western mind consists in the mere application of words instead of facts.
What the Western mind needs is the actual experience of the facts that cannot be substituted by words.
Thus I'm chiefly concerned with the ways and methods by which one can make the Western mind aware of the psychological facts underlying the concept of Tao, if the latter can be called a concept at all.
The way you put it is in danger of remaining a mere idealism or an ideology to the Western mind.
If one could arrive at the truth by learning the words of wisdom, then the world would have been saved already in the remote times of Lao-tze.
The trouble is, as Ch'uang-tze rightly says, that the old masters failed to enlighten the world, since there weren't minds enough that could be enlightened.
There is little use in teaching wisdom.
At all events wisdom cannot be taught by words.
It is only possible by personal contact and by immediate experience.
The great and almost insurmountable difficulty consists in the question of the ways and means to induce people to make the indispensable psychological experiences that open their eyes to the underlying truth.
The truth is one and the same everywhere and I must say that Taoism is one of the most perfect formulations of it I ever became acquainted with.
Sincerely yours,
C.G. Jung ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Pages 559-560

But, in the end, the hero, the leader, the saviour, is one who discovers a new way to greater certainty. Everything could be left undisturbed did not the new way demand to be discovered, and did it not visit humanity with all the plagues of Egypt until it finally is discovered. The undiscovered vein within us is a living part of the psyche; classical Chinese philosophy names this interior way “Tao,” and likens it to a flow of water that moves irresistibly towards its goal. To rest in Tao means fulfilment, wholeness, one’s destination reached, one’s mission done; the beginning, end, and perfect realization of the meaning of existence innate in all things. Personality is Tao
~CG Jung, CW 17, The Development of the Personality, Para 323.

Without doubt, also, the realization of the opposite hidden in the unconscious, i.e. the 'reversal', signifies reunion with the unconscious laws of being, and the purpose of this reunion is the attainment of conscious life or, expressed in Chinese terms, the bringing about of the Tao. ~Carl Jung, Secret of the Golden Flower, Pages 95-96.

"All opposites are of God, thereby man must bend to this burden; and in so doing ... He becomes a vessel filled with divine conflict." ~Carl Jung-CW7

“On emerging, the God calls me toward the right and the left, his voice calling out to me from both sides. Yet the God wants neither the one nor the other. He wants the middle way: But the middle is the beginning of the long road.” ~Carl Jung, Liber Novus, Page 311.

"The Tao, the middle way, is the way without problems and without conflict. The serpent path is the only way by which we can find our instinct and the instinctive way has no problems and no conflicts. Conflicts and problems all belong to the conscious which discriminates. So it is a great release when we find our instinct.."
~C.G. Jung, ETH, p.226

“They asked Rumi, how did you know God?
He answered: by uniting between opposites.”

The tao that can be named is not the eternal tao

The tao that can be told
is not the eternal Tao
The name that can be named
is not the eternal Name.
The unnamable is the eternally real.
Naming is the origin
of all particular things.
Free from desire, you realize the mystery.
Caught in desire, you see only the manifestations.
Yet mystery and manifestations
arise from the same source.
This source is called darkness.
Darkness within darkness.
The gateway to all understanding.
(Tao Te Ching - Chapter 1)



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