自己は与えられるものではなく、作られるものです。 バーバラ・マイヤーホフ
The self is made, not given. BARBARA MYERHOFF
...自己の経験は常に自我の敗北である。" ~カール・ユング、CW14、Par. 778.
"キリストの原型的人生のドラマは、意識的な人生の出来事と、意識を超えた人生の出来事を象徴的なイメージで描いている。" ~CGユング
"Homo creatus est "(男が生まれる)とは、人間が創造されたという意味です。私たちはこの言葉に微笑みながら背を向け、当然のように創世記の第一章を思い浮かべます。しかし、これは心理学的に最も重要な宣言であり、人間は自分が創造されたと感じるかどうかということである。人間は自分が創造されたと感じるのか、そうではないと感じるのか、自分が創造されたと感じるのか、むしろ自分を発見したと感じるのか。ほとんどの人は後者だと感じています。ある日、私たちは自分自身を発見し、初めて「私」と言いました。しかし、その「私」は創造されたものなのか、それともただ起こったことなのか?これは全く異なる質問であり、非常に難しい質問である。私たちの感覚では答えられません。私たちは、自分の才能、悪癖、資質、不完全さを備えた自分自身を徐々に発見していったとしか言いようがない。この集合体の背後に目的や意図があったのか、それとも盲目的な偶然の結果であったのか、私たちの手の中には何の証拠もありません。
~C.G.ユング, ETH, 01/12/1940
チャド・ハバード 「しかし、過去2世紀の間に、中国の儒教やインドの仏教に劣らず、キリスト教がその教育的活動をほとんど失ってしまったことは否定できません」。~カール・ユング、CW10、パラ326
~ウィル・デュラント『Our Oriental Heritage: The Story of Civilization, Volume I
ゼロが数学の全てを始めた...誰かがインドがゼロを発明したというジョークを言っていたが、それは本当で、それに惚れ込んでしまったのだ。彼らはそれを文字化したのです。謎や神について語ることはできますが、それは私にとってあまり意味のあることではありません - 謎に近づくことはできないのです。
~C. C.G.ユング『記憶・夢・反省』(1962年)177ページ。
The individual ego is the stable in which the Christ-child is born. ~Carl Jung; CW 11, Para 207
The ego is the workshop where the self is made. ~Carl Jung, Conversations with C.G. Jung, Page 35.
… the experience of the self is always a defeat for the ego.” ~Carl Jung, CW 14, Par. 778.
“The drama of the archetypal life of Christ describes in symbolic images the events of the conscious life–as well as in the life that transcends consciousness–of a man who has been transformed by his higher destiny.” ~CG Jung
“True sanity entails in one way or another the dissolution of the normal ego, that false self competently adjusted to our alienated social reality... and through this death a rebirth and the eventual re-establishment of a new kind of ego-functioning, the ego now being the servant of the divine, no longer its betrayer.” ~R.D. Laing
The Experience of the Self
"As to your question "Why has the Self gone undiscovered?" I must tell you that my American publisher had the grace to invent this title. I would never have thought of it, as the Self is not really undiscovered, it is merely ignored or misunderstood..
For about 1900 years we have been admonished & taught to project the Self into Christ, & in this very simple way it was removed from empirical man, much to the relief of the latter, since he was thus spared the experience of the Self, namely the unio oppositorum. He blissfully does not know the meaning of the term." ~C.G. Jung, Letter to Bowman, 18 June 1958
The SELF-MADE MAN : "My life is the story of a Self-realization of the unconscious, all that lies in the unconscious wants to become an event, and the personality also wants to unfold from its unconscious conditions and experience itself as a whole. To represent this becoming I went through, I cannot use scientific language, as I cannot experience myself as a scientific problem" ~Carl Jung, Memories - Dreams - Reflections, Prologue
Do we create ourselves or do we discover ourselves?
"'Homo creatus est' means that man was created. We are inclined to turn our backs smilingly on such a statement, thinking naturally enough of the first chapter of Genesis. But it is really a psychological declaration of the first importance: does man feel himself to have been created or not? Do we feel that we have created ourselves or have we rather found ourselves? Most people feel the latter, one day we found ourselves and said "I" for the first time. But had that "I" been created or did it just happen? This is quite a different question and a very difficult one. Our feeling gives us no answer. We can only say that we gradually discovered ourselves with our gifts, our vices, our qualities and our imperfections. No proofs lie to our hand whether this conglomeration had a purpose, an intention, behind it, or whether it was the result of blind chance."
~C.G. Jung, ETH, 01/12/1940
You should not mix up your own enlightenment with the self-revelation of the self. When you recognize yourself, you have not necessarily recognized the self but perhaps only an infinitesimal part of it, though the self has given you the light. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 194-196
Chad Hubbard “But it cannot be denied that in the course of the last two centuries Christianity, no less than Confucianism in China and Buddhism in India, has largely forfeited its educative activity.” ~Carl Jung, CW 10, Para 326
Great as is the value of Zen Buddhism for understanding the religious transformation process, its use among Western people is very problematical.
The mental education necessary for Zen is lacking in the West. ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Paras 901-902
“But how shall an Occidental (Western) mind ever understand the Orient? Eight years of study and travel have only made this, too, more evident—that not even a lifetime of devoted scholarship would suffice to initiate a Western student into the subtle character and secret lore of the East.”
~Will Durant, Our Oriental Heritage: The Story of Civilization, Volume I
Question; It still holds for you that as Jung said its very difficult for Western man to become an Eastern man and vice versa.
Robert responds; I think its impossible. I ran into lots of Westerners in India who were permanently affixed to Ashram or Eastern… I never saw one who I thought was living in a viable life. They all clung to some sentimentality or some projection or some basically untenable life. I wouldn’t have anything to do with the Eastern cults here in the West, that’s not the point, we’ve got our own point (Christianity) but we won’t take it. Its kind of fun to try the Eastern things because its a new language and its not so much dated with my grandmother, my Baptist grandmother. I doubt orthodox Christians would find me a Christian but I think I am.
Jung also said that Christianity is the best roadmap of the Western psyche that he knew exists.
… The zero started the whole of mathematics… and somebody made the joke that India invented the zero, which is true, and fell in love with it, that’s their problem now. They literalized it. One can talk around the mystery, around God, but that doesn’t seem very rewarding to me – it doesn’t get me any closer to the mystery.
~From the interview; “Slender Threads: A Conversation with Jungian Analyst and author Robert A. Johnson”
[The Indian, on the other hand, does yoga exercises in order to obliterate completely the multitude of psychic contents and images.]
"I was frequently so wrought up that I had to do certain yoga exercises in order to hold my emotions in check. But since it was my purpose to know what was going on within myself, I would do these exercises only until I had calmed myself enough to resume my work with the unconscious. As soon as I had the feeling that I was myself again I abandoned this restraint upon the emotions and allowed the images and inner voices to speak afresh. The Indian, on the other hand, does yoga exercises in order to obliterate completely the multitude of psychic contents and images."
~C. G. Jung, Memories, Dreams, Reflections (1962), p. 177.