


2021-04-09 01:05:24 | 心理学


If the path before you is clear, you're probably on someone else's. ~C,G,Jung

"ユングは、出口のない状況や解決策のない葛藤の中にいることが、個性化のプロセスの古典的な始まりだと言っています。無意識が絶望的な葛藤を求めているのは、自我意識を壁にぶつけるためであり、その結果、人間は自分が何をしようと間違っていることを悟らなければならず、自分が決めた方法はいずれも間違っていることになるのです。これは、常に自分には決定の責任があると錯覚して行動するエゴの優越感を打ち破ることを意味しています。. . もし彼が人格の核心まで苦しむほどの倫理観を持っているならば、一般的には、意識的な状況の不可解さのために、自己が現れます。宗教的な言葉で言えば、問題のない状況は、人間が神の行為に頼らざるを得なくなることを意味していると言えるでしょう。"心理学的な言葉で言えば、問題のない状況とは、アニマが人間の人生を巧みにアレンジすることで、人間を自己を経験できる状態に追い込むためのものです。
~マリー=ルイーズ・フォン・フランツ(Marie-Louise von Franz)。





Awareness pt.5 on psychology, youtube video, (no longer available)



私たちの多くは、「自分は痛みに耐えられない」という誤った信念を持って、感じることから逃げる人生を送っています。しかし、あなたはすでに痛みを背負っています。あなたがしていないことは、その痛みを超えて自分のすべてを感じることです。~カリル・ジブラン(Khalil Gibran


"心が開くまで、心を壊し続けなければならない。" ~ルミ

男と女がお互いの心を壊すのはそのためです...しかし、私たちはそれをただの変態的なゲームだと思いがちですが、そうではなく、あなたの愛着を壊すための神のプロセスなのです。できればあなたの心を壊したい...あなたが純粋になるために。誰かの心が折れたとき、彼らは "I'm finished. "と言います。~バリー・ロング

"Barry Long|The Way to Enlightenment", Youtube, 1:16:50 min.
"Of course I'll hurt you. もちろん、あなたは私を傷つけるでしょう。もちろん、私たちはお互いに傷つけあうだろう。しかし、これが存在の条件なのです。春になるためには、冬のリスクを受け入れることになります。存在になるためには、不在のリスクを受け入れることになる」。


“Jung said that to be in a situation where there is no way out or to be in a conflict where there is no solution is the classical beginning of the process of individuation. It is meant to be a situation without solution; the unconscious wants the hopeless conflict in order to put ego consciousness up against the wall, so that the man has to realize that whatever he does is wrong, whichever way he decides will be wrong. This is meant to knock out the superiority of the ego, which always acts from the illusion that it has the responsibility of decision. . . If he is ethical enough to suffer to the core of his personality, then generally, because of the insolubility of the conscious situation, the Self manifests. In religious language you could say that the situation without issue is meant to force the man to rely on an act of God.” In psychological language the situation without issue, which the anima arranges with great skill in a man's life, is meant to drive him into a condition in which he is capable of experiencing the Self. 
~Marie-Louise von Franz.

When the suffering has lasted long enough, so long that the ego and its strength are worn down and one begins to feel oneself to be "small and ugly", then at last comes that merciful moment when reflection is possible, when there is a reversal of the stream of energy, which now flows away from the outer world and towards the Self. ~Marie-Louise von Franz, Reflections of the Soul, pg.163.

A life of ease and security has convinced everyone of all the material joys, and has even compelled the spirit to devise new and better ways to material welfare, but it has never produced spirit. Probably only suffering, disillusion, and self-denial do that. ~Carl Jung, CW 18, Para 1346.

Man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health. What concerns us here is only an excessive amount of them. ~Carl Jung; CW 9; The Transcendent Function.

'Be very careful about how much suffering you take away from people, because you may be taking away their key to freedom' ~Adyashanti

I’m a practicing psychologist but I have this great conflict within me when I have to choose sometimes between psychology and spirituality, it didn’t make sense to me for many years until I suddenly discovered that people have to suffer enough emotionally before they’re ready to wake up… and what I was doing as a psychotherapist was, easing the suffering. People have to suffer enough in a relationship that they get disillusioned with all their relationships. Isn’t that a terrible thing to say? They’ve got to suffer enough in a relationship before they wake up and say, “I’m sick of it. There must be another way of living than depending on another human being”.
Anthony de Mello - 
Awareness pt. 5 on psychology, youtube video, (no longer available)

"All these things shall love do unto you that you may know the secrets of your heart, and in that knowledge become a fragment of Life’s heart.
But if in your fear you would seek only love’s peace and love’s pleasure, Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love’s threshing-floor, Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears." ~The Prophet by Kahlil Gibran

“Anything that can burn in a person should burn. Only the things that are fireproof are worth keeping. If you can hurt my feelings, they are better off hurt, because it’s an error in me.”
~Robert Johnson, Inner Gold:

Many of us spend our whole lives running from feeling with the mistaken belief that you can not bear the pain. But you have already borne the pain. What you have not done is feel all you are beyond that pain. ~Khalil Gibran

In other words, individuation, becoming conscious of the Self, is divine suffering. ~Carl Jung, ETH Lectures, Page 201.

“You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens.” ~Rumi

“The heart center… is the source of all unhappiness. Our hearts are filled with wrong thinking, not natural, attachments to our sentimental things. If you loose it then it will break your heart. So your heart cannot be very healthy if it can get broken, can it? The reason that your heart has to be broken is to get rid of the emotion in it, the sentiment, the wrong love. So everybody’s heart has to be broken before they can find the truth and be enlightened.
It’s the reason men and women break each other’s hearts… but we tend to think it’s just a perverse game but its not, it’s by divine process to break your attachments. I will break your heart if I can… so that you will be pure. When someone’s heart is broken they say “I’m finished.” ~Barry Long

“Barry Long | The Way to Enlightenment”, Youtube, 1:16:50 min.
“Of course I’ll hurt you. Of course you’ll hurt me. Of course we will hurt each other. But this is the very condition of existence. To become spring, means accepting the risk of winter. To become presence, means accepting the risk of absence.”
~Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, The Little Prince