


2021-04-15 20:42:46 | 心理学


Ignorance is the cause of fear.



もう恐れのない男が深淵の瀬戸際にいる。 〜Carl Jung、LettersVol。 1、399ページ。

「私たち自身の深さへの恐れは敵です。」 〜ジェームズホリス

集団的恐怖は群れの本能を刺激し、群れのメンバーと見なされていない人々に対して凶暴性を生み出す傾向があります。 〜バートランドラッセル

信念の絶え間ない主張は恐れの表れです。 〜J。クリシュナムルティ

未知のものを恐れることは決してありません。 1つは、既知の終わりが来るのを恐れています。 〜クリシュナムルティ

心理療法士として、私は決して患者を恐怖から救おうとはしません。むしろ私は彼らを彼らの恐れの理由に導きます、そしてそれからそれが正当化されることが明らかになります。 〜Carl Jung、Letters Vol.1、399ページ。

- ガンディー


“The frightened individual seeks for somebody or something to tie his self to; he cannot bear to be his own individual self any longer, and he tries frantically to get rid of it and to feel security again by the elimination of this burden: the self.”
~Erich Fromm, Escape from Freedom

A man who has no more fear is on the brink of the abyss. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 399.

“Fear of our own depths is the enemy.” ~James Hollis

Collective fear stimulates herd instinct, and tends to produce ferocity towards those who are not regarded as members of the herd. ~Bertrand Russell

The constant assertion of belief is an indication of fear. ~J. Krishnamurti

One is never afraid of the unknown; one is afraid of the known coming to an end. ~Krishnamurti

As a psychotherapist I do not by any means try to deliver my patients from fear. Rather I lead them to the reason of their fear, and then it becomes clear that it is justified. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol.1, Page 399.
"“The enemy is fear. We think it is hate; but it is really fear.”
― Gandhi

「落ちていたら潜る」というルールを知っていますか?やらなければならないことをやる。 ジョセフ・キャンベル

2021-04-15 20:28:03 | 心理学


you know the rule: If you are falling, dive. Do the thing that hazu to be done.
joseph Campbell


だから、もし私が言葉の網にかかってしまったら、私は最大のものと最小のものの餌食になってしまう。私は海に翻弄され、永遠に場所を変える無秩序な波に翻弄されます。彼らの本質は動きであり、動きが彼らの秩序である。波に抗して努力する者は、恣意にさらされる。人の仕事は安定しているが、混沌の上を泳いでいる。人の努力は、海から来た者には狂気のように見える。しかし、人は彼を狂人とみなす。海から来た者は病んでいる 人の視線に耐えられないのだ 彼には皆、眠りを誘う毒に酔って愚かになっているように見えるからだ。彼らはあなたを助けようとしていますが、助けを受け入れることについては、確かに、あなたは彼らの仲間に入り込んで、混沌を見たことがない人のように完全になってしまうよりは、そのようなことは避けたいと思っていますが、口先だけです。



So if I fall prey to the web of words, I fall prey to the greatest and the smallest. I am at the mercy of the sea, of the inchoate waves that are forever changing place. Their essence is movement and movement is their order. He who strives against waves is exposed to the arbitrary. The work of men is steady but it swims upon chaos. The striving of men seems like lunacy to him who comes from the sea. But men consider him mad. He who comes from the sea is sick He can hardly bear the gaze of men. For to him they all seem to be drunk and foolish from sleep-inducing poisons. They want to come to your rescue, and as for accepting help, for sure you would like less of that, rather than swindling your way into their company and being completely like one who has never seen the chaos but only talks about it.
But for him who has seen the chaos, there is no more hiding, because he knows that the bottom sways and knows what this swaying means. He has seen the order and the disorder of the endless, he knows the unlawful laws. He knows the sea and can never forget it. The chaos is terrible: days full of lead, nights full of horror.
But just as Christ knew that he was the way, the truth, and the life, in that the new torment and the renewed salvation came into the world through him, I know that chaos must come over men, and that the hands of those who unknowingly and unsuspectingly break through the thin walls that separate us from the sea are busy. For this is our way, our truth, and our life. Just as the disciples of Christ recognized that God had become flesh and lived among them as a man, we now recognize that the anointed of this time is a God who does not appear in the flesh; he is no man and yet is a son of man, but in spirit and not in flesh; hence he can be born only through the spirit of men as the conceiving womb of the God. What is done to this God you do to the lowest in yourself under the law of love according to which nothing is cast out. For how else should your lowest be saved from depravity? Who should accept the lowest in you, if you do not? But he who does it not from love but from pride, selfishness, and greed, is damned. None of the damnation is cast out either.
If you accept the lowest in you, suffering is unavoidable, since you do the base thing and build up what lay in ruin. There are many graves and corpses in us, an evil stench of decomposition. Just as Christ through the torment· of sanctification subjugated the flesh, so the God of this time through the torment of sanctification will subjugate the spirit. Just as Christ tormented the flesh through the spirit, the God of this time will torment the spirit through the flesh. For our spirit has become an impertinent whore, a slave to words created by men and no longer the divine word itself.
The lowest in you is the source of mercy: We take this sickness upon ourselves, the inability to find peace, the baseness, and the contemptibility so that the God can be healed and radiantly ascend, purged of the decomposition of death and the mud of the underworld. The despicable prisoner will ascend to his salvation shining and wholly healed.
Is there a suffering that would be too great to want to undergo for our God? You only see the one, and do not notice the other. But when there is one, so there is also another and that is the lowest in you. But the lowest in you is also the eye of the evil that stares at you and looks at you coldly and sucks your light down into the dark abyss. Bless the hand that keeps you up there, the smallest humanity; the lowest living thing. Quite a few would prefer death. Since Christ imposed bloody sacrifice on humanity; the renewed God will also not spare bloodshed.
~Carl Jung, Red Book, Pages 299-300

“Therefore after his death Christ had to journey to Hell, otherwise the ascent to Heaven would have become impossible for him. Christ first had to become his Antichrist, his under-worldly brother.
No one knows what happened during the three days Christ was in Hell. I have experienced it. The men of yore said that he had preached there to the deceased. What they say is true, but do you know how this happened?
It was folly and monkey business, an atrocious Hell’s masquerade of the holiest mysteries. How else could Christ have saved his Antichrist? Read the unknown books of the ancients, and you will learn much from them. Notice that Christ did not remain in Hell, but rose to the heights in the beyond.”~Carl Jung, from The Red Book, page 224

Only those people who can really touch bottom can be human. Therefore Meister Eckhart says that one should not repent too much of one’s sins because it might keep one away from grace. One is only confronted with the spiritual experience when one is absolutely human. ~Carl Jung, Visions Seminar, Page 394





The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight. ~Joseph Campbell, Psychology of the Future.

It is by going down into the abyss that we recover the treasures of life.
Where you stumble, there lies your treasure.
The very cave you are afraid to enter turns out to be the source of what you are looking for.
The damned thing in the cave that was so dreaded has become the center.
You find the jewel, and it draws you off.
In loving the spiritual, you cannot despise the earthly.
~Joseph Campbell, Reflections on the Art of Living: A Joseph Campbell Companion

“One thing that comes out in myths is that at the bottom of the abyss comes the voice of salvation. The black moment is the moment when the real message of transformation is going to come. At the darkest moment comes the light.”
~Joseph Campbell

"If you want resurrection, you must have crucifixion. Too many interpretations of the Crucifixion have failed to emphasize that relationship and emphasize instead the calamity of the event. But crucifixion is not a calamity if it leads to new life. Through Christ’s crucifixion we were unshelled, which enabled us to be born to resurrection. That is not a calamity. So, we must take a fresh look at this event if its symbolism is to be sensed." ~Joseph Campbell



2021-04-15 00:34:27 | 心理学

~ C.G.ユング

It is the function of Eros to unite what Logos has sundered. The woman today is faced with a tremendous cultural task. Perhaps it will be the dawn of a new era.
~ C.G Jung.

* インターネットで見つけた引用パラフレーズです。
~CG Jung, (1927) CW 10, Paras 255,266,275.

* ユングによる実際の引用段落。
255] 女性の心理は、偉大な結合者と緩め手であるエロスの原理に基づいている。エロスの概念は、現代の言葉で言えば、精神的な関係性であり、ロゴスの概念は、客観的な関心事である。普通の人の目には、本当の意味での愛は結婚制度と一致し、結婚以外では不倫か「プラトニック」な友情しかありません。女にとっては、結婚は制度ではなく、人間の愛の関係であり、少なくとも女はそう信じたいと思っている。彼女のエロスはナイーブなものではなく、社会的地位への階段としての結婚など、他の許可されていない動機が混じっているので、この原則は絶対的な意味で適用することはできません)。結婚は彼女にとって排他的な関係を意味します。彼女は、夫に劣らず親密な関係にある子供や近親者がいれば、倦怠感に苛まれることなく、その排他的な関係に耐えることができる。彼女がこれらの他者と性的関係を持たないという事実は何の意味もない。なぜなら、彼女にとって性的関係は精神的関係よりもはるかに重要ではないからだ。彼女と彼女の夫が、自分たちの関係を唯一無二で排他的なものだと信じているだけで十分なのだ。彼がたまたま「入れ物」になった場合、彼はこの排他性に息苦しさを感じ、特に彼が妻の排他性が敬虔な詐欺にすぎないことに気づかなかった場合には、そのように感じます。実際には、妻は子供たちや可能な限り多くの家族のメンバーに分配され、それによっていくつもの親密な関係が維持されているのです。もし夫が他の人と同じくらい多くの関係を持っていたら、彼女は嫉妬で気が狂いそうになるだろう。しかし、ほとんどの男性はエロスに目がくらみ、エロスとセックスを混同するという許しがたい過ちを犯しています。男性は、女性を性的に所有していれば、その女性を所有していると考えます。女性にとっては、エロスの関係こそが真の決定的な関係なのです。彼女にとって結婚とは、セックスをお供にした関係なのです。セックスはその結果として恐ろしいものであるから、安全な場所で行うのが有効である。しかし、それが危険でなくなると、関係も薄くなり、関係の問題が前面に出てくるのである。

* Quote paraphrase found on the internet:
“Woman’s psychology is founded on the principle of Eros, the great binder and loosener, whereas from ancient times the ruling principle ascribed to man is Logos. The concept of Eros could be expressed in modern terms as psychic relatedness, and that of Logos as objective interest….The modern woman has become conscious of the undeniable fact that only in the state of love can she attain the highest and best of which she is capable,…God himself cannot flourish if man’s soul is starved. The feminine psyche responds to this hunger, for it is the function of Eros to unite what Logos has sundered. The woman of today is faced with a tremendous cultural task—perhaps it will be dawn of a new era.”
~CG Jung, (1927) CW 10, Paras 255,266,275.

* The actual quote paragraphs by Jung:
[255] Woman’s psychology is founded on the principle of Eros, the great binder and loosener, whereas from ancient times the ruling principle ascribed to man is Logos. The concept of Eros could be expressed inmodern terms as psychic relatedness, and that of Logos as objective interest. In the eyes of the ordinary man, love in its true sense coincides with the institution of marriage, and outside marriage there is only adultery or “platonic” friendship. For woman, marriage is not an institution at all but a human love-relationship—at least that is what she would like to believe. (Since her Eros is not naïve but is mixed with other, unavowed motives—marriage as a ladder to social position, etc.—the principle cannot be applied in any absolute sense.) Marriage means to her an exclusive relationship. She can endure its exclusiveness all the more easily, without dying of ennui, inasmuch as she has children or near relatives with whom she has a no less intimate relationship than with her husband. The fact that she has no sexual relationship with these others means nothing, for the sexual relationship is of far less importance to herthan the psychic relationship. It is enough that she and her husband both believe their relationship to be unique and exclusive. If he happens to be the “container” he feels suffocated by this exclusiveness, especially if he fails to notice that the exclusiveness of his wife is nothing but a pious fraud. In reality she is distributed among the children and among as many members of the family as possible, thus maintaining any number of intimate relationships. If her husband had anything like as many relationships with other people she would be mad with jealousy. Most men, though, are erotically blinded—they commit the unpardonable mistake of confusing Eros with sex. A man thinks he possesses a woman if he has her sexually. He never possesses her less, for to a woman the Eros-relationship is the real and decisive one. For her, marriage is a relationship with sex thrown in as an accompaniment. Since sex is a formidable thing on account of its consequences, it is useful to have it in a safe place. But when it is less of a danger it also becomes less relevant, and then the question of relationship moves into the foreground.
[266] The modern woman has become conscious of the undeniable fact that only in the state of love can she attain the highest and best of which she is capable, and this knowledge drives her to the other realization that love is beyond the law. Her respectability revolts against this, and one is inclined to identify this reaction with public opinion. That would be the lesser evil; what is worse is that public opinion is in her blood. It comes to her like a voice from within, a sort of conscience, and this is the power that holds her in check. She is unaware that love, her most personal, most prized possession, could bring her into conflict with history. Such a thing would seem to her most unexpected and absurd. But who, if it comes to that, has fully realized that history is not contained in thick books but lives in our very blood?


[275] The indirect method of woman is dangerous, for it can hopelessly compromise her aim. That is why she longs for greater consciousness, which would enable her to name her goal and give it meaning, and thus escape the blind dynamism of nature. In any other age it would have beenthe prevailing religion that showed her where her ultimate goal lay; but today religion leads back to the Middle Ages, back to that soul-destroying unrelatedness from which came all the fearful barbarities of war. Too much soul is reserved for God, too little for man. But God himself cannot flourish if man’s soul is starved. The feminine psyche responds to this hunger, for it is the function of Eros to unite what Logos has sundered. The woman of today is faced with a tremendous cultural task—perhaps it will be the dawn of a new era.
CG Jung, CW 10, Paras 255, 266, 275.