


2021-04-19 23:40:56 | 心理学


Alright team, how do we grow spiritually?



Love and Light



Positive vibes only



Own our bullshit and stop projecting.



内的体験のリスク、つまり精神の冒険は、いずれにしてもほとんどの人間にとっては異質なものです。そのような経験が精神的なリアリティを持つかもしれないという可能性は、彼らにとって悩みの種なのです。" ~ カール・ユング『141、記憶、夢、反省』より


"ユングの質問は、私たち全員につきまとっています--この人はどんな仕事を避けているのか?ほとんどの場合、私たちは自分の人生に対する責任を回避しているのだ。" ~ジェームス・ホリス


私たちは、世界が自分の目で見た通りであると仮定しがちであるように、人々が私たちの想像通りであるとナイーブに仮定します。. . .
私たちの無意識の中にあるすべての内容は、常に周囲の環境に投影されています。そして、対象物のある特性を投影または想像として認識することによってのみ、私たちは対象物の実際の特性とそれらを区別することができるのです。. .
Cum grano salis, (一粒の塩で)我々は常に相手の中に自分の認めていないミスを見る。


A good many will admit that self-knowledge and reflection are needed, but very few indeed will consider such necessities binding upon themselves. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 465-466

"Whenever there is a reaching down into the innermost experience, into the nucleus of personality, most people run away...
The risk of inner experience, the adventure of the Spirit, is in any case, alien to most human beings. The possibility that such an experience might have psychic reality is troubling to them." ~ Carl Jung, 141, Memories, Dreams, Reflections

People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. They will practice Indian yoga and all its exercises, observe a strict regimen of diet, learn theosophy by heart, or mechanically repeat mystic text from the literature of the whole world - all because they cannot get on with themselves and have not slightest faith that anything useful could ever come out of their own souls. Thus the soul has been turned into a Nazareth Gradually from which nothing good can come. Therefore let us fetch it from the four corners of the earth - the more far-fetched and bizarre it is the better. ~Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy, Page 99 .

"Jung's question haunts us all--what task is this person avoiding? In most cases, we are avoiding responsibility for our lives." ~James Hollis

If you imagine someone who is brave enough to withdraw all his projections, then you get an individual who is conscious of a pretty thick shadow. Such a man has saddled himself with new problems and conflicts. He has become a serious problem to himself, as he is now unable to say that they do this or that, they are wrong, and they must be fought against… Such a man knows that whatever is wrong in the world is in himself, and if he only learns to deal with his own shadow he has done something real for the world. He has succeeded in shouldering at least an infinitesimal part of the gigantic, unsolved social problems of our day. ~CG Jung “Psychology and Religion” (1938). In CW 11: Psychology and Religion: West and East. P.140

Just as we tend to assume that the world is as we see it, we naïvely suppose that people are as we imagine them to be. . . .
All the contents of our unconscious are constantly being projected into our surroundings, and it is only by recognizing certain properties of the objects as projections or imagos that we are able to distinguish them from the real properties of the objects. . .
Cum grano salis, we always see our own unavowed mistakes in our opponent.
Excellent examples of this are to be found in all personal quarrels.
Unless we are possessed of an unusual degree of self-awareness we shall never see through our projections but must always succumb to them, because the mind in its natural state presupposes the existence of such projections.
It is the natural and given thing for unconscious contents to be projected. ~Carl Jung, CW 8, Para 507

至福への道:神話と個人の変容 ジョセフ・キャンベル デビッド・カドラー編集

2021-04-19 21:04:28 | 心理学



で ブリスへの道、 キャンベルは、神話のこの個人的、心理的な側面を調べます。彼の古典的なベストセラーの本のような ライブによって神話 や 、神話の力 ブリスへの道は、 キャンベルの人気講義や対話から描き、彼の驚くべき物語と個人の成長との探求に世界の神話の大きなテーマを適用する機能をハイライトしました変換。ここで彼は、神話の象徴的な知恵を個人に固定し、最も詩的な神話の比喩を私たちの日常生活の課題に適用します。




2021-04-19 20:55:02 | 心理学

"道は私たちの中にありますが、神でも、教えでも、法律でもありません。私たちの中に道があり、真理があり、生命があるのだ。" - カール・ユング

"The way is within us, but not in Gods, nor in teachings, nor in laws. Within us is the way, the truth, and the life." - Carl Jung


[The way is within us, but not in Gods, nor in teachings, nor in laws. Within us is the way, the truth, and the life.]
"It is no teaching and no instruction that I give you. On what basis should I presume to teach you? I give you news of the way of THIS man, but not of your own way. My path is not your path, therefore I cannot teach you. The way is within us, but not in Gods, nor in teachings, nor in laws. Within us is the way, the truth, and the life.
Woe betide those who live by way of examples! Life is not with them. If you live according to an example, you thus live the life of that example, but who should live your own life if not yourself? So live yourselves.
The signposts have fallen, unblazed trails lie before us. My tongue shall wither if I serve up laws, if I prattle to you about teachings. Those who seek such will leave my table hungry. Do not be greedy to gobble up the fruits of foreign fields. Do you not know that you yourselves are the fertile acre which bears everything that avails you?
Yet who today knows this? Who knows the way to the eternally fruitful climes of the soul? You seek the way through mere appearances, you study books and give ear to all kinds of opinion. What good is all that?
There is only one way, and that is your way.
You seek the path? I warn you away from my own. It can also be the wrong way for you.
May each go his own way.
I will be no savior, no lawgiver, no master teacher unto you. You are no longer little children. One should not turn people into sheep, but sheep into people. The spirit of the Depths demands this, who is beyond present and past. Speak and write for those who want to listen and read. But do not run after men, so that you do not soil the dignity of humanity -- it is a rare good. A sad demise in dignity is better than an undignified healing. Whoever wants to be a doctor of the soul sees people as being sick. He offends human dignity. It is presumptuous to say that man is sick. Whoever wants to be the soul's Shepard treats people like sheep. He violates human dignity. It is insolent to say that people are like sheep. Who gives you the right to say that man is sick and a sheep? Give him human dignity so he may find his ascendancy, or downfall, in his own way. Giving laws, bettering, making things easier, has all become wrong and evil. May each seek out his own way. The way leads to mutual love in community. Men will come to see and feel the similarity and commonality of their ways.
Laws and teachings held in common compel people to solitude, so that they may escape the pressure of undesirable contact, but solitude makes people hostile and venomous.
Therefore, give people dignity and let each of them stand apart, so that each may find his own fellowship and love it.
Power stands against power, contempt against contempt, love against love. Give humanity dignity, and trust that life will find the better way.
The one eye of the Godhead is blind, the one ear of the Godhead is deaf, the order of its being is crossed by chaos. So be patient with the crippledness of the world and do not overvalue its consummate beauty.
This is all, my dear friends, that I can tell you about the grounds and aims of my message, which I am burdened with like the patient donkey with a heavy load. He is glad to put it down."
~C.G. Jung, page 126 The Red Book (page 231)


2021-04-19 20:45:20 | 心理学

-- C.G.ユング『書簡集』第1巻、375ページ
-- C.G.ユング『ヨブへの答え』para. 746

"A life without inner contradiction is either only half a life or else a life in the Beyond, which is destined only for angels."
-- C.G. Jung, Letters Vol 1, page 375
“The only thing that really matters now is whether man can climb up to a higher moral level, to a higher plane of consciousness, in order to be equal to the superhuman powers which the fallen angels have played into his hands. But he can make no progress until he becomes very much better acquainted with his own nature."
-- C.G. Jung, Answer to Job, para. 746
Artwork: "Fallen" (2020) by Federico Ferro


2021-04-19 09:55:45 | 心理学


How many beings lose the ability to love in the will to be right? Though the only way to be right is to love.

"a person's will to be right"(正しくあろうとする人の意志)
"論理的には、愛の反対は憎しみであり、エロスの反対はフォボス(恐怖)であるが、心理的には力への意志である。愛が支配するところには力への意志はなく、力への意志が最も強いところには愛はない。一方は他方の影でしかない。" ~カール・ユング、CW7、パラ78、52ページ。



~C.G.ユング「母型の心理学的側面」集合的無意識のアーキタイプ パラグラフ179

"情動のないところには生命はない。もしあなたが何かを暗記しなければならないとしても、それがあなたにとって興味のないものであれば、そこには火がなく、たとえ50回読んだとしても記憶には残らないのです。しかし、情動的な関心があれば、一度だけ読めばそれがわかるようになります。したがって、情動は意識の担い手であり、情動なしには意識の進歩はありません。" ~マリー・ルイーズ・フォン・フランツ(ユング派分析家)『錬金術』252-255頁


“a person’s will to be right”
That tells us that the person is operating from an egoic state of unconsciousness… if they are concerned with WHO in the equation rather than WHAT.
When we’re looking at WHO is right in a discussion or debate we’re not really concerned with love, meaning a deep sense of caring about a person.
Conscious discussions and debates are only concerned with WHAT is correct. They put the information on the discussion table and step back in an unattached manner to examine the info and data without personal prejudice or and individual’s shadow interfering with the info. Then a proper analysis can be performed in order to find WHAT is correct.
"Logically the opposite of love is hate, and of Eros, Phobos, (fear); but psychologically it is the will to power. Where love reigns, there is no will to power; and where the will to power is paramount, love is lacking. The one is but the shadow of the other." ~Carl Jung, CW7, Para 78, pg 52.

Where love rules, there is no will to power; and where power predominates, there love is lacking. The one is the shadow of the other. ~CG Jung, CW 7, Para 78.

(expanded context)
“It has become abundantly clear to me that life can flow forward only along the path of the gradient.
But there is no energy unless there is a tension of opposites; hence it is necessary to discover the opposite to the attitude of the conscious mind.
It is interesting to see how this compensation by opposites also plays its part in the historical theories of neurosis: Freud's theory espoused Eros, Adler's the will to power.
Logically, the opposite of love is hate, and of Eros, Phobos (fear); but psychologically it is the will to power.
Where love reigns, there is no will to power; and where the will to power is paramount, love is lacking.
The one is but the shadow of the other: the man who adopts the standpoint of Eros finds his compensatory opposite in the will to power, and that of the man who puts the accent on power is Eros.
Seen from the one-sided point of view of the conscious attitude, the shadow is an inferior component of the personality and is consequently repressed through intensive resistance.
But the repressed content must be made conscious so as to produce a tension of opposites, without which no forward movement is possible.
The conscious mind is on top, the shadow underneath, and just as high always longs for low and hot for cold, so all consciousness, perhaps without being aware of it, seeks its unconscious opposite, lacking which it is doomed to stagnation, congestion, and ossification.
Life is born only of the spark of opposites.” ~Carl Jung, CW 7, Para 78

“The stirring up of conflict is a Luciferian virtue in the true sense of the word. Conflict engenders fire, the fire of affects and emotions, and like every other fire it has two aspects, that of combustion and that of creating light. On the one hand, emotion is the alchemical fire whose warmth brings everything into existence and whose heat burns all superfluities to ashes. But on the other hand, emotion is the moment when steel meets flint and a spark is struck forth, for emotion is the chief source of consciousness. There is no change from darkness to light or from inertia to movement without emotion.”
~C.G. Jung, Psychological Aspects of the Mother Archetype Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious Paragraph 179

“Where there is no emotion there is no life. If you have to learn something by heart and it is of no interest to you, there is no fire; it does not register, even if you read it fifty times. But as soon as there is emotional interest, it need only be read once and you know it. Therefore emotion is the carrier of consciousness, there is no progress in consciousness without emotion.” ~Marie Louise von Franz, Jungian analyst, Alchemy, pp. 252-255

Emotion, incidentally, is not an activity of the individual but something that happens to him. Affects occur usually where adaptation is weakest, and at the same time they reveal the reason for its weakness, namely a certain degree of inferiority and the existence of a lower level of personality. On this lower level with its uncontrolled or scarcely controlled emotions one behaves more or less like a primitive, who is not only the passive victim of his affects but also singularly incapable of moral judgment. ~CG Jung, Aion, para 15