Where exactly do you get your self-confidence from? Is there a reason?
"人よ、汝自身を知れ "という文章の意味は?
答えです。この文章は、ギリシャの神秘の神殿の入り口の上にあったもので、人間には、表面に現れているよりもはるかに深い自己の本質の謎を徹底的に理解することが義務づけられていることを示しています。これは、"上のように、下のように "というハーメチックな公理の原則に基づいています。彼が自分自身を理解し、自分自身を知るとき、彼は神についても類推して知ることができるでしょう。人間は神に似せて作られた」と本当に言われているからです。
"確信を求めることは、意味を求めることを妨げる。不確実性は、人間が自分の力を発揮するための条件そのものである。" ~Erich Fromm.
"もしあなたが不誠実であれば、あなたは個性化のプロセスから除外される。不誠実であれば、あなたは無意識にとって何の役にも立たない。偉い人はあなたに唾を吐きかけ、あなたは泥沼の中ではるかに取り残されてしまうでしょう、愚かで、馬鹿な人です。" ~カール・ユング『C.G.ユング、語る。インタビューと出会い』359-364ページ
Confidence comes from the Self and not from the ego. Self-realization.
Or in the Buddha’s eightfold path, Right View.
Man, know thyself, and thou shalt know the universe and its Gods… ~The Oracle at Delphi
What is meant by the sentence "Man, know thyself?"
Answer: This sentence was found above the entrance to a Greek mystery temple as an indication of the fact that it is obligatory upon man to thoroughly understand the mystery of his own nature, which is much deeper than is apparent on the surface. This, on the principle of the hermetic axiom, "as above, so below." When he understands himself and knows himself, he will be able by analogy to know about God. For it is truly said that "Man was made in the image of God."
But to know himself it is not only necessary that he should understand that which he sees, the physical body, but also the invisible bodies which are the causes of his thoughts, feelings and emotions. This was the teaching given in the mystery temples. ~Max Heindel
“We want to have certainties and no doubts--results and no experiments--without even seeing that certainties can arise only through doubt and results only through experiment.”
~C.G. Jung, The Portable Jung.
"The quest for certainty blocks the search for meaning. Uncertainty is the very condition to impel man to unfold his powers.” ~Erich Fromm.
"It is a general truth that one can only understand anything in as much as one understands oneself"
~CG Jung, Zarathustra Seminar p.742
If you learn about yourself and if eventually you discover more or less who you are, you also learn about God, and who He is. ~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Page 301.
Most people confuse “self-knowledge” with knowledge of their conscious ego-personalities.
Anyone who has any ego-consciousness at all takes it for granted that he knows himself.
But the ego knows only its own contents, not the unconscious and its contents. ~Carl Jung, CW 10, Para 491
Most people confuse "self-knowledge" with knowledge of their conscious ego-personalities. Anyone who has any ego-consciousness at all takes it for granted that he knows himself. People measure their self-knowledge by what the average person in their social environment knows of himself, but not by the real psychic facts which are for the most part hidden from them. In this respect the psyche behaves like the body, of whose physiological and anatomical structure the average person knows very little too. Although he lives in it and with it, most of it is totally unknown to the layman, and special scientific knowledge is needed to acquaint consciousness with what is known of the body, not to speak of all that is not known, which also exists.
What is commonly called "self-knowledge" is therefore a very limited knowledge, most of it dependent on social factors, of what goes on in the human psyche. Hence one is always coming up against the prejudice that such and such a thing does not happen "with us" or "in our family" or among our friends and acquaintances. On the other hand, one meets with equally illusory assumptions about the alleged presence of qualities which merely serve to cover up the true facts of the case.
~CG Jung, CW 10, Paras 491, 492
“But this integration cannot take place and be put to a useful purpose unless one can admit the tendencies bound up with the shadow and allow them some measure of realization – tempered, of course, with the necessary criticism. This leads to disobedience and self disgust, but also to self-reliance, without which individuation is unthinkable.”
~CG Jung, Psychology and Religion: West and East, P. 198
“If you are dishonest, you are excluded from the individuation process. If you are dishonest, you are nothing for your unconscious. The Great Man will spit on you, and you will be left far behind in your muddle—stuck, stupid, and idiotic.” ~Carl Jung, C.G. Jung Speaking: Interviews and Encounters, Pages 359-364
悲しいのは、ほとんどの仏教徒が、「正見」が非常に難しいものであるため、それを逆さまにしてしまったり、「教えを信じる」と訳してしまったり、「正しい言葉」や「正しい行動」や「正しい行為」と格闘して、いつかは「正見」にたどり着けるだろうと考えてしまったりしていることです。残りの部分はRight Viewの結果です。正しい見解がなければ、それらを正しく理解することはできません。そして、あなたが「正しい見方」を持っていれば、それらはただ起こります。もしあなたが本当に正しい見方を持っているなら、それらは起こるのです。
~Adyashanti - leaping beyond fear - WHole Satsang", Youtube at 1:48:22 min.
~アディアシャンティ、リトリートトーク2005、オーディオ「The Most Powerful Illusion」、Youtube、29.52min.
“As the Buddha said in the eightfold path… number one – Right View (Buddha nature). And then the rest follow. Right Speech, Right Conduct, etc… I would say that all the others though are based on Right View.
From Right View comes Right Speech.
From Right View comes Right Action.
From Right View comes Right Conduct品行.
From Right View comes Right etc, etc, etc.
The sad part is that most Buddhists turn it upside down since Right View is very difficult or its translated as ‘believing in the teachings’ or something ridiculous like that or thinking that I’ll struggle with Right Speech and Right Conduct and Right Action and I’ll get to Right View sometime… I would say that there’s no mistake that the old wise guy put Right View first (and foremost), you can’t get the rest of them right unless you have Right View. The rest is an outcome of Right View. You can’t get them right without Right View. And if you got Right View they just happen. If you really have Right View then they happen, which is really an amazing thing actually, pretty amazing thing.”
~‘Adyashanti - leaping beyond fear- WHole Satsang’, Youtube at 1:48:22 min.
“… and so the first step on the Buddha’s eightfold path was Right View. Boy its interesting how Buddhists screw that one up, they think Right View is understanding the teachings. No, Right View is waking the hell up! That’s Step One! Wake up! Get Right View, otherwise the rest doesn’t make any sense. Right speech, right conduct, right action, da-da-da da… It doesn’t make any sense without right view. You can’t possibly know right action without Right View, you can’t know right speech without Right View, you can’t know any of the rest without Right View. It’s been watered down, I don’t think Buddhists even know what Right View is but every time I talk with them it’s always like right view is one thing among lots of things… No, it’s ‘the’ thing. With no Right View the rest is useless. Its just concepts, it’s just like this, what I’m doing, without Right View, is just more talk, its just more concepts, its just another guy spouting more crap. Without Right View, it’s just more stuff to either believe in or not believe in and all that’s totally irrelevant.
It’s seeing truth for what it is.
So you can end the violence within yourself, with others, with the world.”
~Adyashanti, Retreat Talk 2005 audio The Most Powerful Illusion, Youtube at 29.52
Keep silence,
be mute;
if you have not yet become the tongue of God,
be an ear.