


2021-04-25 01:21:06 | 心理学

少なくとも古典的な意味での神話の定義。神話とは、非合理的で、おそらくは超越的な現実の情報を伝える、通常は非事実的な性格を持つ物語である。~ステファン・A・ホーラー(Stephan A. Hoeller)。

カール・ユングの "神話 "について
原始精神は神話を発明するのではなく、それを経験する。神話は前意識的な精神のオリジナルな啓示である。. . . これらの無意識のプロセスの多くは、意識によって間接的に引き起こされるかもしれないが、決して意識的な選択によるものではない。その他のものは、自然に、つまり識別可能な、あるいは実証可能な意識的原因からは生じないように見える。--子供のアーキタイプの心理学」、Par. 261.




第三の機能は社会学的なもので、ある種の社会秩序を支え、正当化するものです.... 私たちの世界で引き継がれてきた神話の社会学的な機能は、もう古いものです....



Myth means ‘meaning’.
Definition of myth at least in the classical sense: A myth is a story usually of a nonfactual character wherein informations of non rational and perhaps even transcendental realities are conveyed. ~Stephan A. Hoeller.

Although in the last analysis the myth, like the dream, is "its own meaning," one cannot ignore the historical fact that myths do not have the same meaning for people living in the present that they had for past cultures. If they are to have meaning for us today, then they must be reinterpreted psychologically. ~Marie Louise Von Franz, C.G. Jung: His Myth in Our Time, Page 130
Carl Jung on “Myth”
An involuntary collective statement based on an unconscious psychic experience.
The primitive mentality does not invent myths, it experiences them. Myths are original revelations of the preconscious psyche . . . . Many of these unconscious processes may be indirectly occasioned by consciousness, but never by conscious choice. Others appear to arise spontaneously, that is to say, from no discernible or demonstrable conscious cause. --"The Psychology of the Child Archetype," par. 261.

Myth is not fiction: it consists of facts that are continually repeated and can be observed over and over again. It is something that happens to man, and men have mythical fates just as much as the Greek heroes do. ~Carl Jung, CW 11, Para 648.

“Myth basically serves four functions.
The first is the mystical function,... realizing what a wonder the universe is, and what a wonder you are, and experiencing awe before this mystery....

The second is a cosmological dimension, the dimension with which science is concerned – showing you what shape the universe is, but showing it in such a way that the mystery again comes through....

The third function is the sociological one – supporting and validating a certain social order.... It is the sociological function of myth that has taken over in our world – and it is out of date....

But there is a fourth function of myth, and this is the one that I think everyone must try today to relate to – and that is the pedagogical function, of how to live a human lifetime under any circumstances.”
~Joseph Campbell, The Power of Myth

“Myth isn’t about factual or historical truth, but about a deeper truth. In ancient times, people saw myth in a very different light—as a vehicle that can transmit and carry a subtlety and richness of experience that simply cannot be conveyed by linear, conceptual forms of language.”
~Adyashanti, Resurrecting Jesus: Embodying the Spirit of a Revolutionary Mystic.






実際、神話全体が集合的無意識の投影のようなものだと考えられます。. .



Mythology as a projection of the Collective Unconscious

“The collective unconscious-so far as we can say anything about it at all-appears to consist of mythological motifs or primordial images, for which reason the myths of all nations are its real exponents.

In fact, the whole of mythology could be taken as a sort of projection of the collective unconscious. . . .

We can therefore study the collective unconscious in two ways, either in mythology or in the analysis of the individual.”

C.G. Jung
The Structure of the Psyche
Collected Works 8
Paragraph 325


2021-04-25 01:05:58 | 心理学






Dear Mr. Serrano,
Thank you for your interesting letter. I quite agree with you that those people in our world who have insight and good will enough should concern themselves with their own "souls" more than with preaching to the masses or trying to find out the best way for them. They only do that because they don’t know themselves. But alas, it is a sad truth that usually those who know nothing for themselves take to teaching others, in spite of the fact that they know the best method of education is the good example.
Surely modern art is trying its best to make man acquainted with a world of darkness, but alas, the artists themselves are unconscious of what they are doing.
The very thought that mankind ought to make a step forward and extend and refine consciousness of the human being seems to be so difficult that nobody can understand it, or so abhorrent that nobody can pluck up his courage. All steps forward in the improvement of the human psyche have been paid for with blood.
I am filled with sorrow and fear when I think of the means of self destruction which are heaped up by the important powers of the world. Meanwhile everybody teaches everybody, and nobody seems to realize the necessity that the way to improvement begins right in himself. It is almost too simple a truth. Everybody is on the lookout for organizations and techniques where one can follow the other and where things can be done safely in company.
I would like to ask Mr. Toynbee: Where is your civilization and what is your religion? What he says to the masses will remain – I am afraid – sterile, unless it has become true and real in himself. Mere words have lost their spell to an extraordinary extent. They have been twisted and misused for too long a time.
I am looking forward to your new book with great interest!
Hoping you are always in good health, I remain
Yours sincerely, C.G. Jung
~Carl Jung, Letters Vol. II, Pages 549-550

すべて再生 エドワードエディンガー博士-宗教を理解する

2021-04-24 23:53:39 | 心理学




2021-04-24 21:48:05 | 心理学



ユング派の精神科医を引退したジョン・ジャクソン博士は、このシリーズについて次のように述べています。"旧約聖書への心理学的アプローチ "の講義で、私はいくつかのことを試みています。





ウェビナー・パネルへの参加登録は、こちらへどうぞ: https://mailchi.mp/c84b3a349b9c/pzfz3...  


The New God-Image: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... 

ヨブ記への答え - 読解 - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... 

ユングの「現代のための赤い本」: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... 

赤い本: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... 


2021-04-24 17:00:39 | 心理学

いかなる場合でも、この説明が私の見解の決定的な証明になるとは考えておらず、あくまでも経験的な前提から生まれた結論であり、ここで読者の皆様のご意見を伺いたいと思います。現存する事実から、それを説明できる別の仮説を推論することはできませんでした(超感覚的知覚に関する実験を説明することも含めて)。また、シンクロニシティが極めて抽象的で直観的でない量であることも十分に承知しています。それは、空間、時間、因果関係と同様に、身体の行動の基準となるある種のサイコイド(類精神)特性を身体に帰属させます。私たちは、生きている脳に関連する精神の表現を完全に放棄し、むしろ脳を持たない低次の生物の「重要な」「知的な」行動を思い出さなければならない。彼らの場合、私たちは形式的な要素に近いのだが、それは先に述べたように、脳の活動とは何の関係もない。"カール・グスタフ・ユング『無意識の力学』要旨、パラグラフ937、Trei Publishing House, Bucharest, 2013)。

I do not consider in any case this exposition as a definitive proof of my point of view, but only as a conclusion springing from empirical premises, which I would like to submit here to the reflection of my readers. From the existing factual material I could not deduce another hypothesis capable of explaining it (including explaining the experiments related to extrasensory perception). I am also aware enough that synchronicity is an extremely abstract and non-intuitive quantity. It attributes to the body a certain psychoid trait which, like space, time and causality, is a criterion of its behavior. We must completely give up the representation of a psyche related to the living brain and rather remember the "significant" and "intelligent" behavior of lower beings who do not have a brain. In their case, we are close to the formal factor, which, as I said, has nothing to do with brain activity. " (Carl Gstav Jung, Dynamics of the Unconscious, Abstract, paragraph 937, Trei Publishing House, Bucharest, 2013)
As Carl Gustav Jung remarked elsewhere, the human body has, under certain conditions, psychogenic properties. It is true, as true as can be, that nature, like the human body, has under certain conditions only psychogenic features. In order for these to manifest, it is necessary for the criterion of the formal factor to be fulfilled, ie synchronicity. However, the evolution of the natural unconscious under the pressure of the human, and of the human collective unconscious, under the pressure of the natural, lead us to believe that synchronicity has always been this formal factor, but it has not been sufficiently observed to date. Undoubtedly, the existence of a soul, of a living spirit of life, makes possible the existence of synchronicity, and makes insignificant in this sense the lack of the brain, the seat of a central bodily and mental intelligence. This formal factor is transcendent, therefore a priori, and explains the perfect connection between body and soul, their impeccable coordination. We are thus entitled to give the transcendental factor sui generis, an existence and a precedence over the human body and soul. Extrasensory experiments, difficult to explain otherwise, and unintuitive, by their nature, thus become perfectly coherent.
