
Compensation for Weather Manipulation 2

I'm asking the decision-maker in Japan for some explanation concerning the disaster in Papua New Guinea.

The latest report from Australian media as of May 30.
パプアニューギニア地滑り災害の被災地に支援物資が届く一方で、死亡者数を巡る不確かさは残る」オーストラリアABCニュース (日本語訳:日月土)

・Why the update of the number of casualties of the landslide stop or reduce by a digit from the day before yesterday when my last article was posted?

Depending on your answer, the detain of a noble soul could continue more, and the geographical information of your hidden place could be opened.

I'm watching the course of Typhoon I as your answer to the question.





The Sun, The Moon and The Earth
Written on the ground of Jesus Christ

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