


2023-02-28 19:06:20 | 坂根医院






大屋根、結構高くつきました。これでまた借金が出来たので、働かざるを得ませんね。働いて、稼いで、使って それは良いのですが、怒られるのは心外です。これは何とか避けたいです。



10 コメント

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Unknown (Kyuchan)
2023-04-04 15:22:44
Before I get misunderstood : Singapore and Switzerland are a heaven for scientists salary wise but not research wise . Switzerland ain’t bad . But the best life science research is done in USA. That’s why all Japanese companies do their research there . But this does not translate to a good life there for scientists privately but as a fascinating life research wise . Scientists can’t compete with kardashian or celebrities or bankers or business folks , but can do real meritocratic research (!) Success gets rewarded funding wise (but not remuneration wise IF compared to business folks (lawyers ,bankers MBAs etc ). MDs are very nicely compensated but not per hour and effort . It IS way too much work over there . So the situation is very individual and differentiated. Best to be a MD PhD in the US, with a MBA degree in addition . Or just rich as inheritance doesn’t not get taxed as crudely as in japan . For most families here (elite or not ) it’s a nightmare to give their houses to their children . In this way japan preserves equality and peace - but, again , stymies achievers
Unknown (Kyuchan)
2023-04-04 14:57:08
Haha! Thinking of our communism discussion . We both agree japan is (maybe?) the best place to live . We both know it . But I may have influenced Dr Tasuko Honjo complaining to him about low salaries in japan (for PhD scientists ). And as you know he later on sued ONO pharmaceutic company for exact that reason . They used is scientific work and he noticed maybe they make money but not the scientists who did the whole basic research . They didn’t really support his team very well in exchange . Researchers at Kyoto University get a very meager remuneration . If one takes science seriously it is very hard and time consuming work , and indeed one can live way better as a “communist “ without much responsibility , doing simple work instead . I don’t claim I influenced Honjo’s suit but I’m sure he had my complain in mind (Switzerland and Singapore pay scientists WAY better then japan, because they appreciate scientists ). I was really thinking about rejoining him in his shiny new lab but decided not to pursue science in japan as I feel cheated and would make half as much as in Singapore and still less than in Switzerland longer time ago. ) MDs , of course , are not concerned , but PhDs are. RIKEN is may be best - but still cannot match Singapore . Compensations in Switzerland and Singapore are very high , tax very low (almost nothing in Singapore ). In japan scientists get low remuneration and get taxed highly (to support all those folks who don’t really do much. Reminds me of USA) . I would say japan is perfect for folks who are NOT elite . Life is way better for “normal “ folks with 9-5 job and strolling AEON. Way better then in USA where things are very shabby and often unsafe for normal folks . AEON beats any luxury mall in New Jersey BY FAR . But, who cares , in the end . Japan is nice and secure and offers way more to middle class than other countries . :) . Japan is a nightmare when you want your kids to inherit something . values which are not even considered worthwhile thinking about in Singapore or Switzerland are here already treated as vast amounts . Of course I understand japan is so nice because it doesn’t have the income inequality for example USA has . This for me is very successful communism . But it stymies achievers and elite and motivation to do something big . As you know here are other noble laureates (not Honjo, but others ) who may have a lab in Kyoto but do all their work in the US. There they get funding and can attract talent . The person I talk about is in japan more as a ghost :)
Unknown (Kyuchan)
2023-04-04 14:32:19
I read about your back problem . Now I’m the last person giving advice to an accomplished MD like you . But I know from some friends of mine MDs often overlook their own body. So here it is : albeit we both know surgery MAY be the only solution , there are ways to try to alleviate things . I used my method very successful on plantar fasciitis (alleviating , not healing ! Healing I did with a way more sophisticated physical approach , based on my neuroscientific research and a “moon shot”. Anyway , here it is : try heat shock . Most folks think of cold or hot, both useless. Hot cold hot cold comes a little closer , but is too complicated . What you need is a heat shock. As you know heat shock does 3 things 1) deep tissue heat helps circulation 2) it ACTIVATES HEAT SHOCK PROTEINS (in my humble view may even be connected to stem cells, I have published in stem cells in the 90s(one do the first who found stem cells in the human brain ) , but not as first or last author , it’s long time ago I was post doc). 3) it activates the skin to brain back to deeper tissue near the spot you apply the heat shock . As you know you activate a GABAergic loop back from the brain to the area affected (spine itself underneath the stimulated skin ) . That’s normally done by methyl salicylate , but why not just with heat instead ). So just try it ! Take a hair dryer (I use Panasonic ion from my wife ). You hold the dryer close to the skin, heat it ALMOST UNTIL it “burns” and stop . Relief comes fast and if you do it once per day you should feel better . Disclaimer: I didn’t experiment it on my spine but very successfully in foot sole fascia and satisfactory on sacro ileum joint (close enough to spine ).
Unknown (Kyuchan)
2023-04-04 14:18:16
I agree ! I find japan wonderful - despite or BECAUSE it is communism :)
Unknown (camper)
2023-03-27 18:29:12
Certainly, Japan may be aiming for more communist equality than China. But I don't dislike the current Japanese way of doing things. There are some problems in any structure of the world, and sometimes I feel angry at the absurdity...
Still, I think Japan is a good country and I love it.
Unknown (Kyuchan)
2023-03-27 01:18:38
You write 私、昨年、働き過ぎたようです。

私、根性ナシなので、権力からの脅しにはからきし弱いです。. Well , indeed I think Japan is the only nation with a functioning communism. And while it is successful it is still communism. Having a high salary is a disaster, and wanting to give children a decent inheritance almost not possible
Unknown (camper)
2023-03-03 01:11:02
Unknown (kikokikonoriko19888888)
2023-03-01 09:46:09
Unknown (camper)
2023-02-28 22:36:50
そう言えば・・・ゼロ戦なら格納出来るかも ですね。
零式艦上戦闘機 幅11から12m 長さ9mちょい 高さ3.6m
Unknown (marurobo36)
2023-02-28 19:59:08
なんか カッチョ良い!! 戦闘機が出て来そうな感じが(笑)
