


2023-03-14 22:23:27 | 知らんでもええこと




または、駅から徒歩2分 新築のタワマン ファミリータイプ3LDKを、40年落ちのワンルームマンション価格にもいかない値で売るのか?と言う事です。おかしいですよね!!!




なかなか表に出てこない このとんでもない「定価」。「定価」が付けられている以上、そこに何らかの意味はあるのでしょう。では、なんでこんなにとんでもない価格が付けられているのか?




17 コメント

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Unknown (camper)
2023-03-27 18:21:07
Kyuchan, thank you for your kind words! I am motivated to continue writing this blog.let's do it!!
Unknown (Kyuchan)
2023-03-27 01:13:53
Thank you for your kind words ! Well, in the end it remains a mystery ! I enjoy reading your blog , very enlightening !
Unknown (camper)
2023-03-17 18:35:17
Thank you very much, Kyu-chan, for your many interesting stories. (Especially the story about the sale of Olympus's microscope division was interesting.) It seems that the list price of the ultrasound diagnostic equipment I'm about to buy is not a mistake. In Japan, it is not uncommon to see such a difference between the list price and the actual selling price in the sale of medical equipment.
I plan to buy canon aplioflex at a lower price than the estimate after trimming off unnecessary parts. I will report back when I buy it! Thank you dear Kyu-chan!
Unknown (Kyuchan)
2023-03-17 00:57:30
The price for a new advanced flow ultrasound system is 75’000 USD , it can go up to 200’000 USD (very roughly 9’314’002 to 26’618’335JPY ) . It really depends on the transducers and specifications . So I assume the list price in your quote is a typo - an error. The list price will have one digit less . It should be 7’500’000 JPY roughly
Unknown (Kyuchan)
2023-03-17 00:17:04

This one is even cheaper and they list the transducers and components .

Well, a lot of time has passed since my dark days in technical equipment :) , I was a basic researcher turned core facility director at a molecular biological institute and know only about confocal microscopes back from those days . I was postdoc under the guidance of T Honjo at Kyoto University medical school before that , now I’m retired . I just don’t know enough about medical equipment , I just conjecture from my basic life science research experience and core facility management and my several years stints at microscope and imaging companies before returning to academia.

Either the list price is an error and has one digit less, or it is just excessively high . But at least your price quote seems reasonable , assuming it is a used and refurbished system . (If it’s new even better !) . Again, I have never met discounts larger than 50%. But that was basic research .
Unknown (Kyuchan)
2023-03-17 00:00:21
Dear Camper (I’m using your avatar name , apologies !)

Hm…. I assume you are purchasing an ultrasound vessel imaging system . Indeed they cost “only” 40’000 USD from a dealer , but they are refurbished (used) . I have no idea what those systems cost new , but I know that cheap standard light microscopes with way less technology sell for 40’000 USD (new) , and new advanced laser scanning systems sell for not less then 300’000 USD (mostly 750’000 to 1 or 2 Mio USD). And that is basic research equipment which doesn’t have to be approved for medical use

To make it short , I am also surprised at the huge list price or discount . I naively would have expected 400’000 list price and 200’000 (USD) quote price for a new system . This is just an off the cuff estimate !

Please see references below . Please note that quote is for a refurbished system , not a new one


Citation from that link

“A refurbished Canon Aplio ultrasound can cost between $30,000 and $45,000 on average, depending on the model year, condition, nature of past use, and what transducers come with the system. Scroll below for a detailed overview of the Aplio i800,”
Unknown (Kyuchan)
2023-03-16 23:32:01
90 percent is excessively high . Here I must speculate and reiterate high R&D cost , small market and middle men. I personally never have seen a discount more than 50% (basic research capital equipment such as laser scanning microscopes , US market or Singapore ) . I know Europe is similar . Are you buying from dealers or the company directly (dealers can carry the company name but often are just dealers )? Maybe I have to look at the screenshots you provided in the blog . The company will provide the dealer with a list price , a hypothetical price based on an unrealistic small demand maybe .
Unknown (Kyuchan)
2023-03-16 23:21:12
Haha! The reason is we are dealing here with capital equipment , which is used in clinical settings or applied / basic research institutes . It’s a small market . Don’t forget how eager Olympus was to sell its microscope division . Confocal microscopes are pricing between 300K USD and a few million . The market is simply not as big . Clinical equipment has the additional burden it needs to be approved by FDA (or at least must be pass requirements for medical use ) . Just think of orphan drugs . It’s a similar situation . High R&D costs, small market (rare diseases ). It’s just a different market than cars or cameras . IN ADDITION the medical market is full of middlemen and murky dealers . For example many Leica dealers are not really Leica Microsystems . They buy at thr list price from the company (minus a hefty discount ) and sell it a little higher. To make it short , high R&D costs smash into a tiny market with high competition .
Unknown (camper)
2023-03-16 23:07:12
Thank you for your comment Kyuchan!!
What I find strange is that the difference between the list price and the actual selling price of medical equipment is too large. In other industries, the difference between the decline and the selling price is not as large as 50%, but in the medical industry it can exceed 90%. That makes me wonder.
Unknown (Kyuchan)
2023-03-16 17:53:55
Dear Camper , yes or almost ! Mostly the company understands the initial list price will never be achieved , so they start with some discount from beginning on , betting on many future sales .
Unknown (camper)
2023-03-16 13:17:42
Kuchan, thank you for your comment.
The high list price is the initial setting to recoup the enormous development costs, etc., and it is my understanding that the actual sales price will go down because there are some who will sell a lot and earn from maintenance costs. Is it okay?
I think I understand a little. thank you very much.

Unknown (Kyuchan)
2023-03-15 23:37:38
I feel your pain. I was both buyer and purchaser of capital equipment . Yes, giving a large discount makes it easier for the buyer to push that purchase through versus his peers at larger institutions (universities , hospitals ). But the main reason for these high list prices (which are not even publicly disclosed is plain financial) . The list price reflects the salaries (scientists engineers, marketing and sales folks etc ), material, development time spent plus some profit for a very low number of equipment sold . These prices are simply extremely high. Of course the companies who produce and or sell that equipment know that . The hope is to offer a large discount and hopefully sell a higher number of equipment in course of the next years which makes the sale profitable (note that once research and development are done and very low production costs remain the profit increases ).
Please don’t forget the main purpose of the sale of capital equipment . It is the maintenance contracts which enable the seller to recoup a big part of any initial loss and add some profit . Hope that helps
Unknown (camper)
2023-03-15 15:00:29
Unknown (uparin)
2023-03-15 13:51:50
Unknown (camper)
2023-03-15 11:05:49


Unknown (marurobo36)
2023-03-15 10:06:59
医療機器 ってそんな感じなんでしょうか??
Unknown (kikokikonoriko19888888)
2023-03-15 10:04:23

