1. a piece of land next to your house where there is grass and you can grow flowers (same meaning YARD)
2. a movement of your head, arm, or hand that shows what you mean or how you feel
3. a tall animal that has a very long neck and dark areas on its fur, and lives in Africa
4. a farm animal that has horns and has long hair under its chin
5. a very large strong animal that looks like a monkey
6. the group of people who are responsible for controlling a country or a state
7. a small round juicy fruit that grows in bunches and is used to make wine
( : Longman Wordwise Dictionaryより引用)
(6 : Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionaryより引用)
grass : 草、芝生
neck : 首
fur : 毛皮
horns : 角
chin : あご(←これ、よくボクシングで聞く言葉だ)
responsible : 責任がある
bunch : 房、束、群れ…みたいな一つに集まったもの
1. garden(ガーデン・庭)
2. gesture(ジェスチャー)
3. giraffe(キリン)
4. goat(ヤギ)
5. gorilla(ゴリラ)
6. government(政府・行政・関係各庁)
7. grape(グレープ)
a group of the most important members of the government
内閣 (the Cabinet)
[cabinet]っていうと普通はキャビネット(棚=食器棚・整理棚・陳列棚とか)を思い浮かべますが、こんな意味もあるんですね。ちなみに、閣僚は[cabinet member]とか[cabinet ministers]などと言うそうです。
先日行われた内閣改造は[cabinet reshuffle(reshuffling)]、内閣総辞職は[cabinet resignation en masse]だそうです。(英辞郎より)
