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Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun (Official Trailer)

2021-12-03 15:38:01 | ミステリー

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Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun (Official Trailer)


Dr. Steven Greer
チャンネル登録者数 41.7万人
Presented by Dr. Steven Greer, Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind presents the most controversial information ever released to the public. Whistleblowers and scientific experts bring viewers face to face with extraterrestrial visitors and their message to humanity. Purchase/Rent CE5 https://geni.us/CE5K DVD https://sirius-disclosure.myshopify.c... As UFOs suddenly grace the covers of the NY Times and Washington Post in the age of “fake news” and conspiracy memes, how can we make sense of these revelations without losing our grip on reality?
スティーブン・グリア博士による「第五種」は、これまでに公開された中で最も議論を呼んだ情報を紹介します。内部告発者と科学専門家が、地球外生命体の訪問者とその人類へのメッセージを視聴者に伝えます。購入・レンタル CE5 https://geni.us/CE5K DVD https://sirius-disclosure.myshopify.c... フェイクニュース」や「陰謀論」の時代に、ニューヨーク・タイムズやワシントン・ポストの表紙を突然UFOが飾るようになった今、私たちは現実を見失うことなく、これらの啓示をどのように理解すればよいのでしょうか?

#DrStevenGreer #CloseEncountersoftheFifthKind #CE5 “Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind” is a feature documentary presented by Dr. Steven Greer, the global authority on extraterrestrials who created the worldwide disclosure movement and routinely briefs presidents and heads of state on the ET phenomenon. His previous works, Sirius and Unacknowledged, broke crowdfunding records and ignited a grassroots movement. In this film, Dr. Greer presents the most dangerous information that the architects of secrecy don’t want you to know: how forgotten spiritual knowledge holds the key to humans initiating contact with advanced ET civilizations. The film features groundbreaking video and photographic evidence and supporting interviews from prominent figures such as Adam Curry of Princeton’s PEAR Lab; legendary civil rights attorney Daniel Sheehan, and Dr. Russell Targ, who headed the CIA’s top-secret remote viewing program. Their message: For thousands of people, contact has begun. This is their story. Follow us on social: https://www.facebook.com/doctorsteven... https://mobile.twitter.com/DrStevenGreer https://www.instagram.com/dr.steven.g... And on Discord https://discord.gg/pNFz75F



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