

Japanese Government is? now about when it refutes criticism without the history by English!

2013年05月28日 | 歴史捏造による日本包囲網の闇
Does Japanese Government refute Japan criticism without the history by English?
Will it have started an official site already?

Because there is a lot of sure evidence, it attaches explanation by English and it should make public it openly and squarely at the Net about the historic fabrication which filled the malevolence that " Nanjing Massacre " and " the military comfort woman " depend on two countries of China and South Korea how it was.

Why doesn't it do at once?

Already, does it rather graduate from the tendency to entrust the self-reliant efforts of the civilian with and is yes?

Because the government doesn't send an official view fast, " the wild remark " like the Hashishita Osaka-shi length stands on one's feet.

There is much harm for the national interest in Japan and it does without the advantage.

It instructs the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology to do Japanese Government with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and you give it at once!


