

Is China a mob-ized neglect state?

2012年09月15日 | 中国共産党問題
Is China a country ruled by law of mob-ized regulation, and a mob-ized neglect state?

Is the inside of China presenting the aspect before a modern state without "rule of law" after all?

Is it the riot which borrowed the name from the demonstration rather than calling it the anti-Japan demonstration which aimed at Japanese companies?

Although a country ruled by law can prevent mob-ization firmly, the Communist Party of China government's having tolerated substantially are "patriotism no crime" and "bad one's being always Japan", and it cannot but call it the mob-ized neglect state which can carry out [ mob ]-izing without limit.

Why doesn't it take out a tank like the time of a 64 Tiananmen massacre case?

I also regard the choice of not associating with this country for a while as required.

If the China risk whose control is not effective is discovered at all, let's correspond supposing the worst situation.


