Relaxing Music: Peaceful Instrumental Music, "Nature's Landscapes" by Tim Janis
Relaxing Music: Peaceful Instrumental Music, "Nature's Landscapes" by Tim Janis.
My instrumental music can help you find deep relaxation, relieve anxiety, and find peace.
My music incorporates relaxing sounds of nature and features flute music, piano music,
harp music, & violin music.リラックスした音楽:平和なインストゥルメンタル、Tim Janisの "Nature's Landscapes"
不安を和らげ、平和を見つけるのに役立ちます。 私の音楽は自然のリラックスしたサウンドとフルート音楽、
Come see me perform at Carnegie Hall in NYC on December 1st, 2017. : )