神は愛 白髪は美の冠 白髪は輝く冠 


「戦争のつくりかた」アニメーションプロジェクト-What Happens Before War?-

2016年09月30日 | 日記

「戦争のつくりかた」アニメーションプロジェクト-What Happens Before War?-

2016/02/10 に公開


Hello all,
Are you familiar with a book called What Happens Before War?


This is a picture book produced in 2004 by a group of people who had the realization that Japan might be headed toward war.



2015 marked the 70th year since World War II came to an end. We thought the sorrow and absurdity of war must not be repeated and decided to make this picture book into an animation piece in order to make the story known to a wide audience.


“NOddIN” (pronounced NOddIN) is a collective launched by filmmakers and artists in the wake of the 3.11 Great East Japan Earthquake and related Fukushima nuclear power plant accident. With the cooperation of a large number of Japanese animation artists, we spearheaded this self-production with the aim to animate the words of the book round-robin style, and our collaborative project was begun. After over a year of production including the conception period, we completed our short film.


Those of us residing in Japan have lived for the past 70 years in a country with no direct experience of war. If we continue on the way we have been heading, however, the next generation may end up having to experience it. A generation with no knowledge of war themselves may, by their own convenience or through lacking a sense of responsibility, end up pushing it onto the generation following them.


We each have our own standpoint.


However we might debate it politically, though, and whatever interpretations we might hold, our belief is that the thought we can all say YES! to without question is: “We must not go to war.”


The legacy of these 70 years of peace — of Japan, this country that made the choice to renounce war constitutionally — was built on great sacrifice. Whether or not that legacy can be passed on to the next generation will depend on the ability of each of us to make a step toward that end.


チーム 一同

With gratitude to the many people who collaborated with us on this, and in the hope that this story might touch the hearts of many to become a foundation stone for peace,

The NOddIN team
October 2, 2015



2016年09月26日 | 日記





人間のクズ!! 警備保障の警備員が 猫の首を絞めて放り投げる

2016年09月26日 | 日記
2016/09/21 に公開

2016.9/14神戸市元町JA兵庫農業会館のコスモ警備保障の警備員が 猫の首を絞めて放り投げる映像です。
 この件で大坂支店の企業部長山本様から動画アップしても良いと許可も 得ましたので公開します。
血だらけの猫を路上に投げ捨てる非情かつ他人の迷惑を考えない 非常識な警備員とそれを是とする会社の酷さを見て下さい