⇒ なぜ『都市封鎖』だの『感染拡大』だの、和英辞典を引かずに、わざわざ考えるのか。
・People can't go out of the city.
・People can't leave the city.
・People have to stay there.
・People have to be there.
都市封鎖とは、政府の命令である。tell を使って、
・The government told people not to go out of the city.
・The government said people could not leave the city.
・The government said people must not leave the city.
・The government told people not to go out of the city and not to go into the city.
make sure を使うのも便利。確かに~するようにする、ということ。
・The government made sure no one could go out of the city or go into the city.
let を使って
・The government did not not let pople go out of the city or go in there.
・The governmet decided not to let people leave the city or people from outside come into the city.
allow を使って、
・The governmet of China did not allow people to go out of the city or go into the city.
・ Because of the order from the government, the city of Wuhan kept the door closed to outside, so people had to stay inside the city. No one could come into the city, either.
・No one could leave the city or go in there. If peopel do so, many people will have the coronavirus. 誰も出入りできない。もしそうしたら、大勢がコロナにかかるだろう。 簡単に言うと、こうなる。
・The government wanted to protect people in other part of China from getting the coronavirus.
・The government wanted to stop (the spread of) the coronavirus.
・The government made sure sick people would not go out of the city.
・The governmet did not want sick people to go to other city, so they closed the city.
keep を用いると、
・The governmet of China kept people from going out of the city or coming into the city. They wanted to keep people from getting cononavirus.
stay を用いると、
・The government told people to stay home, stay in the city, or told people outside to stay out of the city so many other people can stay away from getting the coronavirus. 意外とstay だけで言えた。
・China had a special rule. People in Wuhan could not go out of the city, or they could not go into the city. Many people in the Wuhan had coronavirus. The governmet didn't want other people to get the coronavirus.
ちなみに、都市封鎖は、報道で言われる言い方は、おなじみロックダウン=lockdownである。put ~on lockdown など。
・The Chinese government put Wuhan on lockdown. (中国政府は、武漢を都市封鎖した)
・The governor of Tokyo said they might have to put Tokyo on lockdown in a worst case scenario. (都知事は、最悪の場合、東京を都市封鎖する可能性に言及した)など。
都市封鎖=lockdown と知っていればよいが、それでも単語だけ知っていても、前置詞とかの使い方を正確に知らなければ、やはり使いこなすことはできない。
都市封鎖=lockdown と覚える、こういう形式が、世の英会話の大半であろう。もちろん、それを知っていれば、使うとよい。
実際に、英語で話すと、何て言うのかわからないことの方が多い。その都度スマホで調べるわけにもいかない。別に都市封鎖も、感染拡大も、該当するずばりの表現を知らなくてもよい。知らなければ、自分の頭で考えたらよい。通じなければ、あれこれ、あらゆる角度から、表現したらよい。都市封鎖=lockdown という英語を知っているのとは、別種の、そういったタフな英語力こそが、真の実力であり、本当の英語力である。
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