考える英語 (英作で英会話上達!)



2020-05-11 21:14:00 | 英作 解答



⇒ 簡単に言うと、アメリカや他の国々は、外国人旅行者に、あまり来てほしくない。あまり来てほしくないということは、多く来てほしくないということ。禁止ということは、全く来てほしくないということ。want を使うと

・U.S. and other countries did not want many foreign tourists to come to their countries. Or they just wanted no foreign tourists to come. 






・   U.S and other countris decided that only fewer foreign tourists could come into thier countries, or just no tourists should come. 


have の線でも考える。

・They have a special rule and countries like the U.S. decided to have fewer tourists from outside, or just no foreign tourists. 

入国させるということは、その国が旅行者を持つ、ということなのでhave が活用できる。


there is も使える。

・Countries like the U.S. decided there should be fewer tourists from outside, or no foreign tourists at all. 


入国制限ということは、旅行者に向けての依頼なので、ask を使い、

・Coutries like the U.S. asked many tourists not to come, or asked every tourist not to come. 

ask every tourist not to come で、何人(なんびと)も、一人として来てくれるな、ということ。よって全面禁止という感じが出ると思う。


tell にすると、命令になる。

・Coutries like the U.S. told many of the tourists not to come, or later told them not/never to come. 

never で絶対来るな、ということで禁止の意味を出す。



・After countries like the U.S. made a decision on tourists, very few tourists or no tourists could come to thier countries. 


禁止ということは、簡単に言うと、NOということ。say no として

・Many tourists wanted to go to the U.S. and other countries, but they let fewer touirists come in, and later they said no to every tourists. 


旅行者の入国が制限される、ということは、渡航が難しくなること。difficult を使い

・It became very difficult for tourists to go to the U.S. and other countries. Later, it became impossible to go there. 

 前文でbecome difficult としたので、それに合わせて、become impossible とした。無理になった、ということは、禁止という意味が出せるだろう。



・The U.S. and some other countries said to foreign tourists, "don't come to our countries". Fewer (and fewer)  people came. In the end, no tourists came.   fewer and fewer でだんだん減少した、ということ。



・U.S. and other countries made a special rule about tourists.  After that, not all the tourists could go to those countries. After that, no tourists could go there. 


・Only some tourists could go to the U.S. and other coutnries. Later, no tourists could go there.


入国させる、ということで、let やallow  も使える。制限するということは、幾人かは入国ができるので、some を使う。

・The U.S. and other countries let just fewer tourists come in. Later, they let no tourists come in. 

・Not all the tourists were allowed to come.  Later, no touirsts were allowed to come to those countries like the U.S. 



・They controled the number of tourists. Later, they stopped all the tourists from coming in. 




報道では、例えば、制限をlimit や、ristriction、禁止をban を使い

・U.S. and some other countries decided to impose restrictions or banns on tourists. 

・U.S. and some other countries decided to limit the number of tourists or imposed an entry ban on tourists. などと言う。





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