Which is always a tremendous task, dear friends --- a mammoth task.
Within forty minutes her head was covered with tiny close-lying curls that made her look wonderfully like a truant schoolboy.
She looked at her reflection in the mirror long, carefully, and critically.
"If Jim doesn't kill me," she said to herself,
tremendous : すさまじい、(大きさ・量が)とても大きい
task : 仕事、任務
mammoth : 途方も鳴く大変な
close-lying : ぴっちりと並んだ
truant : 学校をズル休みする
critically : 批評的に、批判的に
Within forty minutes her head was covered with tiny close-lying curls that made her look wonderfully like a truant schoolboy.
She looked at her reflection in the mirror long, carefully, and critically.
"If Jim doesn't kill me," she said to herself,
tremendous : すさまじい、(大きさ・量が)とても大きい
task : 仕事、任務
mammoth : 途方も鳴く大変な
close-lying : ぴっちりと並んだ
truant : 学校をズル休みする
critically : 批評的に、批判的に
Grand as the watch was, he sometimes looked at it on the sly on account of the old leather strap that he used in place of a chain.
When Della reached home her intoxication gave way a little to prudence and reason.
She got out her curling irons and lighted the gas and went to work repairing the ravages made by generosity added to love.
sly : いたずらな
intoxication : 興奮
gave way ... to ~ : ~にとって代わった
prudence : 用心深さ
curling irons : カール用のコテ
the ravages : この惨害
generosity : 寛大
When Della reached home her intoxication gave way a little to prudence and reason.
She got out her curling irons and lighted the gas and went to work repairing the ravages made by generosity added to love.
sly : いたずらな
intoxication : 興奮
gave way ... to ~ : ~にとって代わった
prudence : 用心深さ
curling irons : カール用のコテ
the ravages : この惨害
generosity : 寛大
As soon as she saw it she knew that it must be Jim's.
It was like him.
Quietness and value --- the description applied to both.
Twenty-one dollars they took from her for it, and she hurried home with the 87 cents.
With that chain on his watch Jim might be properly anxious about the time in any company.
description : 記述、描写、説明
apply : 適用する。応用する、加える、あてはまる
in any company : どんな人と一緒にいても
It was like him.
Quietness and value --- the description applied to both.
Twenty-one dollars they took from her for it, and she hurried home with the 87 cents.
With that chain on his watch Jim might be properly anxious about the time in any company.
description : 記述、描写、説明
apply : 適用する。応用する、加える、あてはまる
in any company : どんな人と一緒にいても

There was none other like it in any of the stores, and she had turned all of them inside out.
It was a platinum fob chain simple and chaste in design, properly proclaiming its value by substance alone and not by meretricious ornamentation --- as all good things should do.
It was even worthy of The Watch.
fob chain : 懐中時計の鎖
chaste : 上品な
proclaiming : はっきりと示している
substance : 実質、要旨
meretricious : けばけばしい、俗悪な
ornamentation : 装飾
The Watch : 「あの時計」(ジムの持っている自慢の時計)
It was a platinum fob chain simple and chaste in design, properly proclaiming its value by substance alone and not by meretricious ornamentation --- as all good things should do.
It was even worthy of The Watch.
fob chain : 懐中時計の鎖
chaste : 上品な
proclaiming : はっきりと示している
substance : 実質、要旨
meretricious : けばけばしい、俗悪な
ornamentation : 装飾
The Watch : 「あの時計」(ジムの持っている自慢の時計)
"Give it to me quick." said Della.
Oh, and the next two hours tripped by on rosy wings .
Forget the hashed metaphor.
She was ransacking the stores for Jim's present.
She found it at last.
It surely had been made for Jim and no one else.
the next two hours tripped by on rosy wings : 続く2時間はバラ色の翼に乗って飛び去っていった
the hashed metaphor : 使い古しの比喩
was ransacking : ~を探し回った
Oh, and the next two hours tripped by on rosy wings .
Forget the hashed metaphor.
She was ransacking the stores for Jim's present.
She found it at last.
It surely had been made for Jim and no one else.
the next two hours tripped by on rosy wings : 続く2時間はバラ色の翼に乗って飛び去っていった
the hashed metaphor : 使い古しの比喩
was ransacking : ~を探し回った
One flight up Della ran, and collected herself, panting.
Madame, large, too white, chilly, hardly looking the "Sofronie."
"Will you buy my hair ?" asked Della.
"I buy hair," said Madame.
"Take yer hat off and let's have a sight at the looks of it."
Down rippled the brown cascade.
"Twenty dollars," said Madame, lifting the mass with a practised hand.
one flight up Della ran : デラは一気に階段を駆け上がった
collected herself : 気を落ち着かせた
hardly looking the "Sofronie" :
yer = your
ripple : ウェーブをつける
cascade : 滝状のもの
the mass : 髪の房
practised : わざとらしい、たくみな
Madame, large, too white, chilly, hardly looking the "Sofronie."
"Will you buy my hair ?" asked Della.
"I buy hair," said Madame.
"Take yer hat off and let's have a sight at the looks of it."
Down rippled the brown cascade.
"Twenty dollars," said Madame, lifting the mass with a practised hand.
one flight up Della ran : デラは一気に階段を駆け上がった
collected herself : 気を落ち着かせた
hardly looking the "Sofronie" :
yer = your
ripple : ウェーブをつける
cascade : 滝状のもの
the mass : 髪の房
practised : わざとらしい、たくみな
On went her old brown jacket; on went her old brown hat.
With a whirl of skirts and with the brilliant sparkle still in her eyes,
she fluttered out the door and down the stairs to the street.
Where she stopped the sign read: "Mme.Sofronie.Hair Goods of All Kinds."
on went her old brown jacket : (デラは)自分の古びた茶色の上着を着た
with a whirl of skirts : スカートを翻して
fluttered out the door : あわててドアの外へ飛び出した
Mme. = Madame
With a whirl of skirts and with the brilliant sparkle still in her eyes,
she fluttered out the door and down the stairs to the street.
Where she stopped the sign read: "Mme.Sofronie.Hair Goods of All Kinds."
on went her old brown jacket : (デラは)自分の古びた茶色の上着を着た
with a whirl of skirts : スカートを翻して
fluttered out the door : あわててドアの外へ飛び出した
Mme. = Madame
So now Della's beautiful hair fell about her, rippling and shining like a cascade of brown waters.
It reached below her knee and made itself almost a garment for her.
And then she did it up again nervously and quickly.
Once she faltered for a minute and stood still while a tear or two splashed on the worn red carpet.
rippling : 波打つ
cascade : 分かれ滝
garment : 衣服
did it up : 髪を結い上げた
nervously : 神経質に、いらいらして
faltered : ためらった
splashed : したたり落ちた
It reached below her knee and made itself almost a garment for her.
And then she did it up again nervously and quickly.
Once she faltered for a minute and stood still while a tear or two splashed on the worn red carpet.
rippling : 波打つ
cascade : 分かれ滝
garment : 衣服
did it up : 髪を結い上げた
nervously : 神経質に、いらいらして
faltered : ためらった
splashed : したたり落ちた
It's not important whose Earth it is.
The main thing is that it exists.
The main thing is that it exists.

The other was Della's hair.
Had the Queen of Sheba lived in the flat across the airshaft Della would have let her hair hang out the window some day to dry and mocked at Her Majesty's jewels and gifts.
Had King Solomon been the janitor, with all his treasures piled up in the basement, Jim would have pulled out his watch every time he passed, just to see him pluck at his beard from envy.
Had the Queen of Sheba lived in the flat across the airshaft :シバの女王が風道を隔てた向かい側のアパートに住んでいたのなら
would have ... mocked at ~: ~の価値を無に等しいものとしたことだろう
the janitor : 管理人
pluck at : ~をつかんで引っ張る
envy : ねたみ
Had the Queen of Sheba lived in the flat across the airshaft Della would have let her hair hang out the window some day to dry and mocked at Her Majesty's jewels and gifts.
Had King Solomon been the janitor, with all his treasures piled up in the basement, Jim would have pulled out his watch every time he passed, just to see him pluck at his beard from envy.
Had the Queen of Sheba lived in the flat across the airshaft :シバの女王が風道を隔てた向かい側のアパートに住んでいたのなら
would have ... mocked at ~: ~の価値を無に等しいものとしたことだろう
the janitor : 管理人
pluck at : ~をつかんで引っ張る
envy : ねたみ