こちら埼玉あたりに居ても 余震の度にハッとして 神経がやられそうな日々ですが
しかし季節はやはり決まった様に暖かくなって それだけでも何となく嬉しい気持ちにさせてくれます。
桜も満開になった先日の日曜日 孫三人とその家族が遊びにきまして 近くの城山公園にお花見にいってきました。
Strong aftershocks have come again and again.
Whenever it occurs, we live on our nerves even in Saitama.
So, the people afflicted districts must spend far harder days.
I just earnestly hope that the things including the nuke plant troubles will be concluded as soon as possible.
But it’s getting warm as usual springs, just which makes us happy.
Our family members got together last Sunday and enjoyed viewing cherry blossoms
which were in full bloom in a nearby park.
公園内は 皆さん自粛しているのか カラオケやバーベキュウー等もなく 紅白の提灯もなくて
ちょっと淋しい感じは否めませんが でも 全体に控えめで 穏やかないいお花見でした。
大地を揺るがし 信じ難い程の驚異を与えるのも自然
季節になると必ず花を咲かせ 木を芽吹かせ 癒しを与えるのも自然
自然のこの2つの顔を同時に見せた 今年の春ではあります。
There were no” Karaoke” or barbeque, etc as used to be.
Perhaps was it voluntary restraint?
It was a kind of low-key but peaceful and good flower viewing.
The nature, on one hand, strikes the earth and gives us unbelievable fear
on the other hand, gives us heal and blessing such as seasonal plants.
We have experienced both sides of the nature this spring.
そして <今日の花>は やはり桜
And today’s flowers are of course “Cherry blossoms”
今回のお花見でも 篠笛を吹きましたよ。
「さくら さくら 弥生の空ぁは~~~~~~」
皆さん 我慢して聞いてくれたようです.......
I played the bamboo flute also this time.
The people seemed to be patient enough to hear my performance.