以前落語家の橘屋圓蔵(前 月の家円鏡)さんが話していたものです。
我が家ではそれまで 生にぎり鮨は無理してでも食べてしまって
余るということがなかったので なかなか作れないお粥でした。
This is not our original
Tachibanaya Enzo, Comic Storyteller, (the ex name Tukinoya Enkyo) talked about it.
After many of his disciples got together, a lot of Nigiri Sushis were left uneaten.
Then next morning, he tried making them gruel.
The result was very good.
As we have rarely left Sushi, I have not so many opportunities to make it.
This time, one portion was left, as our son didn’t return by dinner. Wow!

すし米は崩して水に入れ 鮨ねたは2・3切れに切ってほんの少しの
ちょっと驚きのお粥ですが すし米の酸味がほんのりとして
いろいろな鮨ねたがいいダシとなって これは想像以上に美味しいですよ!
機会がありましたら 是非お試しあれ
Remove the Sushi-neta (Sashimi) from the rice,
and cut them into a couple of pieces each.
Pour water into the deformed sushi rice and heat.
Add the small pieces of Sashimi and a pinch of salt. That’s all.
It might be better not to use Nori-rolled Sushi, like Ikura (salmon eggs) or Uni (sea urchin), because gruel becomes dirty.
If you don’t mind the looking, it has no problem with taste, of course.
Gruel of wonder!
Kind of sour rice and various tastes of heated Sashimi bring out a good harmony.
It’s nicer than expected. Why don’t you try?