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From Takagamo to Raikou Shrine, the oldest shrine in Hokkaido, Nara, Asuka, Nara - 16
A super spin-out from the Takagamo Shrine in Nara Prefecture. Suddenly, we are in Chouchi-machi, Hokkaido. Is it a clue to the fact of ethnohistory, or a riddle of confusion? The search for the shrine of
This blog basically consists of a series of articles and is currently exploring "Asuka, Nara".
The series of 15 articles is about Asuka and its surroundings in Nara Prefecture.
In the 15th installment, I mentioned "Takagamo Shrine" in Gosho City.
I myself have been visiting cherry blossoms and historical sites in the southern part of Hokkaido.
My wife, in support of my hobby life, said to me, "You know, this is the oldest shrine in Hokkaido.
"You know, there is the oldest shrine in Hokkaido.
She found out some useful information about the oldest shrine in Hokkaido. It was a hit (laugh).
The name of the shrine is "Raikou Shrine," which has an unusual name.
It is located in Chonai-cho, which runs from Hakodate to Matsumae in southern Hokkaido.
After visiting the shrine, I checked the inscription and found the following
〜According to "Ono Tosa Nikki (Diary of Tosa Ono)," the oldest document in Chonai-cho, which has been handed down in the company, the following is written in 1205
In 1205, Araki Daigaku came to this area from Kai Province in search of gold sand.
According to the legend, Araki Daigaku, who came to the area from Kai Province in 1205 in search of gold sand, ordered Ryotokuin, the founder of the Ono family, to build Kamo no Jujo-sha in 1244.
It is the oldest shrine in Hokkaido. It was originally located in Kamigarai (the name of a place around here), but was moved to its current location in 1915.
It was relocated to its current location in 1915. 〜The shrine was believed to have been located in the same area as the current location. <The third photo shows the old shrine.
Oh, a double pressure point.
I just wrote about the main shrine of Kamosha, Takagamo Shrine, in this blog series.
I just wrote about Takagamo Shrine, the main shrine of Kamosha, in two articles in this blog series. It is an unexpected coincidence.
The Kamo-sha spread from Takagamo-jinja to the rest of Japan and was introduced to Hokkaido in the Kamakura period.
The name of the pioneer involved in the founding of the shrine in 1244 is that of a relative of Kai, who came to this area in 1205.
Considering the circumstances at the time of its arrival in this area in 1205, it was in the early Kamakura period.
The Oshu Fujiwara clan had just moved from Atsuma Town adjacent to Tomakomai as their trading base in Hokkaido.
Tokoname ware, which appears to be a sutra mound, has been excavated from Atsuma Town adjacent to Tomakomai, suggesting a trading base with Hokkaido.
Archaeologists in Hokkaido have pointed out the strong relationship between the Fujiwaras and the gold-producing region.
The Kamakura Shogunate forces, which had destroyed the Fujiwara Clan in an attempt to seize control of the region, were thought to have intended to mine gold sand in Hokkaido.
It is highly probable that the Kamakura Shogunate forces intended to mine gold sand in Hokkaido.
The Kai Province is known for its high level of mining technology, which can be inferred from Shingen's later activities there.
The person who was named "Daigaku" (university) by the local power in Kai, and the person who was named "Daigaku" (university) by the local power in Kai.
In other words, a professional mining engineer was dispatched to the southern part of Hokkaido.
So, I asked the chief priest about the disappearance.
The answer was, "The order to develop this mine and mine gold sand came from the Yoritomo regime.
Yoritomo himself died in 1199.
Since Yoritomo himself died in 1199, it is difficult to say whether it was his own order or the will of the shogunate administration.
But at least as a local power that received the order, it is clearly stated that it was "from Yoritomo.
The information is clearly indicated to have been received "from Yoritomo" as the local power that received the order.
Regarding the lineage as a shrine, and the fact that it is in the Kamo-sha lineage.
The person who was commissioned to establish the shrine by this influential clan leader
The person who established the shrine at the request of this influential clan leader "happened" to have the right to establish a shrine in that lineage, or
Or was it because Kamosha was believed to have spiritual power related to mining?
I could not hear anything about this from the priest's talk.
In any case, the shrine is a far cry from the Takagamo Shrine in Nara Prefecture.
I strongly felt this kind of "connection," and I need to search for it again (laughs). Hmmm... Hmmm...