

【ヤタガラスは「高鴨族」の逆・擬人化? (列島37,000年史 第56回)】

2023-01-02 05:34:54 | 日記


神話から「日本史」という歴史の世界へ移行したのは、おおむね10代崇神天皇以降とされる。かれが遷都したとされる纏向遺跡(まきむくいせき)が発掘されたことでほぼ確定されつつある。(纏向遺跡については第45回目の「卑弥呼=日の巫女「アマテラス」論 日本列島37,000年史-45」にて。




English version⬇

Is the Yatagarasu a Reverse or Anthropomorphic Form of the "High Duck Tribe"? (The 37,000-Year History of the Archipelago, Vol. 56)
The founding myths have a reverse/anthropomorphic storytelling with symbolism. The riddle of Yatagarasu, a guide who dared to conduct a campaign to conquer Yamato by breaking through the mountains. ...

The world of the Chronicles of Japan, the Chronicles of the Chronicles of Japan and the Kojiki, where myths and facts of the founding of the nation are mixed together.
It may be a blessing in disguise that this personal historical exploration of the "37,000-year history of the Japanese archipelago" comes at a special time of year, the year-end and New Year holidays. The contents of this article are a bit delusional, but I hope you will forgive me for calling it my "first dream.

The transition from mythology to the historical world of "Japanese history" is generally considered to have occurred after the 10th Emperor Sojin. This is now being confirmed by the excavation of the Makimukai Site, where the capital was said to have been relocated. (For more information on the Makimuki-Seki site, please refer to the article "Himiko = Amaterasu, the Miko of the Sun" in "The 37,000-Year History of the Japanese Archipelago: 45.
However, traces of the ancient Yamato Plain before that time are also being spun out as we walk around the site.
The conquest of the Yamato Plain area, summarized as the so-called "Jinmu expedition," is full of traces of facts, even if we do not specify the personages. Asuka, Fujiwara-kyo, and the city of Sakurai, where Mimamukai is located, are in the process of applying for registration as World Heritage sites. I think the proper stance is to take the time to clarify riddles as riddles.
For this reason, even though I am from Hokkaido, I occasionally visit the area when I have time.

This time, I would like to focus on "Yatagarasu," a legendary bird that appeared in the Shinmu expedition. Legend has it that the Yatagarasu guided the marching army.
After the defeat of the later Emperor Jinmu, who landed at Naniwa-no-tsu, he landed at Kumano in a march by sea, apparently led by the Kumano Suigun (navy). From there, they headed for Nagasada and the Yamato Plain. Yatagarasu "guided" them along this mountainous route.
This yatagarasu, if it exists, is naturally thought to be a reverse anthropomorph. The "high duck tribe" is thought to be the target.
~It is said that the ~amo tribe was a kind of spiritual group, and their background was the high technology they had developed in the mountains of Katsuragi. Because they ruled over the mountains rather than the plains, they had a deep knowledge of astronomical observation and pharmacology, and were also skilled in iron manufacturing, agriculture, and horsemanship as a means of transportation. ~Quoted from "Katsuragi, the Place of Beginnings, and the Kamo Tribe 
The shrine that became the origin of the "Kamo" shrine, which later developed throughout the country, is located on the southwest side of the mountain range surrounding the Yamato Plain. It is located at a considerable elevation, but it is filled with spring water and the torii gate stands as if it were floating on the surface of the water. The beauty of the shrine led me to visit it several times. The Kamo clan has a "history" dating back to the Yayoi period, according to the legend.

It was said that the shrine grounds emanated "chi" due to the large number of mining materials buried in the ground. The atmosphere is somewhat convincing of the shrine's legend, though some of the photos above show mysterious "light threads".

There is an argument that points out the connection between the Yatagarasu and this Kamo clan in the description of Kiki.
It is said that the Kamu expeditionary force moved northward from Kumano through the mountains to Yoshino, and from there to Uda and Yatsubosugi, and then to the Yamato plain by following what is said to be a "marching road" through the mountains. It is clear that a leader would have been indispensable if they were to follow such a mountainous route in ancient times.
This may have been the Yatagarasu, which was sublimated into existence through mimicry in the Kamo clan.
This is my first dream, and based on the analysis and tradition of the eastern expedition path, I have this kind of inference and delusion. Now.