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Neat form and a sense of shading: Hikawa Shrine's Yuhiken Shrine and Anraku-ji Temple's Kori -2
The thatched roof and the aesthetic sense of the segai-zukuri style create a Japanese-style orientation toward a sympathetic society. It makes us feel the fundamental sense of ethics. ・・・・・・.
This house was used as a korori (storehouse) at Anrakuji Temple in Oyaguchi, Minami-ku, Saitama City. As for the building date, the ink signature of 1858 has been confirmed, so it is 165 years old. It was built at the end of the Edo period (1603-1868), but it was destroyed by the "restoration of the monarchy" during the Meiji Restoration (1868-1912), which was followed by the social movement to "abolish Buddhism" that flared up violently.
The family was also the head priest of the Oyaguchi Hikawa Shrine, which was a syncretism of Shinto and Buddhist teachings, and one can imagine that the background of the family was very complicated. As a result, Anrakuji Temple as a Buddhist temple ceased to exist, and this building lost the substance of being a koryu. The owner, having abandoned his position as the temple's abbot, "returned to the priesthood" and changed his name to Mr. Noguchi.
For us modern people, the defeat in World War II against the U.S. is a huge epochal national experience, but I believe that the political upheaval of the Meiji period also brought about a great change in society. Especially for the Japanese, the religious upheaval caused by the abolition of Buddhism had a great impact.
The Japanese view of religion has changed greatly due to historical changes. Since the Jomon period, nature-worshipping belief in the "eight million" gods has been a part of the Japanese people's spiritual landscape. The royal lineage since the Jinmu period took root against this base, and shrine worship spread as a testimony to its legitimacy.
The royal lineage itself introduced Buddhism, and Prince Shotoku promoted the development of a basic national system. The belief in "eight million" probably ensured flexible social acceptability at the time of the introduction of Buddhism.
During the Warring States period, Buddhist forces such as Ishiyama Honganji were obsessed with radical activism and anti-authoritarianism, but these were suppressed and converged with the establishment of the Shogunate's military power as a political system. In the process of achieving a stable society during the Edo period, there was a layering of such ethnic experiences.
A polytheistic society of gods and Buddha was realized and a society of mutual respect was formed. Postwar democracy as a political system seems to have been a part of this acceptance of polytheism among the Japanese people.
As a result of these cultural and religious experiences, a syncretic orientation may be deeply rooted in the Japanese people.
The house is characterized by its large roof, the tiled roof over the front portion, and the neat proportions of the segai-zukuri style. This building would have functioned as a place for various meetings and gatherings in the koryu of temples during the Edo period. The volume and stability of the large thatched roof, which creates a stable indoor environment in the hot and humid climate, seems to have served as a cradle for the spirituality of the people.
The aesthetics of these large thatched roofs give a strong impression of the stability of Japanese society and the cradle of people's sense of ethics.