


2023-11-06 06:36:25 | 日記

1 ごはんはお茶碗にほぼ半量程度。
2 上にのっけている「納豆」は具だくさんでわたしの勝手混ぜ。
  a 納豆本体 b 数の子わさび和え c 小魚 d ノリ佃煮 e ネギ類などの混淆。
3 味噌汁は豆腐、ワカメ
4 イカの半生珍味風
5 トマト きゅうり ニンジン
6 白菜のキムチ
7 紫キャベツ、赤ピーマン、ピーマンの酢和え
8 野菜細切れ入り玉子焼き
9 サケ焼き物 ナス焼き カボチャ焼き

English version⬇

Nutritional Value, Variety, and Overeat (Laugh) Breakfast
This is a breakfast menu with a target of 30 items a day. I wonder if there is some rejection to natto (laugh). The royal road of the food culture area north of the Kanto region. The royal road of the food culture area north of the Kanto region.

Now that the three-day weekend is over, we are approaching the time of year when we have only two months left to go.
 How is everyone doing? Although the number of my friends who have retired is increasing, they all seem to be in high spirits in this age of aging. I am happy to hear that their life expectancy is increasing and that they will probably live to be around 90 years old.
 To support such vitality, "medicine and food are of the same origin. The most important thing is to eat every day. The photo shows breakfast one day at our house. My wife has set a goal of "eating a little bit of a lot of food at a time" in order to maintain a good nutritional balance.
 She has been trying to consume a very large number of foods, as is often indicated by the slogan "30 foods" per day. I am very grateful for this.
 As you can see, the menu is pretty much the same as you see it, but here are a few things to check for yourself
1 About half a bowl of gohan.
2 The "natto" on top is my own mix with a lot of ingredients.
  The "natto" on top is a mixture of many ingredients, including: a. Natto itself, b. Eggs with wasabi, c. Small fish, d. Nori Tsukudani, e. Green onions, etc.
3 Miso soup is tofu and wakame seaweed
4 Squid half-delicacy style
5 Tomatoes cucumber carrots
6 Kimchi with Chinese cabbage
7 Vinegared purple cabbage, red bell pepper and green pepper
8 Fried egg with shredded vegetables
9 Baked salmon with eggplant and pumpkin
The contents of the meal will be as follows. Maybe 22 or more ingredients in all.
 This is the number of ingredients in one meal for 30 items a day, which should be good for health. I am not an expert, so I am not sure.
 I eat this kind of meal while watching a recording of "Shohei Hino's Bicycle Kokorotabi" (program name is a bit of a joke). That program shows us ordinary Japanese landscapes and cityscapes, and tells us about the ordinary daily lives of ordinary people, so it provides a peaceful background for the meal. Sometimes, the program changes to recordings of other programs on NHK-BS. Oh, I pay the NHK fee (laughs). I disagree with the NHK fee as a system, but a bad law is also a law. And personal programming preferences are completely different.
 Some people may be repulsed by the appearance of natto (fermented soybeans) in this meal (laughs). (Laughs.) For those of you from the Kansai region and westward, this may not be familiar to your eyes, but please forgive me.
 Now it is time to see if I can continue to participate in the longevity contest with my friends with this kind of meal (laugh).