
王朝時代の昔から熊野詣の行路にこの白浜はあたっていたのでしょう。「雪のいろにおなじしららはまちどり こえさえさゆるあけぼののそら」寂念法師(不木和歌抄・巻第十七冬部二より)という和歌も遺されている。しらはまという地名はここで謳われた「しららはま」が由来。
English version⬇
[Reunion with "Nanki-Shirahama" over 50 years: Imperial Mythology and Kumano Journey-20]
The extreme point of wandering of youth, the Southern Pure Land for Hokkaido people. The desire to encounter "beauty" boiled over in my brain (laughter). A period of "reflection" akin to penitence. ...
I'm sure everyone has sentiments like "the land of my dreams. The experience of actually going there may gradually fade away or, conversely, be beautified, so it doesn't really feel "as it was".
I have a sense that I have come to the end of my journey, but my motivation for work is also rising again. The atmosphere of "rebirth" in the air of Kumano is perfect for such a mood. And as I was walking around Kumano, I suddenly remembered that Nanki-Shirahama is very close by. This was a unique experience for me. When I was in high school, during my "three years of rebirth" after taking a year off from school, some of my good-natured younger friends took pity on the fact that I could not go on a school excursion and encouraged me to go see the Osaka Expo.
I didn't have any itch or regret about not being able to go on two school trips, but since it was my friend's offer, I said, "Thank you," and off we went.
So, here we are, three high school boys on a rare road trip (laughs).
When we arrived at Senri Hills, the Expo site, we were fed up with the crowds and decided, "Since we've come all this way, let's go to a different part of town.
And for some reason, the place name "Nanki-Shirahama" filled my brain.
Since I was a young high school student on a windy trip, I thought that if I took a swim in the sea, I could simply take a shower with sea water and feel refreshed. After all, he even remembers sleeping in the open air at the train station in Nara, not an elegant trip where he could stay in a proper inn or hotel. It was truly the wandering and wandering of youth.
However, from the time I boarded the Seikan Liaison Boat, my intention was to interact with people of the same age regardless of sex (laugh). The trouble was, I was lucky enough to find someone I hit it off with (laughs). It was such a rare trip.
So the sight of the "Nanki-Shirahama" beach was dazzlingly enviable in that kind of cerebral atmosphere. If all goes well, I might be able to encounter the immensely attractive and beautiful Bodhisattva "Maitreya" again.
I am not sure if it was the blessings of Kumano Hongu Shrine or simply the route of the Kishu Road that brought back the whispers in my brain from more than half a century ago. However, I was motivated by the question, "What was that excitement in my brain? The station building was also somewhat familiar to me.
I guessed that Shirahama had been on the Kumano Pilgrimage route since the olden days of the imperial era. There is also a poem written by Jakunen Houshi (from "Fuki Waka Sho," Volume 17, Winter Part 2): "Shirahama chidori koe sae sae yaru akebono no sora, the same color of snow. The name "Shirahama" is derived from "Shirahama," which was said to be one of the most famous beaches in Kansai.
It was one of the best beaches in Kansai, and to a Hokkaido boy, it must have seemed like a paradise on earth, like a beach in Hawaii. In Buddhist terms, "Pure Land" is also a thing of the past.
Recently, the composition of Shirahama has been changing, and I hear that there is a great deal of effort to maintain the beach as it was named. Seeing the beautiful scene, I deeply appreciate such efforts.