


2024-03-08 06:11:30 | 日記


English version⬇

Japanese dining table - "Meizuzen" dining scene
A social culture that enforces the role of the woman who cares for the "master" of the highest rank. This kind of scene will continue to become a "marginal custom" in the future. ...

I have been thinking about "dining table" since the other day, and I am reminded that historically, the original dining custom of the Japanese people was based on the "meishizensen" style of dining.
 The photo shows the dining scene of a samurai family seen at the "Yuzuki Castle Museum" in Matsuyama City. It is a dining scene of "important persons," and you can see the most "noble person" sitting near the alcove and his two companions eating, and the women taking care of each and every meal.
 This kind of meal was common, and it seems that this kind of scene expressed the status system as it was, and was considered as an opportunity to educate and reaffirm the awareness of such "prestige" at each meal. I think most people would consider this a hassle. The ruling class may have placed the utmost importance on such formalities, but it is more common to think of the meal as being held around a "sunken hearth," and although the seating arrangements may express the relationship between the head of the family and the family members, it is more likely that the basic format of the meal was a dialogue around the fire.
 The picturesque dining scene proudly flaunts how the authority of the ruler was penetrated.
 Although the substance of the meal may have been diluted considerably, it may have been a kind of social habitualization as a form of formalization.
 However, it is said that the same was true at the dining table around the sunken hearth. An example of an exception to this rule would have been "nabe ryori. The word "murekou" is often used to describe the Japanese sense of "openness" in contrast to the social norm of "no such thing" that is enforced as a formality.
 The women who serve the guests are performing hard labor, and they have to be very careful.
 They must have been paying close attention to ensure that there would be no mishaps and that the guests would be satisfied with their meal.
 It is easy to imagine that this kind of "formalism" has been the source of Japanese spiritual culture for a long period of time.
 This "meizentei" style of formalism would be transformed into a "big table meal" style with the introduction of the public housing lifestyle in the postwar period. From the standpoint of lifestyle rationalism, the current trend is quite natural, and the trend toward time-saving is likely to intensify in today's lifestyle where dual-income couples have become the norm. In addition, the lifestyle will become one in which husbands can be in the position of cooking meals at any time.
 Eventually, people will look at a picture like this and say, "What is she doing? (laugh). Now, let's see what happens next.