

【人類は情報で滅ぶ、のか? マスコミ観察眼】

2024-07-21 06:30:24 | 日記

English version⬇

Will Humanity Perish from Information? Observations from the Media
Will the aftermath of the Tokyo gubernatorial election riots spread to the “freedom” of the mass media itself? A déjà vu experience of the “flip side” of prewar society's outburst. ...

The Tokyo gubernatorial election was playing a huge “rhapsody. Although we were not totally unaffected by the election because it was in the capital city, we were somewhat annoyed as to why people were making such a big deal about it since it was so far away from how we live our lives. I thought that now that the elections were finally over, things would calm down a bit and the debate would turn to the outcome of the U.S. presidential election and other issues, but the furor has not died down.
 Ms. Renho ran for the Tokyo gubernatorial election, and as a result of a very tough choice by the people of Tokyo, she unexpectedly came in third place. As a Hokkai-do resident who is not a resident of Tokyo, I have no choice but to watch from the sidelines, but the media was, or still is, making a big fuss about it.
 One of the events that caught my attention was that a reporter from the Asahi Shimbun, who I thought was an “ally” of Renho, wrote a critical commentary about Renho on her social networking site, X. When the reporter wrote a critical commentary about Renho on X, she became irritated and said that she was consulting with her lawyer and was ready to open the battlefield against the Asahi Shimbun. I think this person is an unemployed private citizen as a result of his unsuccessful election, but he has a great sense of power.
 On the other hand, Asahi Shimbun, which has a history of repeatedly making false reports about the Fukushima nuclear power plant accident, etc. and refusing to admit it for several years even after being pointed out, immediately ordered its own reporters to “apologize” for the points raised by Renho (as we can recognize).
 The situation is still ongoing (Renho's statement that “I will not let it end” in response to the apology), so we will have to wait and see what happens next, but the fact that it is an “altercation” between a former opposition party member and a representative of the media who is clearly in support of the opposition party is truly indicative of the state of the world in these latter days.
 This is the current point in time, and I am very interested in this development. The situation has stopped when Renho raised her cobwebs. Or, there may be some “behind-the-scenes” negotiation, and things may stop moving as if nothing had happened.
 There are many points of interest, but the biggest is as follows. When media reporters transmit information on their own social networking sites, there is a natural tendency for it to diverge from the information media itself. In response to this, the question is whether the media company can take away that “freedom” by “work order. Needless to say, this would directly lead to the total control of the employees, with promotions, pay raises, and other performance evaluations as a pretext.
 From a different perspective, the media company is a dictatorship-type organization that claims “freedom of the press” and asserts its extraterritoriality to society, but suppresses the “freedom of thought and expression” of its employees within the company.
 We would like to see former Diet member Renho take on the role of investigating this issue.