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Reunion, Encounter, and Information Exchange in Japan Home Show
Reunited with Recruit Yoichi Ikemoto. We exchanged information with each other. We also had a real meeting with Dr. Masayuki Mae for the first time in a while. Kick-off of the exchange with a good response. We had a good time.
Yesterday, we continued our PR activities to spread the "Replan Sumai Navi" information.
However, the number of visitors slowed down a little, perhaps because it was the middle of the day.
The day before yesterday, despite being the first time to participate, we wanted to help the cat.
I was also able to attend other booths and lectures.
This meant that I had somewhat more time to spare.
I could encounter people with whom I would normally have to take time to make appointments.
I met again with Yoichi Ikemoto of Recruit, a lecturer participating in a group discussion-type event.
I was able to sit in the front row of the Shinken Housing event hall.
I was able to sit in the front row at the Shinken Housing event...well, that's how small the turnout was.
I have not seen Mr. Ikemoto since seven or eight years ago.
Mr. Ikemoto has recently been appearing as a housing commentator on various TV media.
I first met Mr. Ikemoto when I was a child.
I first met Mr. Ikemoto when he had not yet been exposed in such a way.
However, he had opened a Facebook account
I was just a Facebook account holder, so I decided to make friends with him.
I wanted to hear what Recruit, one of the giants in the industry, was up to.
I jumped into the bosom of the high-rise office right next to the Yaesu exit of Tokyo Station.
I was jabbed with a "Mr. Miki is my business rival.
(laugh), I was happy to be able to engage in a deep dialogue with him without any illusions.
After that, I even tried to wear the same color clothes as the green Sumo character.
I was so pleased to hear that he has been playing an active role as an advertiser.
I could feel his motives and background when I looked at him and talked with him.
After a short conversation at the venue, they stopped by our "Replan Sumai Navi" booth.
We were able to have an open dialogue about this new business.
When we offered to continue exchanging information with them, they responded with open arms.
We are deeply grateful for their openness.
In the lecture hall afterward, I wrote a series of articles for Replan magazine, a local media outlet, for nearly 10 years.
I met Dr. Masayuki Mae, an associate professor at the University of Tokyo, who has been writing a series of articles for Replan magazine, a local media outlet, for nearly 10 years now.
The discussion was about "Renovation for Better Performance," which is a joint project with Shinken Housing and YKK.
The content of the discussion was not a public relations document, but the core of the concept, which emerged from the discussion and dialogue.
The discussion was not a summary of publicity materials, but rather a discussion of the core of the concept, and what emerged from the dialogue.
The current status of "performance-enhancing renovations" and the pioneers of this concept.
We were also able to make the acquaintance of Mr. Ikeda of Okaniwa Construction, a leading builder in Nishi-Tokyo, Tokyo.
I informed Dr. Masayuki Mae of the background of "Replan Sumai Navi" in advance, so he said, "I'll be at the booth.
He also said, "I will visit your booth.
This new project was discussed with the AI research team from the Faculty of Engineering at Hokkaido University and the indoor environment team from the same Faculty of Engineering at Hokkaido University.
Dr. Taro Mori, a professor of indoor environment at the same Hokkaido University Faculty of Engineering, was deeply involved in this new project.
Dr. Norihiko Kamata of Shinjyukyo expressed his deep interest in the project.
I was hoping to hear from the former professor as well.
He is scheduled to attend a lecture today as well, so I would like to start this kind of "exchange" with him before and after the lecture.
I would like to start this kind of "exchange" with him before and after his lecture.
I am very happy to have made a big "profit". Thank you very much.