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[A journey in search of a single painting that I would like to see again.
I was told, "If only I knew the artist's name," but I am in a "what's your name" state. It is not bad to keep thinking about it in your heart. Love is the youth of the heart. I am in love...
During the recent Golden Week holidays, I had one day when I could go away for a round trip to Tokachi and back.
From Sapporo, the round trip would be about 350-360 km. The couple took turns at the wheel. I had been feeling a little under the weather, but this was an opportunity for me to recover and also a change of pace.
The purpose of the trip was to see a painting I had seen at an art museum in the Rokka-no-mori area in Nakasatsunai, which I don't remember how many years ago.
It was an image that clearly depicted the trees on a farm in Tokachi that looked as if they were groaning on a "hot day in Tokachi," which occurs only a few days a year. One tree in particular showed a truly animate expression, and for some reason I was deeply attracted to it. I was saying to my wife, "I want to buy this painting" (laugh).
(Laughs.) Half of my words were sincere, but my wife, who was on a trip and regarded it as nothing more than a temporary emotional outburst, appeased my feelings.
I thought it might have been a temporary emotional high, too. I had to calm myself down, and if I could still feel "absolutely sure" when I revisited the place again, I would do so.
I like painting, but it is an interest that is intertwined with the pursuit of "encounters" through visits to art museums, and I am not so much "infatuated" with a particular painting. Such works as Sotatsu Tawaraya's The Wind and Thunder Gods are almost national treasures, so I have never had the concept of owning them privately. It may also be that I am a person who thinks that reproductions are good enough.
However, at the start of my life, a picture I drew in the first grade of elementary school won a special prize at a children's drawing exchange event held when Portland, U.S.A., and Sapporo signed a "sister city" agreement.
Although I drew the picture myself, I would like to see it again. However, I have never asked for it back. I guess I am not a possessive person by nature.
However, one painting that I unusually wanted to purchase remained in my mind, and I finally revisited it this time.
I don't even remember the artist's name. I thought it was probably one of the paintings in this group of museums, so I went exploring.
I went around the museums one after another by artist, but none of them matched the "style" of the artist. It was the first time for me to enjoy visiting museums thinking, "Is this the same person?" However, as I repeated the process, I began to think that it would be nice to find a "picture" in my mind and not be able to find it.
Then, at the last museum, I came across a painting with a style that made me think, "Oh, this is it.
I bookmarked the artist's profile with the hope that I might be able to find his work.
The painting may already be in someone else's hands, but to hold on to that kind of love may be a confirmation of one's youthfulness. I would like to continue my search quietly.