

【商家の仕掛け「木製シャッター・配送車」 江戸期・房総町家-7】

2023-01-14 06:26:25 | 日記



English version⬇

Wooden shutters and delivery wagons, a contrivance of a merchant house, Edo period, Boso Machiya-7
Desperate for business, the front of the store was fully opened as a show window. Wooden fittings were constructed with wisdom and ingenuity, and a mobile car for peddling was also stored. The shop was built with wisdom and ingenuity.

 Now, let's take a look at the Boso no Mura "Komono-ya Kururi" series. We have looked at their main products, such as hairdressing-related products, combs, and ornamental hairpins, but today we will look at the architectural functionality of the store.
 Generally, merchants' houses and townhouses open their frontage to busy streets and other areas and fully open their frontage to lead customers in. However, the response will vary in a thousand ways depending on the type of business. In the case of this komomono shop, the front door has a 3-ken entrance. Taxes on merchant houses, such as Kyoto townhouses, were determined according to the size of the frontage. Therefore, merchant houses often have a narrow frontage and a long depth. This is wisdom and ingenuity to reduce the tax burden (laugh). The dense feeling of the building naturally creates "liveliness," so it must have been done intentionally. Oda Nobunaga is said to have had a habit of hanging around these clusters of town houses as a kabuki actor. The heavy mercantilist character of power was brought about by the airy atmosphere of these machiya clusters by a few powerful men.
 In order to fully open the first floor space as a show window, we wanted to omit the opening fittings, but we also wanted to close them at night, so we wanted the wooden fittings to function like shutters. This is why the wooden shutter with a nighttime entrance called a "lift door" or a "raised door" was designed, as you can see.

 What is even more interesting is the cart and the showcase dolly. When I first saw this car, I mistakenly thought that it was a parade car for the wives and daughters of good families who had finished getting their hair done to show off their appearance to the townspeople on their way home (laugh). (Laughs) However, a closer look at the description reveals that it is a vehicle used to sell tobacco pipes and other items at tobacco stalls. The conduit part of a smoking pipe is called a "rao," and this was a "rao car" used for peddling kiseru (tobacco pipe) for sale and repairing burnt tobacco. The first floor of the store was also used as a kind of parking lot, and this is the prototype of the machiya store that existed until the Showa period (1926-1989).
 In fact, in the postwar society of the mid-Showa period, my family used an "auto three-wheeler" instead of this cart for deliveries and peddling. Although we actually used the vacant lot in front of the store for parking, it was a nostalgic experience that gave me a strong sense of "connection" in the way of life of a merchant family. The daily activities of the father and mother, who were desperately engaged in their daily sales activities, strongly remind me of their daily life. Even though the products handled are different, the basic way of being of a Japanese merchant family is pinned down. Samurai are the main characters in historical dramas, but the overwhelming majority of ordinary people have survived in this way of life for a long time until today.


