


2023-05-14 06:29:09 | 日記



English version⬇

At Horomui-inari Shrine in the northwestern tip of Shakotan Peninsula
The spirit of the people who survived by fishing and built a foundation in Shakotan, Hokkaido. This is a monument of the Kushin faith that bears their spirit. It is human nature to continue to ponder the spirit of those people. The monument is a symbol of the spirit of the people of Shakotan, Hokkaido.

The requirements for this business trip ended successfully yesterday. I mentioned in my blog the total number of steps I took every day, and the function ended up being the maximum value, with a whopping 16,459 steps. From 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., I went from place to place with no regard for my age, and my legs had passed the stick stage and turned into giant trees (laugh). (Laughs.) But I think it is in the nature of the animal species called human beings to move around and take action while we can move.
 First of all, I would like to organize the information and other information obtained and make use of it in future activities. However, that is something I will be working on after I return home today.
 Today's article is from the Shakotan Peninsula in Hokkaido. In Japanese society, shrines and temples have continued to occupy a central role in the local network. Any remote place shows traces of the human interaction that has been structured in the area. So, this is the Horomui-inari Shrine in the photo here.
 The Shakotan Peninsula is characterized by its steep reefs bordering the Sea of Japan. Since the pioneering period, efforts have been made to connect the peninsula with a road, but the efforts to open a road around Cape Kamui and to the northeast of the peninsula have been exhausted. The shrine is located on the hill of a fishing port on the coastline.
 The shrine overlooks the harbor of the "Higashi Shakotan Fishing Cooperative. The beautiful Shakotan blue sea welcomes you. Inari" belief is comparatively majority in the relationship between fishery and gods. So, I found a unique stone monument in the precincts of the shrine.

The Geng-shin faith, which is described as "Geng-shin", is a composite faith based on the Chinese Taoist theory of the three living creatures, which is a complex combination of Buddhism, especially esoteric Buddhism, Shinto, Shugendo, and magical medicine, and various Japanese folk beliefs (folk beliefs) and customs. The traditional values of the society of origin must have been transplanted by the people who settled here as a survival strategy in the extraction of fishery resources, but the design engraving on the top of the monument, which appears to be "sun and moon," caught my attention. I wondered if it was an attempt to appeal to visitors with a riddle (laugh).
 I am fascinated by the playful, or rather, spell-like, scheming mind of our forefathers.
 At the moment, fantasies keep bubbling up in my mind, and I have not been able to settle them. I am accepting the appeal of localism as a stone monument of a shrine. Since I have been frequenting the nearby day spa facility, I am thinking to myself that it would not be a bad idea to spend the rest of my life thinking in symbiosis with the riddles of my ancestors (laugh). I am looking forward to your advice if you have any information. Thank you in advance.


