


2024-04-26 06:39:28 | 日記

〜出典は道南十二館の謎 p202-203、函館市史通説編第1巻 p335-336、p330-331より。
 初代 - 小林太郎左衛門尉良景 - 先祖は万里小路藤房に仕え、祖父の小林次郎重弘の時に蝦夷島(北海道)に渡った。
二代 - 小林彌太郎良定
三代 - 小林三郎右衛門良治〜

English version⬇

Hakodate “Shikokan” of the Kobayashi clan, a warrior family of the Southern Dynasty in the 1400s.
This is a historical site in southern Hokkaido that traces back the “history” of the island. The traces are clearly preserved, including the records and traditions of the Ishizaki Jishukai Shrine, which continue to the present day. The Shikokeikan is located in the southern part of Hokkaido Island.

This is a cherry blossom viewing trip in southern Hokkaido, and as for me, I can't help but get my historical blood boiling. Although I am a Hokkaido native, there are many places in Southern Hokkaido and Hakodate where I can confirm my interactions with various aspects of Japanese history.
 I have been here before, but now I am revisiting Shikokan in Shikonori Town, Hakodate City. 〜Shikoritate was a medieval castle complex (castle in Japan) in Hakodate, Hokkaido, Japan. It is one of the Twelve Buildings of Southern Hokkaido, said to have been built by the Kobayashi clan. It is designated as a national historic site. 〜Who is the Kobayashi Clan?
〜Source: Mysteries of the Twelve Buildings of Donan, p. 202-203, Hakodate City History, Vol. 1, p. 335-336, 330-331.
 I - Kobayashi Tarozaemon Yoshikage - Ancestor served under Marikoji Tobo, and went to Ezo Island (Hokkaido) when his grandfather Kobayashi Jiro Shigehiro was born.
2nd generation - Yataro Yoshisada Kobayashi
The third generation - Saburoemon Ryoji Kobayashi
 According to the records of the Matsumae clan, the Kobayashi clan was attacked and defeated by the Ainu uprising in 1456. However, the Kobayashi clan is said to have continued to maintain their residence there until 1512, when it fell to the Ainu uprising once again, and the lord of the estate, Yataro Yoshisada Kobayashi, was killed in action. After that, the Kobayashi clan was subordinated to the Matsumae clan and Shikokan was closed. ~.
 It seems that the people who came to Hokkaido were the forces of the Southern Court during the period of conflict between the Northern and Southern Dynasties, and fled to Hokkaido as a result of the war in the Aomori area.
 According to the story told at the Ishizaki Jishu Kaijinsha Shrine, which I visited after this visit, the shrine itself was founded with strong ties to the Kobayashi clan, and in fact, such a shrine was also enshrined there.
 Although the shrine is called “yakata,” it measures 70-80 m east to west and 50-60 m north to south, and has an area of about 4,100 m2. It is a medieval castle house. The site is located 9 km east of central Hakodate on the southern edge of a coastal terrace about 25 m above sea level. It commands a panoramic view of the Shimokita Peninsula on the opposite shore. It can be inferred that the Ainu people fled to this southern part of Hokkaido in an attempt to regain their independence after losing a battle in the area from which they could see a long distance. However, the castle was destroyed twice by the Ainu uprising, so there is no doubt that it had a decisive weak point in terms of topography.
 However, considering the fact that it has continued to maintain a residence of this size, it must have continued to maintain the economic power to cultivate a certain level of strength. It would be interesting to know what kind of economic structure was responsible for this. The fact that the samurai class was involved in two uprisings suggests that they were engaged in quite vicious trade with the Ainu. The fact that they were involved in two uprisings on two separate occasions suggests that they were engaged in quite vicious trade.
 It is interesting to learn about the situation on Hokkaido Island before about 600 years ago, and the progress of the people from there.


