


2023-04-05 06:35:11 | 日記



English version⬇

Explore the Norman Foster-designed "Kamakura History and Culture Exchange Center"-1
Located on a hill overlooking the sea in Kamakura, a few hundred meters from Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine. The building was designed by a British architect with a knighthood, who changed the use of a high-class residence of a certain personage. The building was designed by a British architect with a title of nobility.

The residential building designed by Norman Foster, a leading British architect who designed the new Apple building and is also a knighted aristocrat and large business owner, is located in Kamakura and has been converted to a museum-like facility with different uses. I had hoped to have a chance to visit the building once before, and recently I was finally able to explore it. It is this building, the Kamakura History and Culture Exchange Center.
 I understand that a wealthy family commissioned him to design it as a private residence, and afterwards, due to various circumstances, Kamakura City has been using it for this purpose. Yesterday, I visited the replica exhibition of the armor of "Shigetada Hatakeyama," and as a history buff, it was a great opportunity for me to kill two birds with one stone.
 As I mentioned yesterday, I was fascinated by the human drama of the founding period of the Kamakura Shogunate that was popular on NHK's historical TV program last year, so I thought this would be a good opportunity to visit the Kamakura History and Culture Exchange Center, where there was also a related event. This was my chance for revenge.
 As such, I would like to introduce a new series of reports on the history of architecture and Kamakura, following the recent reports by Tadao Ando, Yasutsugu Horibe, and Kengo Kuma.
 Architecture is a strong aspect of dialogue with the surrounding environment, and I think there must be a certain tension for a foreigner to get involved in another country's cultural realm. In this sense, the relationship between the client and Mr. Norman Foster must be taken into consideration. Even though it is a very high-class residence, it is a private residence, and since it has since been given away, it is not accessible to strangers due to privacy concerns. I will only mention that he is a representative cultural figure in Japan.
 The site, including the prime location in Kamakura and the back garden land, is 4,500 tsubo. The total floor area of the main building is 1137.77 m2 (340 tsubo) and the annex building is 267.56 m2 (81 tsubo).

There is a sense that Kamakura is a special place even within the Kanto region. Historically, the area was the base for the Minamoto clan to put down roots in the Kanto region, and the terrain is like a fortress, surrounded by mountains on three sides except for the beach on the southern side. However, because of this, the land is ultimately small. Since the Meiji era (1868-1912), the area has become a high-class residential area, partly because Japanese cultural figures competed for the land and enhanced their brand image.
 Owning a house in Kamakura has been regarded as the ultimate dream of the Japanese since the Meiji period. The building is located a few hundred meters from Tsurugaoka Hachimangu Shrine and close to City Hall, so I visited by car and used the City Hall parking lot. (The building is located on a hill that rises gradually toward the mountains in the background, offering an excellent view of the sea.
 The location of the house makes it a truly high-class residential environment. As a Hokkaido native, the historical background of the area is beyond my comprehension (laughs). I am very interested in it.

