


2023-04-04 06:50:25 | 日記



English version⬇

Rationality and Fashion on the Battlefield - The Spirit of the Kamakura Samurai
The Seika of Monozukuri Japan. Desperate ingenuity is put into it. How modern AI development will progress will be tested. ・・・・.

I have been immersed in Kengo Kuma's architecture in Yusuhara, Shikoku, but I have reached the end of my immersion. However, it seems that Kengo Kuma's designs are at the forefront of the trend toward wood construction in public buildings throughout Japan. I am sure that many of the resulting works will be presented in the future. Since the movement is taking place in the immediate area of residential architecture, we will have to keep an eye on it.
 Since my blog theme has been focused on digging deeper into my explorations in Shikoku, I need to take a short break. So today's topic is history, going back in time to the Kamakura period. This year's NHK Taiga is about Ieyasu, but I personally find the storyline a bit too ridiculous for my expectations, and I am a bit tired of it (laugh). In comparison, last year's drama about the early days of the Kamakura period was quite interesting and immersive.
 In contrast to the conventional historical understanding that focuses on figures such as Yoshitsune, Benkei, or Yoritomo, it was refreshing to see the focus on the endless internal conflicts of the Kamakura (1185-1333) warrior clans. That is why they explored Kamakura, Izu, etc. The photo is a reconstruction of the armor of Shigetada Hatakeyama, whose individuality was outstanding even among the warrior clans of the time.
 In the drama, he was portrayed as a victim of the internal strife of the samurai clan, who lived proudly as a beautifully scattered Kamakura samurai. This is his favorite piece of armor, the "Great Armor with Red Thread Vestige". It is on display at the "Kamakura History and Culture Museum" in Kamakura City.
 The attached description is as follows
 〜This armor was made by Ishii Gakudo (Saotome Yoshitaka) based on a large suit of armor owned by Hatakeyama Shigetada (owned by Musashi Ontake Shrine). The finest materials and traditional techniques are lavishly used in this work. It is a powerful work that reminds us of the courage of the Kamakura warriors. 〜From
 Mr. Ishii Gakudo (Saotome Yoshitaka) is a modern craftsman and "the leading inheritor of Kamakura period armor in the modern age.
 Armor is a fighting tool on the battlefield, so the first priority would be defense as functionality. Since it was made in the Kamakura period, we pursue defense against swords, bows, and arrows. On top of that, ease of use was required to facilitate body movements.
 The beginning of the samurai era means that economic development was booming in response to such needs, and there must have been a lot of competition among the winners and losers of such competition. The Kamakura period can be seen as a time of "monozukuri" (manufacturing) in Japan. I also wanted to analyze it from a business perspective to see what kind of ingenuity and ingenuity was incorporated into it.

Now, beyond the social stagnation caused by infectious diseases, I believe that the world is beginning to move in a big way. In terms of national developments, the budget for this fiscal year will be executed almost as originally proposed by the government in the budget debate in the Diet. I think we are beginning to see a relatively stable situation in politics. On the economic front, the development of AI has been trying to create various changes. In the modern world, this trend will still determine the future.

